Krishna, the all-attractive-one is arguably the most popular God of the sub-continent! He is Megh-varna, the color-of-clouds; Go-pal, the protector of cows; Murli-manohar, who steals hearts by the melody of his flute; and Madan-Mohan who can mesmerize Cupid himself with His beauty..
However, this post is not about Krishna, the God. Enough has been said and written in almost all languages of the world about Krishna's super-human personality. I kinda wanted to explore the historical origin of His enigmatic life and hence will try to steer clear of 'FAITH' and focus more on the 'FACTS'.
I am definitely not the first or the last person to make this effort. More than a hundred years ago, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee had written a remarkable book known as Sri Krishna Charitra, devoted to a scientific study of the life of Krishna.
Historical period of Krishna
Since it is primarily the history of the Kurus (Pandavs and Kauravs), Mahabharat contains only that part of Krishna's life that had a bearing on the fate of Kurus. However, its crown jewel is the Bhagvad Geeta which transforms Krishna from a much adored and cherished Princely diplomat to the Supreme God Himself.
This implies that the river was navigable at the time of the Mahabharat War and the Epic was written BEFORE it had dried up, which as French scientists have discovered, was at least before 3000 BCE {Read the post Finding River Saraswati for more clarity}.
Another literary work known as the Harivamsha helps to fill the gaps in the account of Krishna's life that are missing from the Mahabharat. The Vishnu-puran and Bhagvat-Puran contain still more details about the life of Krishna with the latter AGAIN declaring Him - SWAYAM BHAGWAN, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The cousins Neminath and Krishna from a Jain painting
Similar to the Jain sources, Buddhist literature also contains numerous references to historical figures from the Mahabharata including, of course, Shri Krishna.
He describes an Indian tribe called Sourasenoi, who worshiped Herakles in their land which had two cities, Methora and Kleisobora, and a navigable river, the Jobares.
Here is one DIRECT piece of information, which can retrospectively help us calculate the tentative time period of Krishna!
Most scholars have assumed the ruling span of each King in those times to be somewhere around 20-25 years based on life expectancy and frequency of coups and family-feuds. The 138 generations would then give us almost 3000 years between Hercules and Chandragupta Maurya giving the time of Krishna somewhere close to 3300 BCE.
As discussed in previous posts, there are seals which have been identified with the Yogi Shiva, Mother Goddess, the Holy Bull, (maybe) Emperor Bharat, Rishabh-dev etc.. Let's see if there exist any relics that can point to a knowledge of Krishna as well!
A steatite tablet which was unearthed from Mohanjodaro in 1931, depicts a young boy uprooting two trees from which are emerging two human figures. It has been considered an interesting archaeological finding for fixing the date of Krishna.
Dr. E.J.H. Mackay, who did the excavation at Mohanjodaro compares this image with the Yamalarjuna episode and Prof. V.S. Agrawal has also accepted this identification. In this image, the young boy depicted could very well be Krishna and two beings emerging out of the trees, the two cursed Gandharvs Nalkubera & Manigriva, who had turned into Arjuna trees due to a curse and were liberated by Krishna.
This shows that the Indus-Saraswati people probably knew about Krishna�s exploits and stories related to Krishna. This lone finding may not substantiate to the date of Krishna but at the same time it cannot be ignored especially when another indirect evidence can be found in a related find.
The Indus-Valley seals show an abundance of animal forms ranging from Unicorns to Bulls to Horses to Fish; but what is missing is the depiction of Fauna or Trees! However, interestingly, there is one particular type of tree and its leaves invariably found in all Indus sites - the Peepal leaves.
Now, in the 10th chapter of Srimad Bhagawad-Gita, Krishna says that amongst the trees he represents the Aswatha or Pipal. I believe, that the ONLY leaf to be represented on ANY Indus Seal - the Pipal leaf, could be the representation of Krishna in His Non-anthropomorphic form!
In the legend of Rishi Markandeya, there is even a mention of Krishna appearing in front of the rishi as a baby lying on a peepal leaf floating in the cosmic waters of dissolution of the World.
It would of course need a complete deciphering of the heiroglyphs on the numerous seals before we can conclusively prove any hypothesis but till now, there is at least nothing to disprove that they at least KNEW about Krishna. We now need to analyze other data avaialable to conclusively prove or disprove our estimate.
The details of these discoveries would require a separate article altogether but what is important from our current perspective is the DATING of this find. This particular seal has been carbon-dated to around 1528 BCE bringing it at par with the Late Harappan period. Other artifacts such as Brick walls, citadels, fortifications, Stone anchors for ships, Roman amphoras etc. have been dated from 2500 BCE to the 4th century CE have been found proving that Dwarka was probably the busiest port in the western coast of India for a long, long time!
Both the coin and the graffiti throw light on the hero worship in the northwestern region of the sub-continent. In the 1st century BCE, there is also evidence of worship of FIVE Vrishni heroes - Krishna, Balaram, Pradyumna (Krishna's son), Samba (Krishna's second son) and Aniruddh (Krishna's grandson).
Murli-Manohar Krishna
However, this post is not about Krishna, the God. Enough has been said and written in almost all languages of the world about Krishna's super-human personality. I kinda wanted to explore the historical origin of His enigmatic life and hence will try to steer clear of 'FAITH' and focus more on the 'FACTS'.
From Krishna the God TO Krishna the Man
Image courtesy Grant Morrison's 18 Days
{Art by Mukesh Singh}
I am definitely not the first or the last person to make this effort. More than a hundred years ago, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee had written a remarkable book known as Sri Krishna Charitra, devoted to a scientific study of the life of Krishna.
Over this century, however, there have been many more developments which have shattered the earlier theories (such as the Aryan Invasion Theory) and have pushed back the dates of Vedic literature to much before what was believed by the early historians. Let us examine all such evidence available to us today and try to unravel the Historical perspective of Krishna.
Historical period of Krishna
Shrimad Bhagvatam declares that Krishna arrives on Earth towards the end of the Dwapar Yug of the 7th Manvantar of the 1st Kalpa of the 51st year of the current Brahma.. rather precise timing there!!
For those who do not understand these terms let me enlighten you a little: Each Brahma lives a lifetime of 100 years; each year with 360 days called Kalpas; each day divided into 14 Manvantars; and each Manvantar divided into 71 Maha-Yugas with 4 Yugas each. {For details on the Hindu calculation of time, check this link - Kaalchakra, the Hindu Timeline}.
Currently, we are in the last of the four Yugas called the Kaliyuga which, according to astronomical calculations, began on the 20th of February 3102 BCE. Now, this would place Krishna roughly around 3300-3200 BCE as the Bhagvatam states that Kaliyuga couldn't begin till Krishna was on the planet!
Fortunately, there is a large body of literary and archaeological evidence that can guide us towards an approximate time-period for His presence. The earliest text to explicitly provide detailed descriptions of Krishna is of course the epic Mahabharat.
For those who do not understand these terms let me enlighten you a little: Each Brahma lives a lifetime of 100 years; each year with 360 days called Kalpas; each day divided into 14 Manvantars; and each Manvantar divided into 71 Maha-Yugas with 4 Yugas each. {For details on the Hindu calculation of time, check this link - Kaalchakra, the Hindu Timeline}.
Currently, we are in the last of the four Yugas called the Kaliyuga which, according to astronomical calculations, began on the 20th of February 3102 BCE. Now, this would place Krishna roughly around 3300-3200 BCE as the Bhagvatam states that Kaliyuga couldn't begin till Krishna was on the planet!
Fortunately, there is a large body of literary and archaeological evidence that can guide us towards an approximate time-period for His presence. The earliest text to explicitly provide detailed descriptions of Krishna is of course the epic Mahabharat.
Mahabharat Manuscript
Since it is primarily the history of the Kurus (Pandavs and Kauravs), Mahabharat contains only that part of Krishna's life that had a bearing on the fate of Kurus. However, its crown jewel is the Bhagvad Geeta which transforms Krishna from a much adored and cherished Princely diplomat to the Supreme God Himself.
Mahabharat gives Krishna prime importance
As Grant Morrison, the visionary director of world-class Mahabharat-based animation succinctly puts -
The Gita, with its direct, no-nonsense guide to living in the odd universe we all share, is at the very heart of the story; everything else revolves around the moment when Krishna lays it on the line for Arjuna. The conflict is the war between desire and duty, the material and the spiritual, the war that is fought every day by every human being.
The Gita, with its direct, no-nonsense guide to living in the odd universe we all share, is at the very heart of the story; everything else revolves around the moment when Krishna lays it on the line for Arjuna. The conflict is the war between desire and duty, the material and the spiritual, the war that is fought every day by every human being.
Krishna reveals the Geeta to a bewildered Arjuna

It is generally understood that Mahabharat, was not written at one go, but was compiled over some years. The first section of the epic states that Rishi Ved-Vyas dictated the events of that age to Ganesha over a considerable period of time. This unfortunately, makes it difficult to put an exact date to the story and the time-period of Krishna.
HOWEVER, the recent discovery of the dry river-bed of Saraswati , can help us put some conclusive dates to the epic. Mahabharat describes Saraswati as a disappearing river, but also mentions Lord Balrama traveling on Saraswati from Dwarka to Mathura, to immerse the ashes of Yadav martyrs after the battle.
HOWEVER, the recent discovery of the dry river-bed of Saraswati , can help us put some conclusive dates to the epic. Mahabharat describes Saraswati as a disappearing river, but also mentions Lord Balrama traveling on Saraswati from Dwarka to Mathura, to immerse the ashes of Yadav martyrs after the battle.
This implies that the river was navigable at the time of the Mahabharat War and the Epic was written BEFORE it had dried up, which as French scientists have discovered, was at least before 3000 BCE {Read the post Finding River Saraswati for more clarity}.
Another literary work known as the Harivamsha helps to fill the gaps in the account of Krishna's life that are missing from the Mahabharat. The Vishnu-puran and Bhagvat-Puran contain still more details about the life of Krishna with the latter AGAIN declaring Him - SWAYAM BHAGWAN, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Bhagvatam Manuscript from 1500 CE
Confoundingly though, there haven't been any authentic dates assigned to these literary works till now. In ancient India, knowledge was transferred ORALLY from the Guru to the Shishya, hence it is difficult to date the texts in a definite manner.
Hence, for the purpose of our quest, we would need to take help of scriptures which are more or less conclusively dated (on the basis of their language, grammar, historical references etc.) so that we can arrive at a somewhat clearer picture.
Hence, for the purpose of our quest, we would need to take help of scriptures which are more or less conclusively dated (on the basis of their language, grammar, historical references etc.) so that we can arrive at a somewhat clearer picture.
Conclusive Literary Evidence for Krishna
References to Krishna can be found in almost all major scriptures, and there are profuse references to the famous personalities of that age in Vedic, Jain and Buddhist literature.
- The earliest authentically dateable reference to Krishna is from the Chandogya Upanishad (3.17.6). Composed around 900 BCE, it mentions Vasudeva-Krishna as the son of Vasudev and Devaki and the disciple of Ghora Angirasa.
Jain and Buddhist literature also contains profuse references to Shri Krishna and Balaram! Since dating these literatures has been more or less accomplished accurately, they can be a valuable source of information for us..
- Jain Tradition from around 700 BCE, talks about a Vasudev and his elder brother Baladev in each cycle time. They take birth to rid the world of eveil and kill the Prati-vasudev or Anti-Krishna (the Anti-Christ??).
Shri Krishna and Balrama are NINTH in this Vasudeva-Baladeva series and according to Jain predictions, Krishna is stated to become the 12th Tirthankar in the NEXT time-cycle. This shows that Krishna was quite popular in Non-Vedic traditions as well.
- Additionally, Krishna is also described as the cousin of the 22nd Tirthankar Neminath whose historicity is believed by most Jains today.
- The 24th Tirthankar Lord Mahavir was born in 599 BCE, and since there is a considerable time gap between subsequent Tirthankars (ranging from centuries to millenia), we can safely assume Neminath and his contemporary Lord Krishna to be born much before this time.
The cousins Neminath and Krishna from a Jain painting

- Pāṇini, the ancient grammarian and author of Asthadhyayi (6th century BCE) mentions Vāsudev, Kauravs and Pandavs and testifies to them being contemporaries of each other.
As a linguist unconcerned with religion, Panini's references are especially valuable as they have no sectarian purpose. He mentions Vasudev Krishna and Arjun together as Vasudevarjunabhyam vun in Sutra 4.3.98.
The characters from Mahabharat were Historical figures
Image courtesy Grant Morrison's 18 Days
{Art by Mukesh Singh}
- Buddhist literature records Krishna earliest in the Ghata-Jataka (300 BCE) as an ancient ruler of India and gives an account of His exploits that corresponds quite well with the Hindu tradition. There's a good record of the presence of Vasudev, Baladev, killing of Kamsa and their cousins the Kurus.
- Mahaummagga Jataka (around 3rd century BCE), states that Jambavati was one of the consorts of Vasudeva Kanha which matches with the description from the Bhagavatam.
- Around 150 BCE, Patanjali in his Mahabhashya praises Krishna and Samkarshan (Balrama) and describes dramatic performances representing the killing of Kamsa by Vasudev (Krishna-Kamsopacharam).
Krishna liberates Kamsa
Surprisingly, we even have evidence provided by foreign travelers, such as the Greek scholars, who came to India during and after Alexander's campaign!!
- Megasthenes (350BCE), the Greek Ambassador to Chandragupta Maurya, the first unifier of Medieval India, identifies Krishna with the Greek Herakles or Hercules in his famous work Indica.
He describes an Indian tribe called Sourasenoi, who worshiped Herakles in their land which had two cities, Methora and Kleisobora, and a navigable river, the Jobares.
Inscription from the Indica
The reasons for this mistaken identification are quite understandable: FIRST, the Greek historians tried to make sense of other religions' gods by equating them with their own divinities and SECONDLY, the 12 Labors of Hercules have a lot of similarities with the acts Krishna performed as a kid!
For example, Krishna subdues the monstrous serpent Kaliya whose very breath could kill someone with its poison; while Hercules kills the equally monstrous Hydra and also beheads the snake-headed Medusa whose single look could turn anyone into stone!
Krishna subduing the monstrous serpent Kaliya
Hercules defeating the serpentine Hydra
From descriptions given in the Indica, there's little doubt that the Sourasenoi refers to Krishna's dynasty, the Shurasena Yadavs; Methora to Mathura; Kleisobora to Krishnapura, and Jobares to Yamuna, the river from Krishna's life-story.
- Quintus Curtius also mentions that when Alexander confronted Porus/Puru on the banks of the Indus, Porus's soldiers were carrying an image of Herakles in their vanguard.
- The court scholar of Mauryas, states that the city Polibrotha (Pataliputra or Patna) was founded by Herakles, 138 generations before the reign of King Sandrocottas, the Greek name for Chandragupta Maurya.
Here is one DIRECT piece of information, which can retrospectively help us calculate the tentative time period of Krishna!
Most scholars have assumed the ruling span of each King in those times to be somewhere around 20-25 years based on life expectancy and frequency of coups and family-feuds. The 138 generations would then give us almost 3000 years between Hercules and Chandragupta Maurya giving the time of Krishna somewhere close to 3300 BCE.
This date, fortunately, tallies splendidly with our EARLIER Hypothesis and STRANGELY enough, also coincides with the Early phase of Indus-Saraswati Civilization!! Let us explore this connection a little before moving on to the Archaeological evidence in favor of Krishna.
Indus-Saraswati Evidence for Krishna
The Indus-Saraswati artifacts, present an enchanting picture when we co-relate them with events or personalities mentioned in the Vedic scriptures.
As discussed in previous posts, there are seals which have been identified with the Yogi Shiva, Mother Goddess, the Holy Bull, (maybe) Emperor Bharat, Rishabh-dev etc.. Let's see if there exist any relics that can point to a knowledge of Krishna as well!
A steatite tablet which was unearthed from Mohanjodaro in 1931, depicts a young boy uprooting two trees from which are emerging two human figures. It has been considered an interesting archaeological finding for fixing the date of Krishna.
Dr. E.J.H. Mackay, who did the excavation at Mohanjodaro compares this image with the Yamalarjuna episode and Prof. V.S. Agrawal has also accepted this identification. In this image, the young boy depicted could very well be Krishna and two beings emerging out of the trees, the two cursed Gandharvs Nalkubera & Manigriva, who had turned into Arjuna trees due to a curse and were liberated by Krishna.
The Yamalarjuna episode
This shows that the Indus-Saraswati people probably knew about Krishna�s exploits and stories related to Krishna. This lone finding may not substantiate to the date of Krishna but at the same time it cannot be ignored especially when another indirect evidence can be found in a related find.
The Indus-Valley seals show an abundance of animal forms ranging from Unicorns to Bulls to Horses to Fish; but what is missing is the depiction of Fauna or Trees! However, interestingly, there is one particular type of tree and its leaves invariably found in all Indus sites - the Peepal leaves.
Peepal Leaves on Indus-Saraswati seals
Now, in the 10th chapter of Srimad Bhagawad-Gita, Krishna says that amongst the trees he represents the Aswatha or Pipal. I believe, that the ONLY leaf to be represented on ANY Indus Seal - the Pipal leaf, could be the representation of Krishna in His Non-anthropomorphic form!
In the legend of Rishi Markandeya, there is even a mention of Krishna appearing in front of the rishi as a baby lying on a peepal leaf floating in the cosmic waters of dissolution of the World.
It would of course need a complete deciphering of the heiroglyphs on the numerous seals before we can conclusively prove any hypothesis but till now, there is at least nothing to disprove that they at least KNEW about Krishna. We now need to analyze other data avaialable to conclusively prove or disprove our estimate.
Evidence from Marine Archaeology
Recent marine archaeological discoveries in the Gulf of Cambay, off the coast of Gujarat have revealed an entire submerged civilization which has been carbon-dated to somewhere around 7500 BCE! {Check this link for more details - Lost City could rewrite History! - BBC South-Asia report}
Gulf of Cambay

The likelihood of this civilization being OLDER to the Indus-Saraswati Civilization is huge and a possible link with the fabled kingdoms of yore, mentioned in Hindu scriptures, can not be denied. But let's not jump the gun and wait for more results before we link it to Krishna or any other ancient King.
What CAN be reasonably linked to Krishna is the discovery of another submerged city close to the present city of Dwarka which is believed to be the ORIGINAL city of Krishna because of a plethora of archaeological findings matching the scriptural descriptions!!
Graham Hancock's documentary on the discovery of Dwarka
According to the Mahabharat, this city was built by the Architect-god Vishwakarma for Lord Krishna by reclaiming 12 Yojans of land from sea, on the westernmost shore of Saurashtra. The city had six well-organized sectors, residential and commercial zones, wide roads, plazas, palaces and many public utilities alongwith a magnificent sea harbour.
The general layout of the city discovered below the Sea agrees REMARKABLY with the descriptions from the texts!! The immense foundations of the walls also support the belief that land was reclaimed from the Sea. Interestingly, scriptures talk about a kind of a PASSPORT system in Dwarka. Its citizens were issued a clay seal with a mythical three-headed-animal (the Greek Cerberus?!?) which had to be presented when they entered or left the massive gates. Interestingly, this seal of Dwarka has been found in the underwater ruins of the city!!
The seal of Dwarika
Other Archaeological Evidence
There are numerous other direct and indirect evidences supporting the knowledge and worship of Krishna around the 1st millennium BCE.
- A 800 BСE cave painting in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, shows a horse-charioteer about to hurl a wheel on another figure. This episode can potentially be identified as Krishna getting ready to hurl the chariot-wheel on Bhishma-Pitamah from the Mahabharat War!!
Krishna ready to hurl a chariot-wheel on Bhishma Pitamah
Worship of Krishna, in the form of Vasudev can also be traced to as early as 4th century BCE surprisingly, with another Greek connection!
The Greek emperor ALEXANDER�s career more or less came to a halt after his brief encounter with the king of the Indus region, PORUS/Parvateshwar. The Greeks however, had some success ruling as kings in north-western cities such as the one in Taxila/Takshila. They exchanged ambassadors with Indian kings and one such ambassador was Heliodorus who was sent from Taxila to the court of King Bhagabhadra at Videsha (Besnagar, central India).
Greek Embassies in Ancient India
Interestingly, this guy, has left the FIRST historical record of a Greek becoming the devotee of an Indian God, Shri Krishna!
- On his visit to Vidisha, Heliodorus erected a Garud-pillar in the honor of his 'God of Gods' Krishna which is one of the earliest direct archaeological evidence of Krishna-consciousness in this part of the world!
The Heliodorus Pillar and Inscription
This Garuda-column of Vasudev (Krishna),
The God of gods,
Was erected here by Heliodorus,
A worshipper of Vishnu,
The son of Dion, and Inhabitant of Taxila,
Who came as the Greek ambassador,
From the Great King Antialkidas,
To King Kashiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior,
Then reigning prosperously in the fourteenth year of his kingship.
Vasudev Krishna, the God of Gods for Heliodorous
Vasudev Krishna, the God of Gods for Heliodorous
Historians and scholars have recognized Heliodorus as the first western convert to the principles of Vaishnavism!!
- Similarly, the Ghosundi and Hathibara inscriptions of 2nd century BCE record the consruction of an enclosure around Narayana Vatika where lay a fossilised stone called the Shaligram for the divinities of Samkarshana & Vasudeva in the east of village Nagari in Udaipur district of Rajasthan.
- Another discovery of the Indo-Greek period, are the gold coins of Agathocles (200 BCE) bearing the images of Balaram holding his plow on one side and Vasudev Krishna holding the discus (Sudarshan Chakra) on the other!!
Agathocles coins depicting Balarama and Krishna
This coin was minted in the year 172 BCE and recovered from the Oxus valley at Ai-Khanum in Afghanistan. It happens to be a very important discovery showing the Sudarshan disc-bearer Vasudev and the plough-bearer Samkarshan (Balarama) on the two sides of the coin.
- The evidence for Krishna-Balaram worship can also be seen from the stone graffiti of Chilas cave in Western Pakistan, paleographically datable to the 2nd century BCE again. Here, Krishna & Balaram are engraved on the rocks and the names engraved beneath the images are Vasudev and Samkarshan respectively.
Both the coin and the graffiti throw light on the hero worship in the northwestern region of the sub-continent. In the 1st century BCE, there is also evidence of worship of FIVE Vrishni heroes - Krishna, Balaram, Pradyumna (Krishna's son), Samba (Krishna's second son) and Aniruddh (Krishna's grandson).
- An inscription from a Mora well, 11 kms west of Mathura records the construction of a stone temple by a royal woman, named Tosho, in the honour of Bhagavatam Panchaviranam or Five heroes of the Vrishini clan.
- Maues an Indo-Scythian king (85 BCE) was a worshipper of Balarama along with the Greek gods Zeus and Nike. Few of his coins depict a King in a cross-legged seated position and one of his coins minted in 1st century BCE depicts Balarama.
Coin of Maues depicting Balarama
- The last great Kushan king of North India and Bactria, took the title of Vasudeva I (c. 200CE) and minted coins in honor of Hindu gods.
- Last but certainly not the least, the Aihole Inscription of King Pulakesin II dated 634 CE states the Mahabharat War was fought 3735 years before the engraving of the inscription which gives the date of 3735-634=3101 BCE.
You may wonder what all this archaeological data means. The purpose here is to show that Krishna and Balarama were recognized and worshipped as divinities since very early times and all the evidence gathered till now, seems to converge at the same time period we started with, i.e. the 3rd Millenium BCE. There is now just one body of evidence remaining for us to analyze - Astrological Evidence from the scriptures.
Astrological Evidence for dating Krishna
Based on the astrological details given in various scriptures, many scholars have tried to identify the birth year of Krishna.
Dr Narhari Achar, professor of physics at the University of Memphis, Tennessee, has dated the Mahabharat war using astronomy and calls it the most authentic historical document in human civilizational history.
There are more than 140 astronomical references in the Mahabharat which have been used by Dr. Achar to feed reference points into the path-breaking Planetarium software (used by NASA to launch satellites for probe missions). Through the help of this software, he has placed the titanic clash between Pandavs and Kauravs in the year 3067 BCE.
Using the same software, Dr Achar places the year of Krishna�s birth at 3112 BCE. The astrological references point to a situation so unique (such as three eclipses repeating after 36 years) that they have only occurred once in last 10,000 years!!
Inspired by Dr. Achar's research, Dr. Manish Pandit, a Nuclear Medicine Physician based in the UK proffers astronomical, archaeological, linguistic and oral evidence to support the case. He has even prepared a documentary that showcases all this evidence in a ready to grasp manner.
Another professor, Dr. P.V. Vartak, has however come up with the possible date of 5561 BCE based on his interpretation of astronomical Tithis and positions described for the Nakshatras.
The difference in their approach seems to be the reason for this differing time period e.g. While Dr. Vartak considers certain celestial bodies mentioned to be the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; Dr. Achar considers them to be visiting comets. Also, there is the consideration of the Precession of Equinoxes we have already seen in the second post {Black Holes and Bhagavatam}.
Since, the dates by Dr. Achar MATCH the dates we have obtained from the analysis of the Literary and Archaeological data, I am inclined to go with the same until some further evidence comes to light that can change this view of our History.
Dr. Narahari Achar's presentation in Florida
Using the same software, Dr Achar places the year of Krishna�s birth at 3112 BCE. The astrological references point to a situation so unique (such as three eclipses repeating after 36 years) that they have only occurred once in last 10,000 years!!
Inspired by Dr. Achar's research, Dr. Manish Pandit, a Nuclear Medicine Physician based in the UK proffers astronomical, archaeological, linguistic and oral evidence to support the case. He has even prepared a documentary that showcases all this evidence in a ready to grasp manner.
Dr. Manish Pandit's Documentary
Another professor, Dr. P.V. Vartak, has however come up with the possible date of 5561 BCE based on his interpretation of astronomical Tithis and positions described for the Nakshatras.
The difference in their approach seems to be the reason for this differing time period e.g. While Dr. Vartak considers certain celestial bodies mentioned to be the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; Dr. Achar considers them to be visiting comets. Also, there is the consideration of the Precession of Equinoxes we have already seen in the second post {Black Holes and Bhagavatam}.
Since, the dates by Dr. Achar MATCH the dates we have obtained from the analysis of the Literary and Archaeological data, I am inclined to go with the same until some further evidence comes to light that can change this view of our History.
Historical veracity of Krishna
The Ancient Literature, Archaeological specimens (terrestrial as well as marine), and Astrological references all point towards a particular time period for the presence of Krishna. We may not have the exact date for Krishna's appearance on Earth, but these evidences narrow it down to at least a tangible time-frame in our history. Through the analysis of all the above data shared with you, the most probable period of Krishna's stay on Earth would be 3300-3100 BCE.
Krishna, the Historical Enigma
It gives me goose-bumps to think that the MOST popular figure of Indian Culture, Art, Philosophy, Music, Dance, Drama and Religion walked the Earth just about 5 millenia ago!
And it is a credit to the remarkable resilience of the Oral and Cultural traditions of our country that even after 5000 years, the memory of Krishna is still alive and throbbing in the Hearts and Minds of a Billion people. Let us celebrate the same tradition this HOLI, remembering another Avatar of Vishnu, Lord Narsimha's slaying of Hiranyakshipu and the end of his evil sister Holika.
I dedicate the following compilation to Krishna, the Delight of Yashoda; the Pride of Gokul; Bliss of the Gopis; Savior of the Downtrodden; Friend of the Righteous; and perhaps most humanly, the Statesman par Excellence.
Happy Holi :o)
Let us embrace the vibrant colors of Spring and immerse ourselves in the Divine Love of Shri Radha and Krishna
Happy Holi to all of You :o)
Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:
very nice vineet sir.THUMBS UP AND HAPPY HOLI.
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot! Wish u d same :)
ReplyDeleteadvance happy holi :)....truly inspiring blog! once again the pic of Hercules and Krishna combating Hydra is mind blogging!
ReplyDeleteVinni bhaiya, your blog is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou write so well :)
I shared the poem in the beginning with so many of my friends, they all loved it..
i've always loved sri krishna stories
@Puja Hey hey thanx so much dear :) m glad u liked it! have always been so fond of Krishna's antics... badmash baccha types :)
ReplyDeletewhere did you learn so much about this? the manvantars n yugas n all?
ReplyDeleteahh well i love researching abt mythology :) keep reading stuff whenever m free.. (which is most of the times btw)
ReplyDelete@Sonu Sekharan thanx a lot :) i myself was quite intrigued by the similarities btw the two... the pictures def bring it out so well :D
ReplyDeleteToo Good Vineet .... Keep going and keep up the spirits.. wish u a happy holi :)
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot @Hitesh :)
ReplyDeletevineet, every time i read ur blog...i want to get more such updates and brush up all the knowledge abt hinduism that have got frm grandparents and the books tht i have read...
ReplyDeletegreat work
Aww thats sweet Avni :) thanxc a lot for ur encouragement.. i find it all fascinating too thts y keep doing it :)
ReplyDeleteVery good,
ReplyDeletevery nice link .. with beautiful pictures.
ReplyDeletehare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare..
ReplyDeletehare rama hare rama raama raama hare hare..
Thanx a lot Prokash Kumar and Arka Ghosh :)
ReplyDeleteHari Bol :)
@Raaj Harer naam Harer naam Harer naam kevalam,
ReplyDeleteKalau na asti eva na asti eva na asti eva gati: anyatha! Hari Bol :)
A book i would like to recommend you is the "Bhagwat Puran". it has many secret revealed regarding formation of earth and First Human creation. Also life before the "complete destruction of earth" is also illustrated and there is hint early creation before the Big Bang.
ReplyDeleteWhat was surprise for me "from the Big bang to end of universe is just one day game of Krishna" which is billions of years for human kind.
Bhagwat Puran is complete essence of all Vedas
That's one serious work, vineet. Simply great... I think it's one of the best till now...
ReplyDeleteJai Shri Krishna :)its really interesting...
ReplyDelete@ANonymous of course I hve been using it for reference all d time!! If u read the post I hve mentioned it so many times as Shrimad BHagavatam :)
ReplyDeleteThanx @pritee :) i tk it as a compliment :D
ReplyDelete@Nisha Jai Shri Krishna to u toooo :)
Elucidiating! Thanks!
ReplyDeletegood work
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure RNS!! n Thanks a lot Saroj :)
ReplyDeleteMaharishi Valmiki has recorded in Bal kaand sarga 19 and sholka eight and nine(1/18/8,9) that Shri Ram was born in ninth tithi of chaitra month when the position of dfferent planets via-a-vis zodiac constellations and nakshatras (visible stars) were:i) Sun in Aries ii) Saturn in Libra iii) Jupiter in cancer iv) Venus in Pisces v) Mars in Capricorn vi) Lunar month of Chaitra vii) Lagna as cancer(cancer was rising in the east), viii) Ninth day after new Moon ix) Moon in the punarvasu(Gemini constellation&Pllux star) x) Day time (around noon).This data was fed into the software, the results indicated that this was exactly the location of planets / stars in noon of January 10, 5114 B.C. Thus Shri Ram was born on January 10,B.C.,5114B.C.(7124years ago), As per the Indian calender its was the ninth day of shukla paksha in chaitra month and the Time was around 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the afternoon . This is exactly the time and date when RAM NAVMI is celebrated all over world
ReplyDeleteThanx for sharing that @Rajesh Kumar :)
ReplyDeleteu dont need appreciation.
ReplyDeleteGreat work.. go on and on.
Thanx so much :) Hari Bol!
ReplyDeleteKrishna lived in 3228 BC
ReplyDeleteThanx Sadhna or ur input.. would b interesting to know where u found that date though my calculations are quite close to this time-frame.
ReplyDeleteSarvam Krishnarpanamasthu. I was amazed at your study of Krishna one word "mind Blowing." I appreciate your efforts; to have taken so much time and effort into creating this "out of the world" blog is definately by "his" blessings only. Hats off to you. I happened to come across this blog by accident, I am glad I did. May God help you to continue this endevour. God Bless!!!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot for the kind words Vipasana. I pray Lord Krishna helps me sustain this further as well... Hari Bol!
ReplyDeleteI had read some references to krishna's presence/influence in persia and greece. Type references add curiosity for that angle
ReplyDeleteCool thanx for the input :)
Deletevery well documented article. RN
ReplyDeleteThanx RN for d appreciation :)
DeleteThank you for posting such a wonderful article on Krishna!!! I am eagerly waiting for your next post! Although, a doubt has been cropping in my mind... in our post "Heaven at the North Pole" you mentioned that even Brahmaloka was situated there. SO...
ReplyDelete1. When Lord Varaha incarnated the earth was submerged under the ocean. So Even the North POle was submerged? (or is that only the land...)
2. I had told you that time in Devaloka is equal to time in North Pole. but the time in Brahmaloka is 1 second = 1 year. So....
Anyways... great work...
P.S. If your brain is going too haywire or you are irritated with this question.. just say so. No problem at all. I get all these looks in school from my classmates.
@Surya thanx for the appreciation :)
Deleteplease check my post on 'Manu the first man'.. i have explained that topic there i detail..
to give u a short explanation lemme tell u that the ocean under which Earth was submerged isnt our global ocean but the one at the bottom of the Universe known as the Garbhodak Ocran. Please read the post 'LOkas or Alien planets' for further explanation..
Hi Vinni,
ReplyDeleteI read all the post of your blog.and I like the most "Dasavtar" post.
Really our hindu scriptures have great logics.
But a question usually comes in my mind.
Lord Krishna took birth on earth for spreading knowlege of right and wrong.
He did not take weapons in Mahabharta war, he wanted to give sense to humans ,but he didnt take any action himself. right?
But at the time when Dropdi was insuled why He took an action himself.
Another thing how is it posible that her Saari became infinite.Was there really any magic.If yes then is it logical?
Hey thanx a lot Divya!! Lord Krishna was a Purna-Avatar.. which implies that He cam to this planet in ALL His Glory with no pretensions of being a human.. Draupadi called to Him for help and He came to the rescue coz Krishna never disappoints His devotees.. yes it was magic but then so was everything else about His life.. throughout His life he performed miracles killing demons much bigger than Himself, healing people, forging alliances, sharing His viraat Rupa in the battle of Kurukshetra etc. He did exist on our planet in the time frame mentioned but He was NOT just a human.. He was God Himself on Earth :)
DeleteJai Shri Krishna
I am Ranga from India, studying about KRSNA for past 14 years. Saving Draupadi from shame is mysterious. How it is done is also mysterious. It can be that the same saaree became like a skirt, joined at far ends and went on rotating around her when pulled. It can also be that KRSNA went on providing a new saaree to be endlessly pulled. His ways are mysterious !!!
DeleteFor me that's little queer to read all this since I don't believe in something like Krishna!
ReplyDeleteAll I believe is that there is one SUPREME who watches it all.
He is the creator and he is all.
Yet, I liked your blog. Though I didn't read it in full but I read the poem. And, I am kinda crazy for poems. Yours was one of the nice ones I encountered!
Well maybe then you SHOULD give it a read and then decide whether one ought to believe in Him or not :) thanx for commenting on the poem! Cheers
DeleteDr Satyapal Singh, Police Commissioner, Mumbai has contributed this wonderful article on greatest hero of all times – Lord Krishna. He details the true character of Lord Krishna beyond all myths and misconceptions.
Thanx Das will check it out :)
Deletereally good and interesting convey on hindu and hinduism.... sir, i really shud treasure all these info.s,, one thing i came to knw particularly is our Krishna is hercules and baladeve is greece's apollo... !!! and thts the thing to feel very much astonishment and exaggeration
ReplyDeleteMegasthenes identifies Krishna with Hercules dunno about Baldev and Apollo though :) thanx for visiting and commenting!
DeleteAll krishna mercy.thanks for the posting sir
ReplyDeletehare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Hari Bol :)
Deletenever seen blog like this before , amazing ....
ReplyDeleteThanx so much for your kind words :)
Deleteas per bhagwad gita, sri krishna revealed to arjuna that he is
ReplyDeletean incarnation (avatar) of vishnu. But rama did not reveal to anybody
like that in any way, then how people came to know that Rama is an
avatar of Lord vishnu. i hope that i will get a right and brief explanation to my
Well let me correct you my friend.. Shri Krishna did not reveal that he was an avatar.. He declared Himself to be the Supreme Lord in the Bhagvad Geeta. The others are indeed incarnations and a complete list of 24 avatars is mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagvat Puraan.
Deletehi, my name is ajay desai, i asked you that question on July 24, 2013 at 11:47 pm. and you gave me the reply that Shri Krishna declared himself to be the supreme Lord in Bhagvad Geeta. But i want to ask you a question: "What is the difference between supreme Lord and Avatar?". i am 26 years old and work as asst professor in Computer Science Engineering department of Sreenidhi engineering college at hyderabad.
ReplyDeleteAs a student i spent time gaining knowledge about my domain :computers and know as a professor after teacing students i get some free time to study something about spirituality towards which i more inclined now. So i am going to ask you many questions frequently. please make me your student.
No worries be my guest :)
DeleteThe Supreme Lord is the ONE SUPREME ENTITY that we can refer to as GOD. The avatars and demigods are His expansions that He creates of His own will in order to manage the affairs of this Creation. Whenever you have time, please read the post on Creation to understand the three different forms of Lord Vishnu and the final one that gives rise to the Avatars..
hi, i am ajay desai,i have a question: when lord vishnu appeared in a human form as rama. people did not know that he is lord vishnu. then how did people know that rama is lord vishnu's avatar after rama avatar? or do some rishis or saint of treta yuga already knew that vishnu is about to incarnate as Rama? please clarify.
ReplyDeletei am asking this out of curiousity.
Hi Ajay, yeah that indeed was the case.. a lay person may not have known it but you need to understand that the rishis especially the Saptarishis are not human like us.. they are the first sons of Brahma and they know most of the things going around in the world because of their omniscience..
Deletehi, i am ajay, now my question : how ordinary human beings of treta yuga came to know that Rama is an avatar of Lord vishnu? please explain
ReplyDeleteWell they did not!! They just thought of him as their valiant beloved Prince and later the King who ushered in a golden era the likes of which hadn't been seen in a long long time.
Deletethen how people of this current kali yuga like you and me came to know that rama is an avatar of vishnu? there should be a proper reason
ReplyDeleteajay desai
Because being in the last age, we have access to the chronicles of all the previous yugas which were penned down by the rishis of that and previous times. The Puraans, especially the Bhagwat puraan mention all the incarnations that have taken place till now and through its study we can know who the incarnations were and what was the bigger purpose of their coming to Earth.
DeletePeople in the time of Shri Raam of even Shri Krishna may not have understood it but we can and that is why Kaliyug is also known as the Yuga of Mercy coz we have access to God and His deeds more easily today. Yet, our misfortune is that we choose not to look in that direction, dismissing them as mere stories and continue living our mundane lives.
thank you very much sir, you research work is excellent. my humble suggestion to you is to do some research and give information about great saints of india like:-
ReplyDelete1) valmiki
2) vishwamitra
3) vashishta
4) Agastya
5) madhvacharya
6) shankracharya
7) Ramanujacharya
because, a guru teaches his disciples about god. Sant kabir says that, if both guru and god are standing before you then you should touch your guru's feet first, because without guru's help you could never reach god.
"guru brahma, guru vishnu gurudevo maheshwara guru sakshat parabrahma tasmaisree guravenamaha" by guru Shankracharya.
Thanks for the suggestion :) will definitely try to write a post on some of those at least
Deletethey say that guru can save you from the wrath of god,but even god cant save one from the wrath of one's always respect your gurus
Deletedid rishi valmiki mention that rama is an avatar of lord vishnu in his book: Ramayana?
ReplyDeleteWell, why dont you read it and find out for yourself my friend :)
Deletehi i am ajay, i gave a link of a document did u download it, why are you not replying to me?
ReplyDeletedid i hurt u in any way by my questions?
all those were asked out of curiosity.
Not at all dude.. i have read the Ramayan so i didnt download from that link.. did you find what you were looking for?
Deleteya, in that it is bala kanda of ramayana, there is a sloka written by valmiki, which says that all the devas discussed about the threat Ravana has caused to the world, and about his unique boon from lord brahma as per which he can be killed only by humans
ReplyDeleteso lord sri hari vishnu decides to be born as the son of king dasharath to save the world from Ravana's menace..
Exactly :)
Deletehi i am ajay, this is my point of view: the devas like indra, agni, vayu and varuna cannot be called gods or demigods. They are all devas or devatas who can also be called as angels. they assist Sriman Narayan in functioning of the universe. They are his creation just like us. The supreme Brahman i.e. God as per sanatan dharma is Narayana and Brahma,Vishnu, Mahesh are three different forms of that one Supreme Brahman: Narayana
ReplyDeleteas per Bhagwad gita.
Bang on target :)
DeleteBang on target :)
Deleteright on the money
Deletehi i am ajay, as we all know that sri ved vyasa is the original compiler of the puranas. can u please give me the dates of the earlier versions of vishnu purana and srimad bhagvad purana
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay, there are no reliable dates for these texts as of today.. btw CE is the new term for AD and it means Common Era.
DeleteI am Ranga from India. I believe that Vedas were pronounced by Narayana, the Supreme God and His sound waves are still lingering the space. By deep concentration they can be caught. This process is called tapasya and needs real meditation like a mother meditates to recognize the call of her lost infant in a big crowd. Himalaya is the best place to catch such sound waves of God.
Deletewhat happened to you, vineetji, u are not replying to my comments. Are you busy with some other work?
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay.. extremely sorry I was out of the country and did not get the chance to reply for a while. Back now :)
Deletehi i am ajay, in the topic "the genetics of wandering indian" you mentioned that human beings from africa came into india some 40,000 years ago and from there they spread to other continents. and in the article about Lord Rama, you have mentioned that Rama was present on this earth some millions( lakhs) of years ago.
ReplyDeletei find both these concepts contradicting to each other, please explain?
Yes they do seem contradictory at first but the point to remember is that between each Mahayuga cycle comes the Pralaya which devastates everything on the planet and water gobbles up most of the landmass. Thus all signs of the previous yugas are wiped out.. the genetic studies mentioned in that post apply to the current Yuga cycle while Lord Rama appeared 4 yuga cycles ago!
Deletehi i am ajay, but as per kalachakra, treata yuga took place 21,65,000 years ago. i.e. 5000 years of kaliyuga + 8,64,000 years of dwapar yuga + 12,96,000 years of treta yuga. then how Lord Rama can appear before 4 yuga cycles?
ReplyDeleteIt seems you haven't read the post on Lord Rama.. please check it again and you'll get your answer!
DeleteI learnt something new today, "om tad visnoh param padam suryah" this is a verse in rigveda which means that all the suras or devas worship Lord Vishnu. source wikipedia
ReplyDeleteGood for you :)
Deletehi, i am ajay i have a doubt. Solar eclipse takes place because moon comes in between sun and earth. but most of the hindus believe that, the demon rahu eats the sun so there is solar eclipse which concept is correct??
ReplyDeleteHi AJay.. Rahu and Ketu are actually the names of the North and South nodal points of moon's orbits.. please check the post on Lokas to understand it better.
DeleteHare Krishna. Good article, you gathered every bit of strong evidence available. The new thing for me was about petroglyphs in Chilas.
ReplyDeleteThanx Shradhavan :)
Deletehi i am ajay, as per hindu astrology, the planet saturn is God Shani, the planet Guru is Jupiter. Then what are Mercury and venus.
ReplyDeleteDude.. u have turned me into google lol... these things you can easily search on the net.. please ask only those questions that you dont find answers to elsewhere..
Deletehi i am ajay,
ReplyDeleteRahu or Dragons Head or North Node represents, foreigners, foreign countries, foreign travel, engineering and the technical trades, smoke, old men, grand parents, theft, gambling, drinking, nonconformists, the underworld and the bad elements in the society. Its color is black, metal mixed-metal and gem is Gomedh.
Rahu takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of the zodiac in 18 years.
Ketu or Dragons Tail or South Node represents grand parents, technical trades, spiritual inclinations, superstitions and electronics. Its colour is brown and gem is cat’s eye. Ketu is always in the opposite sign to Rahu, i.e., exactly 180 degrees away. Ketu also takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of the zodiac in 18 years.
Each of these 9 planets produce different results, and at times totally opposite results, while placed in the 12 different rasis. Again each has some good results and some bad results in each sign. This is an important aspect of astrology which must be remembered. You will learn about these results later.
Mercury or Budha is the prince in astrology. He represents speech, intelligence, maternal uncles, short journeys, medical profession, trade, computers and the web, astrology and knowledge of the shastras, accounts, mathematics, journalism, printing and publishing. Its metal is bronze, gem is emerald, color is green and direction north.Mercury takes about a month to travel a rasi. It is always within 27 degree distance from the sun from astrological point of view.
Venus or Shukra is the “Daityaguru” or the guru of the demons. He represents spouse, sex life, kidneys and sex organ, dance, music, arts, gems and jewelers, wines, bars, gambling places, acting, fashion, cosmetics and beauty products. Its metal is silver, gem is diamond, direction is south-east and colour is white.
Venus takes about a month to travel a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in 12 months. From astrological point of view it is always within 48 degrees of the sun. He is the Kalatrakaraka or planet connected with spouse.
hi, i am ajay, helidorus erected the garuda sthamba in the honour of lord krishna in the year 113 BC please make corrections
i am not pointing at your mistakes, just helping you. don't misunderstand me.
No problem.. thanx for sharing
ReplyDeletehi i am ajay, i went through this website and came to know about an interesting fact. i hope you will enjoy knowing about it.
Hi Ajay yes I have read about this but dont know how authentic it is
Deleteis was very interesting at all, vineet ji, you have learn deep study of bhagwatgita,thnks
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure is all mine :)
DeleteHare Krishna
ReplyDeleteImpressed with your facts . From many years may be from the time the mind was mature enough I got this question keep lingering in my mind . Ok I believe lord took many incarnations but one incarnation story put me on hold . Not able to find fact till now . Question is
In Varaha Avatar it was said that Hiranyaksha took earth and placed inside the ocean and lord Varaha with his tusk took out the earth from the ocean . Earth itself has the ocean and can someone possibly lift earth ?Can you please decode this one ?
I had the same doubt myself for a long time.. till I read Shrimad Bhagvat Puraan :) The ocean mentioned concerned here is NOT the one on Earth but the one at the bottom of the Universe. If you check the post on Lokas you will find the arrangement of different planetary systems relative to the position of this ocean which is known as GARBHODAK OCEAN.. CHeck it out and lemme know if u still have queries..
Deletehi i am ajay
Thanx for sharing
Deletehi i am ajay, i have a doubt, i firmly believe that our sanatan dharma is oldest of all religions then why do we have so many religions today? why we don't have only one religion in this world.
ReplyDeleteWell Sanatan Dharma is a way of life and never meant ot be a religion.. but as Kaliyug began, people started losing interest in God and ignorance spread, there was a need to bring them back to the right path through various means.. Hence God sent His messengers to different communities living differently but all religions ultimately tell you to take the same path.. the path to God.
Deletehi i am ajay, what is the difference between way of life and religion?
ReplyDeleteThe way of life is a guideline for everything u think, say and do and u are free to follow it or find your own path while a religion fixes rules that u have to follow strictly and any deviation is considered as blasphemy.
Deletehi i am ajay, but in shastras that have to be followed different communities of sanatan dharma like brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras.....
ReplyDeleteThese are not communities.. it's common sense.. any society for its development needs to have 1) THINKERS, 2) WARRIORS, 3)TRADERS & ARTISANS, 4) SUPPORT FUNCTIONS. This is true for any organzied group be it a company or the society or even a nation. The guidelines are for these four groups to exist peacefully for the betterment of the society.. the Caste system was never rigid and birth-based rather it was occupation based.
Deletehi i am ajay, well said
ReplyDeletehi i am ajay, today i downloaded my vedic horoscope from, there it is clearly mentioned that i belong to shudra varna. to understand about varna system, i studied about it in these websites:-
i came to know that, a person can be called a brahmin, kshatriya,vaishya or shudra based on his inherant qualities but not by his birth. as per the above given websites, a person who has inclination towards spirituality, interested to learn about scriptures and folllow dharma is a brahmin.
i have that inclination, then how as per vedic astrology i can be called as shudra
Well i dot really understand how astrology works so wont b able to comment on this bro
Deletehi i am ajay, in the post: holy books, you mentioned that, The Vedas (root Vid meaning Knowledge) are called Amnaya or Apaurushya implying that they are non-human in origin and have been recieved through revelation from God.
ReplyDeleteis there any story describing its creation just like creation of universe by lord brahma.
There is no story as such but the Vedas themselves mention this.. The rishis credited with writing each shloka are also mentioned alongwith the fact that they did not write the shlokas on their own but under divine guidance
Deletehi, i am ajay, under divine guidance, did goddess saraswati or Lord Vishnu guide them to prepare the vedas?
ReplyDeleteThat's not clearly mentioned but it doesn't matter.. its just divine guidance and revelation that comes from deep meditation.. u shud try it sometime :)
Deletehi, i am ajay. when Lord Rama is an avatar of god vishnu, then why he became unconscious on the battlefield when ravana's son indrajit injured him by using a celestial weapon.
ReplyDeleteFor the same reason that he did not jump on the ocean and reach Lanka or he did not kill Ravan on the first day itself or the reason why he agreed to go to the Vanvas in the first place! He was an avatar but he respected the limitations of his human form and behaved accordingly, otherwise the Ramayan would not have happened at all :)
ReplyDeletehi i am ajay, but lord krishna used alll his supernatural powers throughout his life though he was present on the earth in the form of a human being, why?????
ReplyDeleteBecause Lord Krishna was a SAMPOORNA Avatar unlike others. In fact Bhagavatam even says that He is the Supreme Lord and not just an avatar. Therefore He could do whatever he wanted without being bound in any limitations..
Deletehi i am ajay, i want to know about the difference between sampoorna avatar and avatar? please tell me i am asking this out of curiousity. please answer me. please don't misunderstand me because of the questions which i ask u.
ReplyDeleteSampoorna avatar implies God Himself
DeleteHello vineet. Nice info again. Thank u. I have a question from u that in mahabharata it is said that all the great and brave warriors have been gathered in Kurukshetra. Does this mean that the early other civilizations such as sumerians e.t.c have been also gathered there as their scriptures shows rockets and vimanas and e.t.c. they were also very advance. Did they take part in the war???
ReplyDeleteReply must ;-)
ReplyDeleteYes indeed :) All the kingdoms of the known world were present in that War which ushered in the Kaliyuga.
DeleteThanks brother :-D
Deletehi, i am ajay. i am asking this question out of ignorance. Can we see the original copies of ancient scriptures like mahabharata,puranas and vedas written by rishi veda vyasa now???
ReplyDeleteNo Ajay sadly the originals are not available anymore. One correction though.. it was only dictated by Maharishi Ved Vyas not written.. It was Ganpati who actually penned it down.
Deletehi i am ajay, but i can make a guess. when veda vyasa is a chiranjeevi (immortal) then the original copies of all these scriptures will be definetely with him only.
ReplyDeleteAhhh now that's a nice thought :)
DeleteI am really sorry to interrupt between u 2, i hope u will not mind. Ajay no one is immortal until that thing is doing karma. Not Brahma, not Vishnu, not Mahadev. We all know that they all have a time period but it doesnt mean that they will not exist, they will. I am talking about the universal form only. I want to say that Maharishi Ved Vyas and other respected Maharishi are not immortal but their souls will.
DeleteVineet seriously, many physicist now have prooven that time machine is possible and can go into past but not future. Surely i will go to at Krishna's time and everything from that. I didnt even have to learn sanskrit as krishna knows everything though :-P. Physicist also said that it will not effect the present time if anything happens but we will remember all the journey. They say it will exist till 2030 to 2040 :-D
ReplyDeleteAll d best bro :)
DeleteHahaha. Lol thanks and i hope u see the movie i told "thee fourth kind"???
Deletehi i am ajay, very often i hear i hear a word called meta physics. i know about physics. but its very difficult to understand the correct meaning of meta physics.
ReplyDeletehi, i am ajay
an interesting link between two world religions
Hi Ajay, thanx for sharing the link. As for metaphysics, it is difficult to understand the exact meaning of the word since its definition has been changing over time. Broadly it is a philosophical attempt to understand the origins and existence of Universe and the relationship of Man with his surroundings.
DeleteThanx Ajay for sharing :)
ReplyDeletehi, i am ajay i want to ask u a question.. In this post u have mentioned that "There are more than 140 astronomical references in the Mahabharat which have been used by Dr. Achar to feed reference points into the path-breaking Planetarium software (used by NASA to launch satellites for probe missions). Through the help of this software, he has placed the titanic clash between Pandavs and Kauravs in the year 3067 BCE and by Using the same software, Dr Achar places the year of Krishna�s birth at 3112 BCE".
ReplyDeletei believe in rishi ved vyas, but still a question comes to my mind. i know that a person's date of birth was most often determined by using the hindu calendar in those days but our hindu calender is based on moon and sun then how astronomical references of celestial bodies other than sun and moon be considered? Please clarify my doubt.
I am very curious to know about it.
Its quite simple.. the calendars may depend on the Sun or the Moon but your birth-chart or Janm-kundalis contain details of ALL the relevant planets and satellites at the time of your birth! That is why they are important for calculating the dates. Similar mentions are also present at the time of any major event in both the Ramayan and the Mahabharat hence we can deduce the actual time-periods of different events with some accuracy.
Deletehi i am ajay, from your answer i can deduce that, there is some mathematical relationship between the date of birth of a person as per our hindu calender and his/her janma-kundali which gives the details of all the relevant planets and satellites.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article Vineet and thanks a lot for your insights! One unique thing I found was some info on comparison to Greek mythology(is it the right term?!). I found the comparison of Lord Krishna to Hercules interesting. You may also be interested to study the Greek Mythology as to who can be equated to Lord Vishnu (Sriman Narayana) Himself. In my very superficial study, I could find Zeus as the one! Any thoughts?!
ReplyDeleteThank you Aravind :)
DeleteAs far as I know of other World mythologies, there is no one who can compare to Lord Narayan. Zeus is more like Indra actually and nopt Shri Hari Vishnu.
Hi Vineet,
ReplyDeleteGreat observation and it like a nail on my head! Though I daily reiterate that Sriman Narayana is the supreme being, I asked this question out of sheer ignorance immersing myself to somehow get a comparison!
Thanks to you and look forward to more insights from you........
hi i am ajay,i read in my history textbook that mohenjodaro and harappa civilization took place around 2500 BC. i read in the wikipedia that, aryans arrived in 1500BC from central asia and laid the foundation of Hinduism. But when i read the article "Quest for Dwaraka" its clear that there were some civilization that existed even before harappa. sometimes i even get a doubt that if Aryans had invaded India, then their piligrimage centres should be outside india just like muslim main piligrimage centers like mecca is outside india. even David frawley says that, the word arya means noble, it does not denote a race. but still sometimes i get a doubt about aryans. can u please calrify about it??????
ReplyDeleteDear Ajay please read the page Hindu History and Vedic geography of this blog. 'Gods, Sages & Kings' is also a fabulous read by David Frawley.
ReplyDeletehi i am ajay, i want to share a mantra with you
chant it as much as possible for mental peace and mental strength.
Thanx :)
Deletehi i am ajay, there are some people in India who still have a doubt about the occurrence of MAHABHARATA war. Their point of view is quite different from ours. Though their thoughts and ideas are different from us. We still need to analyze them in order to find mistakes in those ideas and correct them so that, the present and coming generation should not be confused.
ReplyDeleteI went through it, but due to lack of complete knowledge i was unable to answer those arguements, I hope you may have an answer to them.
I am forwarding that link to you now:-
Thanx Ajay i'll check it out
Deletehi i am ajay, did you check that link, I hope you have a good answer to all those questions. I am waiting for your answer.
ReplyDeleteWell I am only gonna answer the question abt Mahabharat because rest of the stories I haven't heard.. ONe, the time frame assumed by this guy is wrong.. Mahabharat War happened close to 3000 BCE NOT 1000 BCE as he presumes. Second, he states there were no weapons of mass destruction which is completely contrary to the weapons described in the Mahabharat itself. We all know it i easy to wipe out entire cities off the map with a single WMD and the weapons used in the Great War were quite likely nuclear in nature hence it is extremely possible to wipe out such a huge population within 18 days.. hope u got the answer
Deletehi i am ajay, you are absolutely right, what is WMD???
ReplyDeleteWeapons of mass destruction dude.. u shud try using google also sometimes :P
Deletehi i am ajay, i have a doubt. If according to SR rao, Krishna's city Dwaraka existed around 1528 BC based on the discovery of three headed animal seal used for identification purpose then how can you conclude that Lord Krishna existed around 3000 BC???
ReplyDeleteCome on dude you are an engineer use some logic.. the seals have been dated to a later period does not mean it did not exist earlier.. the only thing it proves is that the seals were in existence even after the city vanished in the sea.. And BTW that is not the only logic used in calculation of dates for Shri Krishna's existence in case you did not notice..
DeleteIt seems to me that Heracules is made up of words Hari+Cula(or clan) that is belonging to clan of Hari(Vishnu) . Also another character from Greek Mythology is Hermes which can be broken into Hari+Massiah(or Messanger) that is Messanger of Hari(God). Even Hermes description is similar to sage Narad like messenger of the gods,intercessor between mortals and the divine(wikipedia)
ReplyDeleteWell yeah that is quite possible my friend and the same has been opined by some scholars earlier as well..
Deletehi i am ajay, your are right.
a very interesting movie to watch.
Also to inform you that there is an ancient Egyptian deity Amun, who's description is very much similar to Krishna, that is he also described as blue-complexioned, wearing feathers on his head. His worship began in 2000 BC in egypt which kind of fits with the timeline as Lord Krishna and Mahabharata were present at about 3000 BC. There are other similarities also.
ReplyDeleteGud to know that :)
Deletehi I am ajay, today i saw the bhagvat geeta updesh given b krishna in tv serial mahabharat shown in star plus. Karmayog is the best yog, where one works for the welfare of society without caring about the fruits of his/her karma.
ReplyDeleteI agree :)
Deletehi i am ajay, can we calculate the the exact time gap between the current year and the year when Mahabharata war has occurred based only on Hindu calendar and knowledge of astrology?????
ReplyDeleteYup.. thats what I have mentioned above with reference to Dr. Narhari's efforts in this direction
Deletehi i am ajay, today i saw bhisma's defeat at the hands of shikandi in star plus Mahabharat. In this Bhishma is protrayed as a negative character. But i could not understand about what wrong did Bhishma do in his LIfe? he always sacrificed his happiness to make other happy.
ReplyDeleteBhishma was a great man.. but he was too attached to his own perception of Dharma! True Dharma never allows killing of innocents like he did in various wars and forceful abductions like he did of Amba, Ambika and Ambalika.. He protected the Kauravs even though he knew they were wrong... even great men make mistakes and thats what he got punished for... btw u can now contact me on FB at
Deletehi I am ajay, then what was Guru Drona's mistake, he was an employee of hastinapur so had to fight against pandavas.
ReplyDeleteWell he was fighting on the side of Adharma so he had to die.. he fought fulfilling his duty towards his kingdom and got the result of that.. In a war lot of people die and he was one of them
DeleteHi Ajay, the link you shared below answers the question :)
ReplyDeleteAlso as I have written in the article above, archeology, literature and astronomy all combine to give this timeline and it is not because of Dr. Achar that we agree on this time but because of the congruence of all available evidence.
Check my reply to ur above comment
ReplyDeletehi I am Ajay, was stem cell technology used in Mahabharata times? there is a controversy over it in gujarat recently.
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay.. it is the interpretation of different authors but some technology that helped an unformed fetus to develop into a fll grown baby may have existed in those times for that is exactly what Ved Vyas managed to do!
DeleteGr8 work man. im kind of into all these mythological stuff, so i hav a few queries. I hav done considerable research on quiet a lot of cultures and religions and have found staggering similarity, they all pretty much have same stories relating to gods, about virgin birth, crucifiction, ressurection etc. And if u actually relate it to the astronomical phenomenon , i presume they are all talking about the sun. Sun is the god, ultimate god, the creator and destroyer. and i have a feeling that the various avatars of vishnu is somewhat related to precision of equinox phenomenon of the sun which happens once in some 2500 yrs where in the sun faces one of the constellations. I havent dug deep into this but seems interesting to do some research . What is ur take on this speculation.
ReplyDeleteHmmm the stories of death and resurrection may quite possibly be inspired from an observation of the natural rhythm of day and night.. the Avatars or incarnations are more related to the portrayal of God as the Ultimate Savior for when everything else fails and there's no hope for the world, He still finds a way and defeats the Evil :)
DeleteAssyrians, Persians => Asuras
ReplyDeleteDanube, Dnieper, Don, Denmark, Sweden=> Danu & Danavas
Caspian Sea => Kashyap Rishi
Druids, Druidism, Heathenism, Paganism => Druhyu (son of Yayati)
Turks, Yavanas => Turvasu (son of Yayati)
Jews, Jerusalem, Yahudis, Jaats, Yadavas => Yadu (son of Yayati)
Uruks, Europe, Qureshi, Quran, Kurus, Kauravas => Puru (sons of Yayati)
Hi I am Ajay, I have a doubt, At Somnath, Chandradev worshipped Shiva when he was cursed by Daksha Prajapati to lose his lusture and appearance and Shiva graced him to appear completely after 15 days and then after he will keep on disappearing shade by shade but actually the waxing and waning of moon is because of earth's shadow falling on moon. Then how this story can be held as true?
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay, the story is related to the deity of the moon not the moon itself.. it is perhaps coincidental that it fits perfectly with the phases of the moon and serves as an allegory to explain them in the form of a fantasy :)
DeleteHi I am Ajay, then what is the correct story according to puranas?? because i studied about it in wikipedia, where it is explained in the same way as i told you.
ReplyDeleteThe story is correct, but it is an allegory and talks about the Moon-god not the satellite called Moon. It is a way to make a connection between the physical observations of the phases of the moon with the deity that rules that heavenly body who is called Soma or Chandra
DeleteLord Krishna is something very diverse. Similarity between Krishna and other countries Gods can be observed,if one tries to think logically. For example the English words God, Good all originated from the root word Gao (which means cow). And Krishna we all know is the only Cowherder God also known by various names like Gopal, Govardhan, Govind etc., Also, we all know that Lord Krishna had over 16000 wives and children over lakhs and grandchildren over millions. The Krishna's family was so large that they could start their own kingdom. Interestingly their whole race consisted of Yadavas or Yadus,the royal lunar kings and Abhirs, the cow-herders race (that is Nandvansh). Besides whole of north India was ruled by Kurus, the descendents of Puru. So, many of yadavas left north and moved westwards when Dwarka was flooded in 3000BC.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, from 3000BC to today we observe, various religions emerged like Judaism in 1000BC, Christianity in 10 AD and Islam in 1000AD,all considering Jerusalem as the Promised Land. These three religions are also called Abrahmic Religions because their forefather is same that is Abrahim (Brahma is considered as forefather of all Hindus) who started his famous voyage from east from a place called Haran,(Indus valley Region is also called Mohan Jo daro and Harrapa, after Krishna's other names Hari and Mohan)
A very interesting thing to be observed in Judaism is that they only worship YHWH or Jehovah or Yahweh who is also known as Cowherder which is same quality as that of Shri Krishna. Also, second thing to be observed that sound J and Y are often used instead of each other as in Jehovah and Yahweh.This also points that Judaism or Jews can also be called as Yaduism or Yadus, so we all know who they are in reality. Another important race of people within Jews is Hebrews from which many of the prophets were emerged like Elijah, Jmmanuel (also known as Jesus). Again observe the similarity between the word Hebrews and Abhirs(or Ahirs). I watched very interesting documentary, in which Jesus visited India and settled in Kashmir :
Further, Jesus is called Christ or Kristos. Again observe that this is almost same name that as of Krishna. And Jesus has been always known as Son of God and we all know that many times a son is often named same as that of Father.
I know this article might seem to be offending to many. But I believe that truth is the only Dharma or religion of all the people, which can be found in the teachings of Shri Krishna's word or Bhagwat Geeta and Udhav Geeta.
I'm certainly not offended. I welcome the openness and sheer logic of your article. Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words
DeleteHi I am Ajay, what is the correct meaning of the word 'Dasyus'
DeleteDasyus are basically the enemies of Dharma.. they could be formerly well-behaved but now depraved Arya kings or invading foreigners or local uncivilized tribes
DeleteApart from discussing similarities between Abrahmic religions and Aryans of Indus Valley, I would like to further reveal my discoveries about other religions and civilizations in past 4-5 years. First of all, there are no authentic religions, as I already explained how Judaism and Islam were born not merely 2000-3000 years earlier and is a sect of Aryans of India.Similarly, the ancient Nords, Greeks, Romans and all their religion and culture is called Indo-European because their origin is from India. I have a list of over 10,000 words in different European Languages and their actual origin from Sanskrit words, that we still use in Hindi. The point is that actually there were initially no religions, only tribes, the Aryan tribe of Indus Valley the most powerful. They are descendents of Sun God or Surya, one of Aditya. And their language Sanskrit or Deva-Nagri is the language of Suras, Devas, Adityas or Gods we often call them. All the Yagyas of Vedas as well as earlier Heathenic-Druid rituals were done in the name of these Gods, when people were wiser and spiritually advanced.
DeleteSince, the Aryans origin is extra-terrestrial. The actual inhabitants of Earth were Asuras and Animal-Plant kingdom. The Asuras, are also known as Daityas, Titans(as in Greek Mythology after their mother’s name Diti or Deity ).The battle between Asuras and Suras is recorded in all the ancient scriptures of Ancient Tribal religions. Here, the Asuras were mainly materialistic, meat eaters and non-religious and were too dumb to think about the concept of Reincarnation and Law of Karma. Asuras were later called Assyrian or Persians also. Asuras and other life form were killed in very large number in various battles by Suras and Aryans in the past across today’s middle-east. That’s why there are large deserts and a lot of coal-petroleum over that region because of their fossil remains. With the current Kaliyuga, they have spread across over whole Earth in human form and are identified by their love for meat-eating, anger and obsession of obtaining more and more. The mixing between Asuras and Aryans in written in many Hindu Scriptures, most popular is the marriage between Chandravanshi king Yayati and Asura queen.
On the other hand, Suras(or Gods) were much spiritually advanced and are known to live in Swarga as per Hindu religion, Asgard as per Norse mythology, Olympus as per Greek-Romans. Vishnu is also regarded as the eldest Aditya. You can find lot of similarities between Hindu-Vedic religion and Greco-Roman culture. Infact the word culture is derived from Sansksrit which means Kul+Aachar(or the behaviour-beliefs of a Clan). The Nords, the Gauls, the Celts were actual tribes of most of the Europe. One of the country name is Ireland which is drawn from the word Arya. If you do background check of ancient Nords and Irish people you will find lot of words from Sanskrit. In fact they were powerful warriors just like Aryans and believed in the same fact what Krishna told Arjuna in battlefield, that if a warrior dies in battle, he goes and live in Swarya. Asgard->The heavenly dwelling of the Norse gods (the Aesir) and slain war heroes. Here is the link:-
Link to Site
But later, Nords, Gauls, Celts were destroyed by Roman tribes and Romans themselves accepted Christianity and stopped worshipping Gods. Even in Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna says that in the beginning Brahma created Men and Gods (Suras) and told them to mutually help each other. Men should worship Gods and they in return should give them timely rain and other things. So earlier Romans, Greeks, Nords were following the law that is created by Brahma but they were mostly misusing powers from Gods, to destroy each other tribes. So they were corrupted Aryans (as the word Aryan means Noble). So, God (or Krishna) sent Jesus to stop that.
Also, there is this fact that the fights between Abrahmic and Corrupted Aryans is causing people to forget the actual law of Dharma. First of all look at all the big wars like World War 2 which was mainly lead by Hitler saying that he and his race is pure Aryan and Jews are waste. There were several genocide of Jewish people done by Hitler who believed that ancient Gaulic and Nordic religion about whom I described just above, as the most superior. You can read about the cause of World War 2 and you will find the cause was only battle between these corrupted Aryans and Abrahmic Religion. The current Gulf War is between which countries, American (which are mostly Europeans and belong to these Nordic, Gaulic tribes) and Islamic Gulf Countries who are Abrahmic tribes. So you see, I am not making things or telling lies as I have done lot of research over these things for past 3-4 years. I have read numerous books like Upanishads, Geeta, Puranas, Bible, Dhammapadda and studied many of the core teachings about various ancient religions and linked them all in a string. I have studied various mythology and concluded that these are not myths(which originated from Sanskrit word Mithya) many of them are correct. And also mark by words, the battle between ancient corrupted Aryans and Abrahmic religions will happen for centuries to come and will bring downfall of mankind in the end. The battle will be won by Islam because they are the one who possess the pure Tamas Guna, as the Guna belongs to Kali-Yuga. Islam or Abrahmic religion will rule the earth as they have lot of Tamas Guna, they are meat-eaters, they donot believe in reincarnation and Law of Karma, they donot perform Yagyas (which is most important part of Aryanism). Satya Yuga belongs to Aryans(or Manav) and Devas when they are in most power; In Treta-Dwapar Yuga, there are mainly battles between Suras-Asuras; In Kali Yug, only Asuras reign the earth. It seems that birth of Abrahmic religion is the beginning of Kaliyuga 2000 years ago, and their reign will exist for thousands of years to come. Here are the comparisons of Brahmic(Vedic) and Abrahmic(Islamic religion) . The word A before Brahmic means anti, just like Pathy-Apathy, Sura-Asura,:
DeleteLink to Site:
Vedic Allah
hi I am Ajay, I came to know that the mighty saraswathi river sutained the indus valley civilization till 1900 BC and proves that aryan-invasion theory was a myth. But it was very difficult for to find the exact date for disappearance of sarawathi river. Did it diappear before 1500 BC???
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay,
DeletePlease read the post titled 'Finding River Saraswati' on this blog for this query.
Hi i am subhash baneerjee,The identity of the dried-up Ghaggar-Hakra with the late Vedic and post-Vedic Sarasvati is widely accepted. The identification of the early Rigvedic Sarasvati with the Old Ghaggar is another matter, and the subject of recent dispute. i think there were 3 rivers with same name at different periods of time. i read the post " finding river sarawati", but i am still confused please help me.
ReplyDeleteHi i am ajay, i read your article i got an answer to my query. In wikipedia, i read about ghaggar river which is mentioned as late vedic and post-vedic sarawati river. But Whether it is rigvedic saraswati is a matter of dispute. what is the difference between late vedic,post vedic and rigvedic saraswati river.
ReplyDeleteRead the book by Michel Danino called 'The Lost River' all your doubts would be cleared :)
DeleteI have been just surfing when I came across this excellent article of your's and I am so glad that I did. I must give you credit for the enormous amount of reading and research you must have done for this.
ReplyDeleteI, for one 'am great full for this and it has given me immense pleasure reading it. To some people belief is a matter of belief while others need some evidence for believing anything.
You have done a great service to both, by your research and the historical, mythical and scientific evidence you used in convincing us, as anyone can possibly get, for the events in our past when no written records were kept or
they are lost in the mist of time.
I must thank you for giving me something worthwhile to read and think about our glorious past once again.
Your words give me so much encouragement and I am the one grateful for the time and effort you have spent in browsing through my blog and writing the comment! Thank you so much Vidya :)
DeleteIm really confused with the krishna and radha relationship story..wats ur opinion abt it Dr. Vineet??
ReplyDeleteWell theres nothing to get confused about.. they were lovers but not of the mundane variety rather their relationship has been considered to be at the highest level of spirituality! Radha was elder to Krishna by years but she cudnt stop herself from running to Krishna just lie the other gopis because these pure-souled devotees realized His true nature and didnt care of t=what the world thought of their actions!
Deleteowhh ok..Thank u so much :)..
DeleteHi I am Ajay, I have a doubt which is disturbing my mind since many days and also trying to destroy my faith. NASA has reported that Rama Setu appears to be a chain naturally formed chained sandbanks. Then how can it be bridge constructed by Lord Rama in Treta Yuga??? Please clarify..
ReplyDeleteNASA has not made any official statement on this matter.. and presence of shoals or sandbanks today does not role out the presence of a man-made structure thousands of years before since the timelines of Ramayan are at least 40,000 yrs ago!
Deletehi i am ajay, i have a doubt. Bhagvad gita is a very long conversation between Arjun and Lord Krishna. Then how all the other warriors were waiting till their conversation was completed? and how come nobody else other than both of them participated in that conversation??? please explain