Some say the world will end in Fire; Some say in Ice,
From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor Fire.
But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate,
To say that for destruction, Ice is also great!
End of the World - How does the term sound?
For me it conjures up something abstract.. an inconclusive conclusion fashioned from the catastrophe-centric best-sellers churned out of Hollywood and the Doomsday predictions of a few ancient mythologies.
God decides to End our Days
Assuming that it happens within our lifetimes, how would the world end indeed? A lot of people believe, it would happen because of a Nuclear War - a very plausible scenario a decade ago but currently the chances of that seem a little less. It may still come to pass as we have varying degrees of religious fanatics running around the globe with secret stashes of atomic-missiles obtained through illegitimate means.
A Nuclear Cloud obliterating Life
Others believe, the world would end because of a Meteor crash - this again is a possibility as there are loads of meteors hurtling past Earth everyday in their journey around the Sun. From time to time, one or the other of these meteors keeps scaring the scientists with its proximity to Earth. It has happened in the past (when the Dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago) so the chance of that happening again can not be ruled out!
Armageddon Arrives
Others, believe in Global Warming or Earthquakes triggering a Great Deluge that would submerge the entire landmass and drown everything in its colossal Tsunamis. This again is a decent possibility since we have been observing the melting of Antarctic Ice sheets and frequent Earthquakes in the sea-bed. The Tsunamis that hit south-east Asia few years back reminded us of how fragile our relationship with nature is!
Drowning of the Earth
All these, I must confess, are possible and extremely PROBABLE events that may happen anytime in our future. Yet, as mentioned by Robert Frost in the beginning of this post, I believe its Ice that is destined to wipe out the entire civilizational progress of Humanity and that too in a not too distant future!!
There is a reason why MY preferred Modus Operandi (if you can call it that) of Destruction is ICE and in the current post, I'll share with you descriptions from ancient scriptures to support the argument.
End of the World in Hindu Mythology
Strictly speaking, Hindu Mythology does not believe in a SINGLE event of destruction of the World, or even a SINGLE event of creation for that matter.
As discussed in the Page {Kalchakra} of this blog, Time in Hinduism, is not Linear i.e. it doesn't start and end at specific points, rather, it is Cyclical and never-ending. This eternal cycle of Life and Death; Birth and Re-birth; Formation and Dissolution is called the Kaal-chakra or the Wheel of Time.
The Cyclical Destruction of the World as we know it, occurs in events singularly known as a Pralaya that takes place at the end of a Kalpa.
As discussed in the Page {Kalchakra} of this blog, Time in Hinduism, is not Linear i.e. it doesn't start and end at specific points, rather, it is Cyclical and never-ending. This eternal cycle of Life and Death; Birth and Re-birth; Formation and Dissolution is called the Kaal-chakra or the Wheel of Time.
The Cyclical Destruction of the World as we know it, occurs in events singularly known as a Pralaya that takes place at the end of a Kalpa.
Ancient Puranas detail this concept further and describe two major types of Pralayas:
- Naimittik Pralaya at the end of the Day of Brahma (4.32 Billion Solar Years) and lastly,
- Prakritik Maha Pralaya at the end of Brahma's Lifetime (311.4 Trillion Solar Years)
Description of Pralaya
In various Puranas, the description of Pralaya is quite applicable to what is referred to as the Great Deluge in Biblical and Koranic references.
The belief in a Great Deluge is not limited to the three above mentioned religions alone.. it was widely believed by a lot of ancient mythologies as well viz:
In these as well as the Hindu legends of Manu, entire Earth was inundated by Water which swallowed up the land and gobbled up most living as well as non-living things surviving on it. In all the three traditions, ONE Man was chosen by God to continue the legacy of Human race.
In Hinduism, this man is Vaivasvat Manu and in Biblical references he is called Noah. We have learnt more about him already in a previous post {Manu - The First Man}.
In Hinduism, this man is Vaivasvat Manu and in Biblical references he is called Noah. We have learnt more about him already in a previous post {Manu - The First Man}.
- In Sumer and Babylonia Atrahasis, Ziusudra, Xisuthrus and Utnapishtim are the different heroes credited with the same feat as Manu. Each of these is credited hoarding with cattle, wild animals and birds on the boat to constitute “the seed of all living creatures” in the next Eon.
- According to Tibetan legends, Tibet was almost totally inundated, until the god Gya drew off the waters through Bengal, and sent teachers to civilize the people, who repopulated the land.
- In the Ifugaos of Philippines and the Kammu of Thailand, a brother and sister were the only survivors after the flood and they were responsible for populating the Earth with different races.
- For the Batak of Sumatra, the giant snake on whose head Earth rests, Naga-Padoha (Hindu Shesh-Naag?), grew tired of its burden and shook it off into the sea. But the god Batara-Guru caused a mountain to fall into the water to preserve his daughter and the human race is descended from her.
- In Egyptian mythology, Set sent forth the deluge to destroy the evil Sebau, the Sami, the Apap-dragon ( Hindu Vrtra) and the long-armed ones. There is another story, about Horus steering his ark across the cosmic ocean as six poles are capsized leaving only the seventh one as dry land, upon which he rested.
Egyptian god Horus in his ship
- In the Greek myths, Zeus sends a flood to destroy all of humanity but Prometheus warns his son, Deucalion, about the coming deluge, and advises him to build an ark.
- In Norse mythology, the flood occurred at the dawn of time before the world was formed. Ymir, the first giant, was killed by the god Odin and his brothers and his blood drowned almost the entire race of giants with the exception of the frost giant Bergelmir and his wife. They escaped in a ship and survived, becoming the progenitors of a new race of giants.
The Frost giant Bergelmir
- According to the Quechua Native Americans, a llama tells his human owner about an impending flood and saves him; for the Mayans, the gods used a flood to destroy the wooden people, an early imperfect version of humanity.
- Similar beliefs are echoed by the Shaur of Andes, the Caddo of Texas, and the Hopi.
- The Michoacan of Mexico have the same story as Manu and the hero here is a guy called Tezpi. The Tarahumara and the Toltecs of Mexico also have their own versions of the flood myth.
- The Nahua of central Mexico talk about a man known as Nata (“Our Father”) and his consort Nene who were protected by their God at the time of flood while the Mixtec of northern Oaxaca, Mexico believed that the earth was once well populated, when mankind committed a magical fault for which they were punished by a great deluge.
A Native American survivor of the flood
- In New Guinea legends, Lohero and his brother were angry with their neighbors, so they put a human bone into a small stream. Soon a great flood came forth, and the people had to retreat to the highest peaks until the sea receded.
- In Africa, the Kwaya residing around Lake Victoria believed that the ocean was once enclosed in a small pot kept by a man and his wife which was by mistake shattered by their daughter-in-law, and the resulting flood drowned everything.
- The Yoruba of southwest Nigeria talk about an adro-gynous god Olokun who in a fit of rage, destroyed nearly everybody in a great flood.
Olkun, the Orisha who flooded Earth
- For the Vogul after seven years of drought, the Great Man counseled the other giants to make boats from cut poplars, anchor them with ropes of willow roots 500 fathoms long, and provide them with seven days of food and with pots of melted butter to grease the ropes. Those who did not make all the preparations perished when the waters came.
- In North-central Siberia, Yenisey-Ostyak believe that during the seven day flood some people and animals were saved by climbing on floating logs and rafters. A strong north wind blew for seven days and scattered the people, which is why there are now different peoples speaking different languages.
- According to Tuvinian tails of Mongolia, the giant frog (or turtle) which supported the earth moved, which caused the cosmic ocean to begin flooding the earth. An old man who had guessed something like this would happen built an iron-reinforced raft, boarded it with his family, and was saved.
There are hundreds more from around the world, from various tribes and cultures, and so this is just a handful. What could have caused these Geographically separate civilizations to form such a common belief?
The answer according to me, rests in Ice, or more specifically, the Ice-Age. It is MORE than likely that all the above myths refer to the same phenomenon, one which we scientifically KNOW to have taken place - that of the Ice Age.
There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth's past. The earliest well established ice age, called the Huronian, formed around 2.4 to 2.1 Billion years ago and the latest one started about 2.58 million years ago when the spread of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere began!
Since then, the world has seen cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000 and 100,000 year time scales called Glacial periods, and Glacial retreats called the Interglacials. We are currently in an interglacial, and the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago.
We saw in the post {Heaven at the North Pole} that the Arctic region had a temperate climate, quite conducive to the growth of plant and animal life before the Ice-Age set in. In the same post, I also mentioned the possibility that at least some of the Vedic seers and magi had lived in the Arctic area in close proximity to their Gods who dwell on Mount Meru.
But everything changed 20,000 years ago when extensive ice sheets covered large swaths of Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Consequently, whatever civilizations were existing before, were forced to migrate to warmer places or perish.
North Pole during the last Ice Age
But that was not all, the real trouble would have begun when ALL this Ice began to MELT!
During Ice-Age, water was taken from the oceans to form the ice, thus Global Sea-levels must have dropped, forming bridges between land-masses for animals to migrate. However, during Deglaciation, or Meltdown, the ice-water returned to the oceans, causing the SEA-LEVEL to rise by as much as 110-120 meters!!
Pre-glacial US coastline

In fact, Tamil Sangams talk about a sunken land extending right from Kanyakumari to Madagascar in the West and Australia in the East that got sunk in the deluge!
And what can be the result of such a meltdown?? Of course we get what is theologically labeled as The Great Deluge!! Throughout our history, the busiest cities have been located either on the banks of mighty rivers or near busy coastlines. All the melted ice lead to a RISE in sea-levels, inundating huge chunks of land and ALTERING the shape of the planetary landmass.
Consequently, there would have been wide-spread displacement of people and populations leading to probably the BIGGEST catastrophe in the History of Human civilization. No wonder then, that mythologies from such different parts of the World narrate the same story.
The existing hubs of civilization were inundated and the tracts of land connecting different continents too got submerged altering the course of our history. A case in point is the Bering Bridge which was the landmass connecting Russia to America. This small tract of land performed a vital function as numerous species
of animals, as well as the ancient humans migrated to and populated
the American continent through the same bridge!
The Bering Strait replaced the bridge of land connecting Russia to America
The Migration route of Homo sapiens into America
If the inundation of such a tiny piece of land could have such immense effect, imagine the condition when major civilizational hubs on the planet would have undergone submersion under the super-massive TSUNAMIS. As such a catastrophe would lead to major uprooting of people and populations all over the world, it can very well explain the presence of the SAME LEGEND in widely differing Geographical locations!
Water reclaiming Land during the recent Tsunami
The flood waters would wipe clear all evidence of civilization from the face of Earth leaving only a few stranded pockets at the highest altitudes of the Planet! One such place is Manali high in the Northern Himalayas where the Ark of Vaivasvat Manu is believed to have docked.
There are other explanations given by the scientific community for the Great floods, ranging from Meteor crashes to Volcanic eruptions.. However, it is the CYCLICAL nature of the Ice Ages along with their capacity to generate GLOBAL FLOODS that prompts me to co-relate them with the Pralaya myths from Hindu Mythology!
And as far as cyclicity goes, already, many scientists predict a coming of the next Ice Age as we may have reached the end of the current period of Interglacial interval. The predictions have created a lot of debate and not surprisingly, there have been major movies based on the same theme.
2012 Predictions in Hindu Mythology?
By ancient Hindu calculations,
there are still close to 4 lakh 30 thousand years left in this
Kaliyuga!! How does the Mayan prophecy of the 'End of Days' fit in with this
long timeline?
By Aryabhatta's calculations, Kaliyuga began between 18th to 20th February 3102 BCE which would mean we have utilized about 5270 lunar years or 5113 Solar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 20 Dec 2012.
Interestingly, the Mayan calendar started close to this date in 3114 BCE. The only other connection I could find with this time period in Hindu mythology is an excerpt from the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan where Shri Krishna tells Goddess Ganga that she would be the source of cleaning mankind' sins in the first 5000 years of Kaliyug -
By Aryabhatta's calculations, Kaliyuga began between 18th to 20th February 3102 BCE which would mean we have utilized about 5270 lunar years or 5113 Solar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 20 Dec 2012.
Interestingly, the Mayan calendar started close to this date in 3114 BCE. The only other connection I could find with this time period in Hindu mythology is an excerpt from the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan where Shri Krishna tells Goddess Ganga that she would be the source of cleaning mankind' sins in the first 5000 years of Kaliyug -
Shri-bhagvaan uvaach -
Kaleh pancasahasrani varshani tishtha bhutale,
Paapani paapino yani tubhyam dashyanti snanatah!
After that, it would be only the name of Hari and the association of His devotees that can purify impure souls and take them back to Godhead. In verse 59, the Lord also says,
Kaler dash-sahasraani
madbhaktaah samti bhu-tale
ekavarna bhavishyamti
madbhakteshu gateshu ca
10,000 years of Kali,
such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet.
After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna."
This would imply that the Kaliyug will last at least 5000 years more! Interestingly, many scholars also claim that the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 could reflect the Mayan's inability to calculate the calendar any further instead of a literal END of days. It could also mean that the Mayans probably got bored of this astronomy and were not interested in calculating calendars further ahead :o)
This would mean that 2012 does not mark the End-of-Time but the End-of-an-Age thereby signifying a phase of transition and nothing more or less than that.
The conversation from the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan mentioned above could indicate that river Ganges will cease to be the Purifying Agent it currently is, which BTW, is very believable since we have been dumping collective wastes amounting to tons into it every single day and there's only so much the river's Bacteriophages can take care of!
The Ganga may lose its sanctity because of our actions
BUT it could ALSO mean something more sinister! As our violent earthquake-prone history has proved, Ganges might go through some major tectonic change and disappear like Saraswati {Check the post - Finding River Saraswati for more details}. If that happens it would be catastrophic for millions of people living on the banks of the river!
Irrespective of whether that happens or not, we should realize the RELATIVITY of this concept. What does the 'End of the World' mean to a person killed in a terrorist attack? What does it mean for a mother who has lost her firstborn? What does it mean for a child kidnapped or sold into slavery and prostitution? When does the World end for a black-buck in the jaws of a leopard or a rat in the coils of a serpent?
Every grain of Time brings with it either Creation or Destruction. The eminent Austrian Physicist Fritjof Capra, in his monumental work {Tao of Physics}, calls it the Dance of Shiva. As each atom is created, another is destroyed and this continues forever in a cyclical manner.
Tandav - the Cosmic Dance of Shiva
Everything we amass in this life will all be taken away one day by the hands of Time. The same thought must have inspired Oppenheimer, Father of the Atomic Bomb to quote Lord Krishna, from the Bhagvad Gita - Time, I am, the Destroyer of All.
The sooner we realize the transient nature of all existence and start on the Path of Spirituality, the easier it would become to deal with that 'Final Moment' in the End. I conclude this post with the same sentiment expressed in the words of a 6th Century Sanskrit Poet Bhartrhari:
The sooner we realize the transient nature of all existence and start on the Path of Spirituality, the easier it would become to deal with that 'Final Moment' in the End. I conclude this post with the same sentiment expressed in the words of a 6th Century Sanskrit Poet Bhartrhari:
A Hundred Years complete our span,
And Half of that is passed in Night,
Childhood and Old-age devour the Half,
Of what belongs to Light.
The rest is torn with parting pangs,
Of ceaseless toil the Slave,
What profit is our Human Life,
Unstable as a Wave.
Our Bloom of Youth decays,
Our Joys are brief as lightning flash,
And in Summer's cloudy days,
Our riches fly away and crash.
Faith in the One Supreme,
Alone will bear us over the Chasm,
Of Existence's Stormy Stream,
And Maya's elaborate Phantasm.
Unstable as a Wave.
Our Bloom of Youth decays,
Our Joys are brief as lightning flash,
And in Summer's cloudy days,
Our riches fly away and crash.
Faith in the One Supreme,
Alone will bear us over the Chasm,
Of Existence's Stormy Stream,
And Maya's elaborate Phantasm.
Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:
Wonderful job :-)
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot @Paritosh :)
DeleteFantastic job sir
DeleteThanx Siddharth Kamble :)
DeleteHello Mr. Vineet K. Aggarwal. I am a writer and have written many short stories and documentary films. I have also written few poems. Now I am moving on and trying writing a novel which revolves around Lord Shiva. I have never seen any website which has as many knowledge as this page, but still this page has failed to supply me with all the required information. I will be highly obliged if you can help me on this topic.
DeleteMunjakesh Sarkar
I havent yet written much about Lord Shiva :) what information are you looking for specifically?
DeleteIts prace at the end ....
DeleteMaterialistic to nonmaterialisyic....
Om Shanti shanti....
A real Hinduism....
:) Let there be Peace
DeleteWhich out of the two (from the phrase that you cheated from my status :P ) you think is gonna be the end of the world, Fire or Ice...??
ReplyDeleteLolzzzz @Rachita if u wud hv read the post u wud hv known :P
Delete@ loss of words!
ReplyDeleteHey bro! gud to c u here :)
DeleteThanx a lot for the unsaid words :D
hi, an intellectual attempt i must say,
Deletewell would love to read more of ur blog.
well, where is it that you get to read so much??lol..
really it was very thoughtful of u to share...
if time permits do surf for my blog n feel free to comment its:
what i really liked about ur blog was that, unlike many others who type in some bedtime stories u have tried to restore facts of hinduism being realistic spiritually is nice...
well loved it!! more...!
Thanx a lot Aavaahana! well whenever m free all i do is research abt the topics that interest me :) i read ur posts too.. they r quite enlightening, thanx for sharing..
DeleteHARE KRISHNA!. . Pranam guruji!it was mind blowing!my faith on our scriptures increasing a lot after reading ur articles,probably its Krishnas arrangements4me,i dnt take much efforts2read our history,but YOU r their2give enlighten us n give all knowledge in one article,thanks vineet!
ReplyDeleteThanx a ton Satya but plz dont call me guruji!!!! I myself m learning just like u!!!
DeletePralaya is the concept to destruction before bierth of a new civilization....just a person takes birth and then dies and again takes rebirth...similarly a civilization starts and ends and then a new civilization comes....
ReplyDeleteAccording to Indian philosophy, everything is made of 5 elements - sky, air, fire, water, earth....these five-elements are inter-conflictory in their nature...
when pralay comes the water dissolves the earth, fire dries out the water, air blows out the fire, and the sky sucks the air....this the process of distruction....
The process of creation is just the opposite.......
Very true Mony but the purpose of this post is to try to understand how it would happen :)
DeleteSO according to this post, Ganga is no longer Sin cleaner.
DeleteAlso I was curious to know that all the Vishnu Avatar was in India, what happened to the rest of the world?
OF course not.. the Kurma avatar took place in Indra's heaven, Narsimha avatar took place in Hiranyakshipu's palace on a different Loka while Varah avatar was completely outside in the external realm wherein Lord Varah lifted the Earth from the Garbhodak Ocean and put it back into its orbit :) the other incarnations did happen in the Indian sub-continent but then scriptures do mention this piece of land to be the most auspicious and probabaly that's the reason the most auspicious of Lord's incarnations took place here..
DeleteThere was indeed a PRALAYA some 10,000 years ago when Ice Age came to an end and melting polar ice caps meant that earth was racked by a series of floods and rising sea levels...............Thanks to Global Warming, we will soon see the repeat of what happened 10000 yrs back
ReplyDeleteVarun gud to know u share the belief :)
Deletebeautiful post...liked all your researches and all the stories from different culture and yes, they could have a common origin..
DeletePralaya yes...time and nature are much powerful for us human to overpower....belief in One supreme is the keeping of faith and hope for the Human being.
Thanx for d appreciation mk :)
Deletehiii brother ,tell me onething world will end in 2012
Deletepls reply me
No it wont brother.. rest easy :)
DeleteMr Vineet,
ReplyDeletejust read your some of the posts including current one. Amazed 2 see your knowledge abt all other religions as well. eagerly waiting 4 yr next post.
All the best n good job
Thanx a lot Mr Chourasia.. its my pleasure to share whatever little knowledge I have with others who're interested in knowing abt these topics :)
Deletethanks to you,for giving so many details about hindu religion,i am very proud to b a hindu and also hindu is a great great religion,i want people to know about this oldest and first religion of the world.thanks again to you!
ReplyDeletePrakash Unoruth true.. our generation has no clue how scientific our religion is.. this is my effort to spread d word.. thanx for ur appreciation :)
Deletehope to have many people like you all around the world to spread the reality and greatness of hindu religion,you are doing a great job my friend.
DeleteThanx again buddy :)
DeleteDude, your posts are amazing and all that, but I am waiting impatiently for your next post. Can you make it just a teeny bit faster? Not to be rude but the last post was almost a month back, so...
ReplyDeleteHahaha Surya i myself m impatient to finish the next post but its taking time coz of the immense research involved and the scarce time I have right now.. be a lil more patient hopefully wil be done with it soon :)
DeleteAccording to Srimad Bhagavatam, Kali Yuga will end in 427,000 years, when at that time, mother earth will supply less and less resources... due to our using them against our common good and benefit... Then, after grains and vegetables will be depleted, people will eat all animals, following they will eat themselves. Those that are innocent at heart, and the devotees of Shri Krishna, will be at great danger and will live underground... Their flesh will be softer, therefore they will be the most requested. But before the last cannibal stands, Kalki, the last Avatara, or God incarnation, is said to descend, rescuing the devotees and innocent from the general insane population. There will be no alternative but to kill them all, as they will hold to their bodies by any means, above all morality. Bhagavad Gita states the remedy for this, "Now, Arjuna, that you have come to this miserable, pathetic material universe, come back quickly to my abode"... That is the only sane solution that appears, according to the beliefs of the Vedic literature... It clearly states "no exit", or more precisely, "no other exit".
ReplyDeleteHari Bol :)
Deletehai vineet bai
ReplyDeleteapka blog bagoth acha hai.
i am from traditional brahmin family and i belive in god a lot,
when people around me says that world will destroy on 2012 i used to convience them that god who has created us will not destroy us.but i used to have small dought in my heart whether the world will destroy.but after reading ur blog i came more touch with god and developed confidence within me that the world wont destroy in 2012
Gud to know I could be of some help adithya :)
DeleteHari bol. . . very nice vineet. conclusion was perfect, end of our life is pralaya 4 us,every day is pralaya 4 someone, so what u advised is perfect guruji. . H are Krishna!
ReplyDeleteThanx @Satya but plz dont call me Guruji!!! i myelf m a novice on this path.. Hari Bol :)
DeleteVidya Dadati Vinayam. True knowledge makes people humble. You are superb one.
DeleteDear Vineet
ReplyDeleteVery nice article. Well researched and connected. I am extremely happy to read good about Hindu religion. Thanks for the article. Waiting to read more.
Thanx a lot Sudi :)
Deletethere are more articles on the blog which you can access from the right side panel under LABELS.. thnx again
great,it's absolutely great job. amazing. specially kaal chakra is good one
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot man :)
Deletemarvilhoso... liked it..
ReplyDeleteThanx for d kind words Yuvraj..
DeleteGreat article sir. Thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure's all mine :)
DeleteReally awesum work..
ReplyDeleteIt's really a very enlighting article fr me
Thanx a lot zishanali for visiting and commenting..
Deletevery nice...the end of Ganga fits...its horrifying if that would really happen...
ReplyDelete@Meena Indeed... I guess we don't have to wait a lot to find out anyways :)
DeleteThanx mate :)
ReplyDeleteVineet ,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog while i was searching something about lokas recently.and soon after that i read all of your blog in one week
your all the blogs are amazing.each blog i read ,i get more eager to read next one.I read/listened Ramayana,Mahabharata,Shiv Puran,BhagvatGita and others....But some of the things I always has questions about that no one knows around me who ever i asked.But after reading your blog things are getting much clear to amazing job again.
Thank you very much(for that thank you not enough but i didn't think of any other word right now) for creating amazing blog about Hinduism . because in kaliyuga only spreading spiritual knowledge is holiest thing.And in today's fast life everyone is really busy with work and family they have no time to read Parana's books so blog is perfect way to spread the knowledge.
Valmiki wrote "Ramayana" ,but later Tulsidas wrote "Ramcharitmanas"
Hindi version of Ramayana as people has difficulty understanding of Sanskrit version.important is to spread spiritual knowledge.And i feel like you are modern version of Tulsidas.
Thanks again and i am in love with your all the blogs
I m really really obliged to you for writing such kind words @Kinjal though I am nowhere near the level of even the holy feet of the great rishis..
DeleteWhen I started luking for information on our mythology and beliefs there was hardly anything available and as I kept on reading more and more, hunting for authentic versions, understanding the differences, finding similarities, the desire to share it with the world took hold of me and that's when I started the blog... if I am able to get people from today's generation interested in the blog that's a success for me so thanx a ton again for visiting and commenting :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing amazing work!!i'm more interested in these topics as i strongly belive in Hindu Mythology and Srimad Bagavadam.
Let Lord Ram pour his blessings to you to cherish you more in this.
Thank you so much for your kind words :) May the Lord bless us all!
DeletePlease permit us all to share your link, post your writing (obviously quoting your link) everywhere in this virtual world.
DeleteYou may do so freely Das.. that's the reason I came out with a blog instead of a book to ensure the greatness of our heritage can reach maximum people :)
Deletefirst of ol i would like to say that its the most fantastic blog i have ever visited
ReplyDeletewhat i think about the end day is PRALAY assumption made according to bhrma's life-span may indicate the pralay of whole universe of multiverse bcoz its not only earth which have life on it...this is not about how all at once rather its about why not a single planet can doomed...pralay will be for whole whole multiverse but may be earth will doomed they say there had been oxygene rich environment on mars billions of yrs ago...and we have also heard about mars as god of war so it may possible that there were ppl a long ago who were doomed for unknown reasons...then why it couldn't be us any day.... :D
and about dec 2012 stuff i would like to tell u guys sumthin....YES THIS WORLD WAS ABOUT TO END ON 21ST DEC....but there is a place in himalayas...a hidden one...where sages used there TAPASYA-BAL to pass this event....its been postponed....this thing is told by my guruji
Thanks Kamal for your inputs..
Deletenice article. Please keep on going.
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I shall try!
DeleteIf you talk to the aboriginals of Australia, they call India the motherland! I believe the abos. migrated from tamilnad to australia when the land masses were one. look at their art and way of life and you realise the similarities between them and the tribals in south india.
ReplyDeletenow on to the question about kali yuga... yes i have read about kali yuga spanning over 470k years. does this mean that we shall continue to face deteriorating moral values? imagine the mess we already are in with declining mores of the political class, bureaucracy and the public in general; imagine how much worse it would get! so what's the prognosis? more misery in india?
Well the prognosis certainly isn't rosy.. not on ly will it be misery in India but the entire world would turn more materialistic and decadent..
DeleteBTW thanx for the input about the Australian aborigines :)
Deleteone and the last person who believe in his God, He will really appreciate your work. you are modern Valmiki, Ved vyas really coz they also believer and you are also a true believer. One thing is sure now you yourself think you have send here for a mission and really this mission is working coz whoever read your blog will become a true believer, he will have a strong faith in Hinduism
ReplyDelete(which is your mission). great work and research.
Vineet I want you to research on our 7 Immortals where they live as you know that lord Parshuram lives on mahendragiri in chiplun maharastra in every night he comes and sleep in temple, nobody have permission to stay there so these 7 immortals please research on these where they live now,
may your work will recognizable and comes as a syllabus in collage.
Satya hi Shiv hai or Shiv hi Sunder.
Woah thts a huge compliment!! I'm humbled and out of words.. While I thank you for your kind words I surely do not deserve them!! The great masters were infinite in their wisdom and I am just taking baby steps right now..
DeleteWill definitely do a post on Chiranjivis but dunno when it would happen as of now.. Thanx again and Aum Namah Shivaye!
Compile these and make a book... it will be surely a bestseller
DeleteThanx buddy.. will do it sometime :)
DeleteVery insightful. Please continue blogging with such cogent and well researched topics.
ReplyDelete- Srinivasan
Thanx a lot Srinivasan :)
DeleteGood review !
ReplyDeleteNamaste :D
Thanx Lavinya :)
DeleteI found this interesting!!! I do believe that the ice age really did happen and of course not all over the world. I also think that an ice age is plausible in the future but there it one thing I cant deny: I don't believe and ice age will be the end of the world. I say fire is the end because in the Bible it states that God will destroy the earth. I don't care how he destroys it. I really don't because I won't be on it when He does. so I really hope that you may get saved someday but I never will know but if your wondering about Christian(Baptist) belief on the end of the word just look up the very last book Revelation and read it.
ReplyDeleteWell we on Earth will just have to wait and watch I guess :)
DeleteHello Vineet
ReplyDeleteAt one part you write as 4 lakh 30 thousand years left in this Kaliyuga!! and in another part you write as 5000 more year to go to end Kaliyuga. I think there is discrepancy in what you are writing.
Hi Sunil, what I have mentioned is that even if people dont believe in the long calculations of 4.3 lakhs there would STILL be at least 5000 years more left according to the verse in Brahma Vaivarta Puran hence the 2012 end prophecy could not happen.
Deleteand this is what i was looking for! :D
Deletebtw, thanks a bunch, vineet for sharing this with us :) u r awesome!
Haha my pleasure completely :)
DeleteHaha my pleasure completely :)
ReplyDeleteUr blog is eating my time.. I just tried to read something about Dwarka for a pause between my work and ended up in ur blog. After that..Im jumping from one post to another. Already half a day work is gone. :-).
However, it is interesting. I used to relate our culture and myths to the present scientific scenario (though not as deep u go) and teach my kids. Sure I found an interesting blog today. Thanks and keep writing.
Well Saranya i take your comment as a huge compliment :)
DeleteIf i can distract you from important work then the purpose of the blog is well served indeed at least as regards the interest levels it can generate.. that said I am grateful for you to have visited and taken out the time to pen down your thoughts.. Thanks a lot :)
God is one who created the Universe and at the end he will destroy the Universe. Why does he do this?
ReplyDeleteWell its a cycle.. everything that is created has to be destroyed to make way for the new.. we are all made of the stuff that was there before but has been shaped into a new forms.. if the old doesn't go, thee can not be anything new in the world similarly the old worlds when they reach their end through wear and tear need to be destroyed to build new ones once again :)
DeleteThat is simply because it is HIS property entirely and thus it is HIS wish, buddy ;-)
DeleteWhen your own house (+ furnitures) gets too old or useless, then don't you (or your parents) rebuilt/replace it??? OR look for a new one?
What do you say?
We are souls that are bound to Shadripu, 6 basic emotions or enemies of the soul and we cannot and don't know how to act without those emotions. When a soul is free from these 6 advesaries, then it is said to attain moksha or liberation or free from the cycle of birth and death. The experience of moksha can only be experienced and cannot be really described, so they say. The soul will become a free entity that knows everything about the working of universe and can even parttake in the cycle of birth and death without getting entagled in the ropes of karma again.
DeleteYour blog is very interesting with so many info's. Thank you very much for your reply.Does that mean God got bored with old forms and stopped loving us?? So he recreates us with different forms by destroying us?? And what happens to a soul that gets moksha. Does this soul come out of these birth and death cycles? Then where do they go??
ReplyDeleteNo problem.. God doesnt get bored of our forms it's just a law of physics that everything tends to disintegrate sooner or later. A soul however is indestructible and it gets clothed in different forms just like we change different clothes.. when a soul attains Moksha it goes back to its Original Home where God resides.. you can read the article titled 'A for Astronomy' in this blog to understand this better :)
DeleteReally nice....your thoughts,ideas,concepts,presentation so clear....thanks a lot for enlighting us with ur religious guidance....keep going....always with u...!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot Raj :)
DeleteHi every thing is nicely explained with their thought of you,
ReplyDeleteworld will end, but not now
as you said 2000, 2012 or 2032, It has more year as of god Vishnu told that in when sympthy, good thing, bad culture, bad habbits, no curtius with men and women, fighting with each other, we will get a time that we wold get a food because of investment and science every one is destroying forest and agriculture land, on that time defanately world will end by loard Vishnu.
Thanks for your thoughts Saravanan
Deleteo god tussi great ho. waiting for another such informative article. thanx....pravin
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot Pravin :)
ReplyDeletewhat do u say about the heaven and the hell mentioned in the vedas, bible(injil), torah, and the holy quran ???
Hey buddy.. u wud have to go thru the post titled Lokas for a proper answer :)
DeleteSalute to you, first my launch became cold, then cancelled partying with friend, now loosing interest on dinner because of your blog, gurujee thanks
ReplyDeleteHahaha well I hope u got to eat and did go out partying later :)
DeleteThanx a ton for the appreciation!
hello vineet, nice article, but would like to inform you that as per my research i have studied two resources for apocalypse. As per hindu scripture kalki puran, earth would be made evil-free by lord kalki and the last suryavanshi and somvanshi kings after killing kok-vikok and kali about 4 lakh years from now and lord Kalki shall rule earth for 1000 years from then in satyuga. Also as per reference from bible, bible states "after about 1000 years have passed evil will be unleashed from heaven upto earth. Their generals would be demons gog and magog and shall be slayed by Lord Christ and his followers saints. And Lord Christ shall reside on earth for 1000 years from then".
ReplyDeleteAlso the first 1000 years mentioned in bible, i think refers to divine or god years. Where 1 divine years = 360 earth years. So, 1000 divine years is equilvalent to 3,60,000 earth years.
Thanx for ur inputs! I kinda don't believe in the whole divine years calculation as there is no proof as yet scientifically to support that.. I hope in the future we can find something to corroborate that belief though :)
DeleteTime dilation. They are saying the time where the satelite revolves around flows at a very slightly differently rate than on earth so that they have to adjust the time on satellite accordingly and have to spent a lot of dollars on it. They say the margin of difference will become greater between other suns.
DeleteGreat site. Enjoyed reading all entries. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanx a ton :)
DeleteGreat Job Bro...... keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot :)
DeleteThere is another side of the coin which the westerners believe to be inevitable and that too in this very generation!!! Thought of sharing with all as it is something of grave fear & danger :-(
ReplyDeleteSharing simply because this excellent article is related to Pralaya (or destruction of all construction OR restructuring of our planet) ;-)
There are half-a-dozen other valid links, but didn't wanted to clutter by giving them too :-)
Another interesting one ;-)
DeleteNASA WISE Telescope Discovers Planet X, Nibiru / Nemesis / Hercolubus - Approaching Brown Dwarf Star and Planetary System?
ReplyDeleteits really an exclusive bit of information ....
thnx a lot
My pleasure!
DeleteHI Vineet, I would want to know when was your last post published? as i haven't seen any since last 2 years.. secondly i want you to provide me some insight about nibiru- Planet X
DeleteAppreciate the work you are doing...
Hi Priyanka.. well its been one and a half yrs yeah that i have written here since I was busy with my book thats coming out soon! Shall get more time once that is over.. for details check out the new post :)
DeleteWe are very keen to get your book, it will be a treasure! Please keep us informed well and how to get one.
ReplyDeleteWell you can get it on Amazon as well as Flipkart online! It shall be in the stores in India soon enough :)
Deleteitna sab kaise pada apne...very high level of devotion for all you shared...can you please tell me ancient technologies k baare me kahan se pade and if i have to apply those basics for my research work from where should i start?
ReplyDeleteThanx buddy.. Well there are many books that talk about these ancient technologies and online websites as well. You can find the original ones mentioned in various puraans and even the mahabharat. If you can get hold of the Vimanika Shastra that can help you with specific information about spaceships or the Surya siddhanta that gives the astronomical observations of that age
DeleteHorus is Garuda. Seth drives Ra's chariot. Aruna drives Surya's chariot. Horus associated with egyptian book of death. Garuda with Garuda purana, book of death. Both their parents have similar relation.
ReplyDeleteInteresting comparison.. Thanx for sharing :)
DeleteThe statues of dragon riders can be seen in Indian temples. It is called Yali. Different types of Yali are mentioned like Simma Yali (lion dragon), Magara Yali (goat dragon), Yennai Yali (elephant dragon) etc. Garuda is shown as slaying giant serpents Nagas which have the characteristics of dragons. The abode of Nagas is described as filled with precious metals and jewels at Patala. The early pictures of St. George is shown as a bird headed man slaying a dragon LOL.
ReplyDeletehats off..!!
ReplyDeletei am college student and always search something which proves hinduism is correct scientifically . and you helped me..
really you have great knowledge...
became your fan.
Thanks a lot Shriram.. am glad you liked it so much :)
DeleteThis is a really good webpage and has well organized information. I would lik eto add that In Muslims, Jews and Cristians, Prophet Noah is believed to call humankind towards good deeds and worship one God. The people who followed him were saved from the great flood that followed. There are several prophets common in these three religions. More info:
ReplyDeleteThank you Mohammad :)
DeleteGreat knowledge in your articles! !
ReplyDeleteNamaste Vineet ji,
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your articles since yesterday afternoon and 1 thing I know I can't stop reading! I am a Mauritian Hindu and my ancestors settled in the island with only the the ramayana in the hands during the colonial time. It is our Ramcharitmanas that gave us the little knowledge at that time. Thanks to technology we are able to increase our knowledge by google! I would appreciate if you could write something on dinosaurs and our granths. Modern scientists say that human have not co-existed with dinosaurs. However we do find enormous predators mentioned in our holy books like Timingila an enormous lizard capable of eating a whale and huge as a mountain! Some others are Uragas, dragons, makar I doubt that they were simple crocodiles or alligators! Scientists have not found human fossils. Also I believe that during the Satyug to the Dwapar yug bodies have been cremated. Wiki mentions the first genus Him dared sone 2.5 millions yrs. Reading some of your articles got me to assemble the pieces of a puzzle. In one article you mentioned that the first human kind was living in the Arctic region as it might have been a tropical climate there. After the Ice age everything was covered with ice. And now it is very difficult and costly to exploit that region to find human fossils. Another thing is that the tectonic plates keep moving on the earth. So surely at a time people were living perhaps also at the coastal regions of both the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate that collided. I guess the human fossils are surely under the colossal Himalayas and deep in the sea like Dwarka of Lord krishna. Many cultures in Africa and Native America show drawings of dinosaur like creatures interacting with human beings. There are also sculptures in temples in Angkor Wat Cambodia. And Lord krishna has mentioned 8400000 species in the universe! But unfortunately I have noticed that the western scientists do not want to accept all this like the research on Shiva Crater, existence of Dwarka and so on. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge Vineet ji.
Thanks so much for your kind words Uma Shankar! It is indeed a pleasure to see that all the effort taken for this blog is bearing fruit with so many like minded people coming here and learning as well as sharing their knowledge with me.. I shall try to do an article on these mythical creatures for sure.. Btw dont worry what the western scientists believe today or not since our scriptures have concepts that have stood the sands of time for eons now and shall endure in the future as well!
DeleteStory of King Kakudmi and King Muchukund clearly shows time dilation. They show it in movie Interstellar too. Both king kakudmi and Muchukund express their surprise in seeing that Manavas or so called humans of Mahabharata period have become short, dumb, lost their intelligence and divinity.
ReplyDeleteThats true yes
DeleteManava's of Satya yuga and even Treta yuga will be like gods to us. You can see them traveling to other worlds like we go to other towns. Actually Manava's or so called humans were the gods. Yajna the first indra was the son of Swayam Manu or first man. Prasuti was the mother of Aditi, Diti, Danu etc and Prasuti was a daughter of Manu, also human. Seems that we are gods who lost their divinity in Kali yuga hi hi.
ReplyDeleteQuite possible.. Human kings of old times had a lot of intermarriages with Apsaras and even Asuras..
DeleteHari Om ! I think everything in this world links to our Karma. The more bad Karma everyone does together, there are more chances of such calamities happening to this world. It is true that our vedas do state the future course of action which is going to happen to this world, however man has capabilities to change the future by his Karma.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed.. that is what I have stated in my book on Vishwamitra as well :)
DeleteWe reap what we sow.....Man himself will be the cause of destruction of the world
ReplyDeleteGood perceptions
ReplyDeleteDr sb, you seems to be quite an inquisitive person. I will encourage you to explore other religions too by reading bible and quran. Read Dr Maurice book of bible, quran and he modern science. Reality is that god is one and Islam is the true religion. Read quran wih tafseer and decide yourself and unlock he reality
ReplyDeleteThank u for ur advice my friend.. I have read both the books mentioned by you already.. Reality is that God is One and people who ACTUALLY understand that do not keep proclaiming that their religion is the true one! May all these books help people unlock this basic reality :)
DeleteHello Vineet..nice feels gud that life is still there after 2012.Natural calamities are on a high now. But more than that what worries is the increase in no.of crimes. Terrorism..I mean entire world is on high alert..will there b another world war.. i feel sad if this can lead to the end of world .But we have believed always that evil can never win over the gud..according to brahmakumaris, there is no more than 10 yrs left in this yuga ..what do u think about it..will there b an end to these evils before it harms the entire world with its negativities
ReplyDeleteDon't think about thendeath right now, Loard Krishna had sent you to this world to perform your duties, so do it ,love human being, feed needy people, do wht is your profession and chant him, let him decide.
ReplyDeleteGreat Article, I have also read similar stories from various books.
But Sir I have a question. According to scared texts
Kaliyug is started near about 3102 BCE, before this it was Dwapara yug.
Ram's Birth date was come to be near 5112 BCE, it was Treta Yuga.
Difference between these yuga is mearly 2000 Years,
which implies dwapara yug is of 2000 years only?
Can you shed light on this.
Hi Nitin.. thanks a lot! Check my article on Rama in this blog I have detailed the timeline of the Ramayan there :)
DeleteSir..another great article from you. The research is stupendous. I have my own website about how the third world war will start by a comet and an asteroid destroying one third of the land and the sea respectively. I would be grateful if you go through the same and Kalki finishing off the bad elements in the war.
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy will check it out
Deletewhy was there pralaya at end of satayuga and not in end of treta or dwapara yuga
ReplyDeleteThere was no pralaya at the end of Satyuga
DeleteFantastic research...this is the last YUGA (END of BRAHMAS LIFE TIME) as per my research too...
ReplyDeleteThanks but it just the end of a Yuga NOT the end of Brahma's life.. for better clarity please check the page titled Kalchakra on this blog :)
Deletedynamic histry
ReplyDeleteIndeed :)
DeleteI read you today Doc....I can only Imagine your hard study and sharp mindset...I loved it.....this calculative methoed has taken my intrest to read mythological books....Dr. would please suggest me some of the books on greek myths and some of on lord shiva and Lord brahma and Lord Vishnu...too I have not read the Puranas even.
ReplyDeleteThank you! You can pick up Devdutt Pattanaik's books on Shiva, Vishnu, Devi and now even on Greek myths :)
DeleteThank you for such a well thought out exhibit. I hate to call it a mere page! I wish to use one of your charts on my FB page. See my blog at Am on FB by the same name
ReplyDeleteHi Vineeth, can you pz explain what is evil personified?
ReplyDeleteI need this information for my novel?
Plz help
Hello.. there is no person like Satan in Hinduism but the closest could be Kali (not Kaali) who is the spirit of Kaliyug and is mentioned in the Mahabharat to be the cause of many troubles