Friday, December 1, 2017

Zero Hour: The Last Avatar

    On this first day of the last month of the year, I am glad to share with you all the final post on this blog. Zero Hour, as am sure you all know, is that final moment of time when something momentous is about to happen. It also signals the final countdown and in both ways, this seems to me the perfect title for my last article in this series that quite fittingly deals with the Final Avatar of this Yuga - Kalki.

    I had started this blog six years ago, when there was so much data swirling in my head that I just had to share it with the world in one way or another. I started putting down my thoughts in an alphabetical order and consequently, you can find 26 articles on this blog right from A (Astronomy in Hinduism) to Y (Yuga of Misery) with this being the last one. I may start yet another series right from the beginning but for now, this is the final article in a long series of topics that touch upon various so called 'myths' from Indic traditions & try to decode them using different scientific disciplines. 

    Coming back to the topic, let us begin our exploration of the Final Avatar of Lord VishnuFor the uninitiated, let me quickly recount the Ten major incarnations, better known as the Dashavatar:

    1. Matsyathe Fish
    2. Kurmathe Turtle
    3. Varahthe Boar
    4. Narasimhathe Half-man/Half-lion being
    5. Vamanthe Dwarf
    6. ParashuramaRama with the axe
    7. RamaRamachandra, the ideal man
    8. Krishnathe Man-god
    9. Buddhathe Spiritual Master, and lastly,
    10. Kalki, expected to appear at the end of the Kali Yuga.

    While most of you may be familiar with the nine incarnations that have taken place till now, the subject of interest today is the tenth and the final Avatar who shall appear at the end of the current Kaliyug. Some of you may remember from the previous article the story of how Kali began but for those who do not, let me refresh your memory a bit to give a background for what's to follow.

    The Advent of Kali

    Shrimad Bhagavatam states that Kaliyug began on earth after Shri Krishna left the planet. While the god-incarnate walked this earth, darkness had no power and it is only after His departure to His abode Vaikunth that this current Age of Kali could begin.

    Krishna left the responsibility of civilization in the hands of the Pandavs and in due course it was the turn of Arjun's grandson Parikshit to become the ruler of the known world. One day when the new emperor was on his rounds about the kingdom, he encountered the demon Kali (NOT related to Ma Kaali in any way) as a richly attired goon who was beating an ox mercilessly.

    Parikshit stopped his chariot and immediately headed towards the spot but the man continued till three of the four legs of the poor animal were broken. Enraged by this display of barbarism when Parikshit lifted his sword to punish the brute, he fell down on his knees and begged to spare his life. He told the emperor that he was none other than Kali, the embodiment of Kaliyuga and his time on Earth had begun. In order to spread his rule, Kali had to break the pillars of Dharma that the ox represented and accordingly, he had destroyed three of his legs representing austerity, cleanliness and mercy.

    Parikshit knew he could not halt the progress of Kali but he could stop him from completely maiming Dharma. He allowed the demon to reside in FOUR places - gambling houses and taverns, people with unbridled sexual desires, slaughter-houses where innocent animals are killed and in riches and gold. It is believed that the very first thing that the demon did after getting clemency was to enter into Parikshit's crown thereby leading him to do an act that ultimately led to his death!

    I have heard from a lot of people that there is no concept of a devil in Hinduism but Kali appears to be a pretty good candidate! His truants are similar to that of the Satan of Christianity and Shaitan of Islam & we also encounter him in the Nal-Damyanti story in Mahabharat. King Nal is believed to have finally trapped him in the Vibhidak tree, whose fruit was used to create dice in ancient times. It is therefore no coincidence that the end of Dvapar Yuga was brought about by a game of dice made of that same tree played by the Kauravs and the Pandavs!

    Kalki - The Nemesis of Kali

    Now that we know what Kali stands for, it isn't hard to imagine why this Yug that is ruled by him is so miserable. We have discussed it in length in the previous post so here we shall stay focused on the deliverer from this dreaded Yuga - KALKI.

    The Kalki Puran descibes the astrological conjunctions that would occur at the time of Kalki's birth:

    The moon shall be in Dhanishtha nakshatra (Aquarius),
    Thus he will be wealthy, acclaimed and swift in action & thought.
    The Sun will be in Swati, the nakshatra of the sword.
    Jupiter will be in Purva Ashadha nakshatra (Sagittarius).
    The Ascendant Lord will also be in Sagittarius, giving him invincibility and early victory.
    Saturn will be exalted in Libra, providing a balance between justice and sword.
    Ketu, lord of horse-headed Ashwini, will be exalted in Scorpio,
    suggesting he will descend atop a great white steed.
    He shall come at a time when darkness is the order of the day, and he shall be the saviour to rid the world of its sufferings.

    Kalki Puran [1.2.15] predicts the date of his birth as the 12th day of the waxing moon in month of Madhav - 
    द्वादश्यां शुक्ल-पक्षस्य माधवे मासि माधवम्।
    जातं ददृशतुः पुत्रं पितरौ हृष्ट-मानसौ।।
    The Agni Puran [10.31] states -

    Towards the end of the Kali era, all people will be dastardly. 
    They will oppose the Vedas, become robbers and will be concerned only with wealth. 
    The disbelievers will then become kings and these kings will also become cannibals.
    Kalki will be born on earth as the son of Vishnuyasha. 
    He will take up arms to destroy the disbelievers. 
    It will then be time for the dawn of a new satya yuga, a golden period of righteousness.

    The Shrimad Bhagavatam [1.3.25] adds -

    शम्भल ग्राम मुख्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य महात्मनः।
    भवने विष्णुयशसः कल्किः प्रादुर्भविष्यति॥

    Thereafter, at the conjunction of two Yugas,
    The Lord of the creation will take his birth as Kalki,
    And become the son of Vishnuyasha,
    At this time, the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.

    The Last Avatar Arrives

    The Vishnu Puran [4.24] also mentions -

    When the practices taught in the Vedas have nearly ceased,
    and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh,
    a portion of that Divine Being who exists of His own spiritual nature,
    and who is the beginning and the end, who comprehends all,
    shall descend on earth, born in the family of Vishnuyasha,
    an eminent Brahmin of Shambhala,
    as Kalki, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties.

    So here for the first time, we have a mention of the PLACE where Kalki shall take birth that can perhaps help us unravel the mystery a little further. Let us explore this place a little more.

    Shambhala - the location of Kalki's Birth

    If you ask an ordinary Hindu about Shambhala, you would most likely be greeted with a blank stare. Hindu texts do not give a lot of information about this place, perhaps because they do not want to give out the location where the future savior shall be born. But for thousands of years, Buddhist texts have preserved the knowledge of Shambhala, a Utopian paradise, that is believed to be nestled somewhere high in the Himalayas.

    The Kalchakra Tantra of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the ancient scriptures of Zhang Zhung and the indigenous Bon religions of Tibet mention Shambhala as a pure land high in the mountains, that only those who have a pure heart can find. It is a place where people are immune to all types of suffering and where peace and wisdom thrive. It is such a pleasant coincidence that I began writing this article in Bhutan, one of the last remaining centers of Tibetan Budhhism!

    Shambhala, nestled high in the Himalayas

    Just like the Hindu texts mentioned above, Kalchakra also prophesies the gradual deterioration of mankind as materialism spreads its tentacles. When the barbarians are united under an evil king (Kali?) and there is nothing left to conquer, the last king of Shambhala shall emerge with a huge army in order to vanquish the dark forces and usher a new Golden Age. 

    Did you notice the similarities with the Hindu belief of Kalki? Let us delve a little deeper into them before returning to Hindu texts.

    Kalki in other religions

    There are a total of 32 kings mentioned in the Tibetan texts, the first seven of whom are called Dharma Rajas and the next 25 as Kalkis or Kulikas (Tibetan - Rigden). 

    The first of these 32 kings - Suchandra - is believed to have taken initiation from Buddha himself and the last one - Raudra Chakrin or Dakpo Khorlocen - would be the real focus of our attention as he corresponds to the Hindu concept of Kalki. The list implies that the last incarnation of Lord Vishnu would be born in a place that has been preparing for his arrival ever since the departure of his previous incarnation - Buddha!

    In fact, the Padma Purana [6.242.8-12] says that Kalki's father Vishnuyasha, shall be a re-incarnation of the FIRST MAN - Svayambhu Manu (You can read more about Manu, the father of Mankind, here Manu - The First Man). The story goes that Svayambhu Manu performed austerities at Naimish Aranya on the bank of  Gomati River, for acquiring the privilege of having Lord Vishnu as his son in three lifetimes. Thus, he appeared first as Dashrath (father of Shri Raam), then as Vasudev (father of Shri Krishna), and in the last boon shall appear as Vishnuyasha.

    While Hindu texts place the appearance of Kalki at the end of Kaliyug close to 4,27,000 years from now, according to Tibetan texts, the last Kalki shall arrive in the year 2424 CE to establish a planet-wide Golden Age.

    Kalki Rudra Chakrin - Dakpo Khorlocen

    We have already seen the prediction of Kalki in Vajrayana Buddhism let us now check what the other school of thought - the Mahayana Buddhism has to say about him. The Mahayana belief also mentions the coming of Buddha again in a future age as Maitreya Buddha and you see statues of the future Buddha at many places in the world including our very own Ladakh.

    Statue of Maitreya, the Future Buddha in Ladakh

    Even Chrisitianity has a similar concept of return of Christ on the Judgement Day when the world as we know it shall come to an end. The Book of Revelations [19.11-16 & 19.21] describe the coming of a horse-rider much like Kalki in quite vivid terms:

    And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse;
    and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True,
    and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
    His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crown;
    and he had a name written, but no man knew but he him;
    And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
    and his name is called the Word of God.
    And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses,
    clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
    And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations
    and he shall rule them with a rod of iron:
    and he tradeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
    And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,
    And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies,
    gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and aginst his army.

    A similar concept can also be found in Islam where Hazrath Mahdi is expected to return just before the judgement day to re-establish religion to its original glory.

    The Stage is set for Kalki

    The Kalki Puran mentions that Parshu-Raam, the 6th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, the hero of my second book, and a Chiranjeevi or Immortal, shall be the martial guru of Kalki! In verse [3.9.10] he tells his protege the following words:

    You have learned the art of discharging arrows from me,
    You will imbibe transcendental knowledge from Shukadeva Goswami,
    And you will be awarded a powerful weapon by Lord Shiva.
    Thereafter, you will marry Padma, from the island of Sinhala.
    Your mission is to re-establish Sanatan Dharma.

    Parshu-Raam, the future Guru of the Last Avatar

    It is quite apt since Parshu-Raam himself performed a similar function in a previous era and he would be perfectly suited to coach KALKI in the hard task that lays before him. Another one of the Seven Immortals  or Sapta-Chiranjeevi, Lord Hanuman, the incarnation of Shiva, shall also be assisting Kalki in his endeavor! Shrimad Bhagvatam states that Hanuman still resides in Kimpurush Varsha (modern Tibet) singing the glories of his Lord and this quite neatly fits with our theory of the Tibetan belief in Kalki since both the Savior and his helper shall arise from the same region! 

    Hanuman waits in the Himalayas to help Kalki in his fight against Evil

    Additional information on Kalki is found in the Ling Puran [40.50-92], the Brahmand Puran [ &], and the Vayu Puran [58.75-110]. Kalki shall wander over the planet without being seen by any living being. Then he will start His campaign in His thirty-second year and roam the earth for twenty years. 

    The Vishnu Puran [4.24] continues to explain his activities: 

    By His irresistible might he will destroy all the mlecchas and thieves, 
    and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. 
    He will reestablish righteousness upon earth, 
    and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, 
    and shall be as clear as crystal. 
    The men who are thus changed by virtue of that time shall be as the seeds of human beings, 
    and shall give birth to a race who will follow the laws of the Krita age [Satya-yuga], 
    As it is said, 'When the sun and moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, 
    and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, 
    the Krita age shall return.

    Beginning of a New Golden Age

    Talking of the men who shall become the seeds of new civilization, Shrimad Bhagvatam [12.2.37-38] informs us that there are two persons who shall perform this task. 

    We mentioned them earlier when we were talkng about Parshu-Raam and they are - Devapi of the Chandravanshi or Lunar Dynasty and Maru, of the Solar or Suryavanshi Dynasty. These two dynasties have been at the forefront of human civilization since time immemorial and it shall again be their progenitors that usher in the golden age once again.

    They will be great kings and will help in the process of re-establishing the proper principles in society. They have lived through all four of the yugas and reside in the village of Kalapa which BTW is another connection with Tibetan Buddhism. At the beginning of Satyug, they will return to society and establish the eternal religion of humanity, Sanatan-dharma, and the institutions of Varna-Ashram Dharma.

    Well-planted gardens, sacrificial grounds, large tanks, Vedic schools and colleges, ponds and temples, will reappear. Vedic sacrifices will also begin to be performed at the appearance of the Krita age. Brahmins will be honest and good. Being devoted to asceticism, they will be wise sages. Kings shall rule virtuously. Every kind of crop will grow in every season. Men will devotedly practice charity, vows, and religious rites. 

    The cycle of Yugas shall continue its never-ending loop and the souls that have stayed true to god shall attain salvation. The Supreme Lord Vishnu shall once again help humanity establish Dharma and route out Evil, the way he has done multiple times before, bringing in prosperity or Lakshmi to the world. 

    I close this final article on this auspicious thought and hope to see you again in a new series in a new form where we can continue our journey once again just like the Yuga cycle.

    Let There be Peace & Prosperity in the world!

    Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:


    1. Great post 👍 4 lakh more years sounds a little too much to me. Leave humans alone for that long, and God knows if he will have anything left to save here on earth. The way we are going we might even force the almighty to change his plans and take birth sooner. Phew! I am always a little amused when I see people being so sure that the God will come to save them. Are we as a race doing enough to be worthy of saving? And if he saves us, who will save the ones we are ruthlessly killing out of our selfishness, forests, animals, environment.. so much destroyed.

      I never knew about the Tibetan/ Buddhist angle. Also I remember reading somewhere that Kalki would be born in Southern India.

      By the way your blog has some of the best pictures on Indian mythology. Where do you get them from? Love that vishnu - laxmi picture in this post.

      Do keep writing. You are a wonderful narrator. I am half way through your book on Parshuram and have also purchased the book on Valmiki. Loving the book so far. Will purchase the book on Bharat soon. Any other books planned? ☺

      1. Thanks so much :)
        You're right He may well change his plans the way we're going. Taking a break from the books for now that's why could do this post. Do lemme know how u found the books once ur done :)

      2. Wait and watch this century for your question. You will get a great answer within your lifetime. You are living in a best time. The long awaited one will come to unify and clarify everything.

        And Mr. Vineet, do you continue in other blog now?

    2. Great research read kar ke maza aya nujy ziyada hindu mythologyke bary mai pata nai but dekha jaye to The Last Avatar takreeban sary religion mai ek hi concept hai akhiri waqt mai ek messiah aye ga jo dunia ko zulam se nejaad dega aur ye beliefs Islam mai bhi hai aur esi tara baki religion mai bhi bas os avatar ke naam alag alag hai jaise musalam ek Mehi, aur promised messiah ka wait kar rahai hai esitara, Buddha, aur baki liken jaha tak mai samjta hu sary religion ek hi Insaan ke aney ki khushkhabri dy rahi hai aur ye sary naam ek hi Insaan ke hai jo ye sary qualities leke aye ga jismai Sri Krishna, Yasu massih aur Mehi ki qualities hongi, Mujy nai pata ke Bagwan Sri Krishna ka kiya maqam hai Hindu religion mai liken Islam mai Prophet Muhammad onke any ki khush khabai suna raha hai aur kehta hai ke Last Avatar yahi mehi, Buddha ya jo bhi naam du wo HIND mai aye ga. Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a pointed (prominent) nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for seven years.
      (Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, p. 208; Fusul al-muhimma, p. 275)

      What will be your reaction when the son of Mary (Jesus) descends and your Imam is from among yourselves?
      (Sahih Muslim, bab nuzul 'isa, Vol. 2; Sahih Bukhari, kitab bad' al-khalq wa nuzul 'isa, Vol. 4)

      ye sub baatien ek hi bandy ke bary mai hai

      According to a Hadith, “Muhammad (PBUH) said; ‘I feel cool breeze (refreshment) from AL – HIND (Muslims of India)”. (Abu Dawud)

      cold breeze yani jo banda aye ga wo apne sath justice leke aye ga aur dunia ko sakoon ki zindagi wapis dega

      1. Yousaf Bhai that is awesome information thanks for sharing this valuable info! Shri Krishna was the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu while Buddha was the 9th. KALKI shall be the final 10th one in this Age and am not surprised that all religions talk about his return since it shows that all of them come from God even though we humans have distorted their meaning.

    3. Amazingly informative as always. Thank you. Sad to hear the last in this series. But always something even better to look forward to.. 🙏😊👍👌

    4. Great blog. So much to explore. No words. Always been interested in mythology with logical explanation and I think finally got there.

    5. Thoroughly enjoyed your series. Nicely done with extensive research. Please keep writing.

    6. Wow!!for the first time I m reading your article ... It is amazing .. I imagined some elderly person writing this but later I was surprised ... It is excellent work what you are doing ... understanding the things which has already been written and revealed in the epics lead us to the path of light with ease ... But it has always been misinterpreted and preached wrong ... Sadly it is creating a big issues over religion which is self-evident ... Anyway this article made me curious regarding your other articles ... Though I m not fond of character valmiki ,I am very much eager to read what you have written ...
      Hope u will Come up with many such articles .. it's a good job that you are referring to all the religion .. bcoz what has told and revealed in one is been hidden as secret in other ,therefore getting to know everything is essential in order to know the secrets of the nature ...
      All the very best ..

      1. Thank you so much! BTW I have written on Vishwamitra not Valmiki but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I should do a book on him too ;)

    7. Oops !!I sincerely like to apologize.. I wrote it based on previous comment ... I am extremely sorry

    8. Dr vineet, my soul will be bathed in rays of joy when i read your articles as i am keen on knowing our heritage and your articles combines our knowledge of scriptures and science in a systematic way , for more about shambala there is a book written by james redifield which i suggest you, i wish gods grace be upon you to continue your work and come up with new knowledge.

      1. Thank you so much for your kind words! May God's grace be on all of us :)

    9. Very nicely explained.showing the path of life is very great Dr Vineet Its all within us choosing a right path we will overcome kalyug. The God the evils are within us. Its upto us what we choose. Why wait for kalki?

    10. Dear Dr. Vineet,,,great work,,,indeed u r a gifted...soul,Never ever could have found So many so many queries.GOD BLESS YOU.eagerly waiting for your next project...

      Dr. Mohan bandhu gupta

      1. Thank you so much for your kind words & encouragement Dr. Gupta :)

    11. may i know from where you find this much information


      1. The only way I know - comb through a lot of information from different sources :)

    12. Waiting for your next series please continue to write articles really great work feeling sad that this series is over I got so much information and love to learn more and more from your perspective thankyou so much for your dedication lots of love and respect may you possess greater strength to share your knowledge with all of us om namo bhagavate vasudevaya may the lord bless you and all of us

      1. Thank you so much for your kind words and your encouragement! Yes I am planning to start something new lets see how it goes :)

    13. Your blogs have been a terrific revelation. Wish you all success and hope you start your new series soon. I have a doubt about the ninth avatar. Why did Buddha start; Buddhism a new religion? Much of the teachings of Buddhism are in contrast to the Bhagwat Gita which was given directly by Sri Krishna the previous avatar. Wishing you success once again. Jai Hind - George J Joseph

      1. Thank you so much! As regards Buddha I believe each Avatar has a specifc purpose and his was to make the society a more humane one! He never directly talked about God Himself though and definitely did not start a new religion. It was his followers who started 'Buddhism'!

    14. Thank you Dr. Vineet for information about Buddha. Hope you write about Swami Ayyappa of Shabrimala. It has grown to be the most visited pilgrimage sites in the world, with the highest number of visitors per year.
      -George J Joseph

    15. Wow what a great post. First time I came to know so much information about Lord Kalki. Read all your post and they are truly amazing and it has reborn my faith in our Hindu beliefs. I am actually expecting a article on Lord Hanuman too, one of the chiranjeevis. Jai Bajrang Bali.

      1. Thank you so much :)
        Will see what I can do about that!

    16. Imagine thousand armed thousand eyed purusha. It's not a human being !!! not at all. It's more like Azathoth in Cthulhu. Watch the video of Credo Mutwa talking about Chitauli. Chitauli too was depicted as a human being until recently. They look like Darth Maul of Star Wars. Why do you think the gods were forbidden to be depicted in their real form in old days, because they are terrifying to look at.

      1. Hmm well the thousand-limbed Purush is quite similar to the Vishwaroop of Lord Krishna mentioned in the Bhagvad Geeta. And Arjun was indeed terrified after looking at the grandiosity of it so you may have a point there :)

    17. Please don't go! Your posts have been a rare insight into the secrets of Hindu mythology. I have read both your books, Parshu-raama and Vishwamitra. Looking forward to reading Bharat soon :)
      Your prose is eloquent and imagery vivid. These bite-sized posts on your blog have been truly refreshing and revealing. Please keep posting here too. You have a cult following, Sir. This is groundbreaking work!

      1. Thank you so much Akash! I shall continue writing in other mediums to keep bringing forth such ideas to share with you all. Don't stop reading :)

    18. Who really knows, and who can swear,
      How creation came, when or where!
      Even gods came after creation's day,
      Who really knows and who can truly say,
      When and how did creation start?
      Did He do it? Or did He not?
      Only He, up there, knows, maybe;
      Or perhaps, not even He.

      Thanks for writing this i was the one who contacted you few years back requesting you to write on kalki
      Thanks a lot

    19. "The disbelievers will then become kings and these kings will also become cannibals."
      Prophecy of a zombie apocalypse maybe ?

    20. Great work Sir ! God bless you !!
      Needed some clarification on Hanuman. You mentioned here that "Shrimad Bhagvatam states that Hanuman still resides in Kimpurush Varsha (modern Tibet)". I have heard in some discourses and also one nama in his Astothara Namavali (Om Gandhamadhana Saila Sthaya Namaha) that he resides in Gandhamadhana Mountain in Ramesvaram. Could you clarify on this please? Thanks.

    21. Hi Nagi.. the only place the scriptures mention him to be at is the Kimpurush Varsh. If you check my post on Kalki you will know why it is more probable location too!

      1. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa) » Canto 5: The Creative Impetus » CHAPTER NINETEEN
        श्रीशुक उवाच
        किम्पुरुषे वर्षे भगवन्तमादिपुरुषं लक्ष्मणाग्रजं सीताभिरामं रामं तच्चरणसन्निकर्षाभिरत: परमभागवतो हनुमान् सह किम्पुरुषैरविरतभक्तिरुपास्ते ॥ १ ॥

    22. Few points:
      Sambhala does not exist in the geographical plane of earth. It has another dimension where normal human cannot go.
      I doubt we are living in kalyuga- May be transitioning from kalyuga. We are living in machine yuga (don’t know how to describe better)
      The wars cannot be fought on horse and with swords. We are living in a world with technology which has stealth plane and drones.
      Having said that, I am too researching many things from many angle. I liked all your post.

      1. Hi Amit This place is different .As in Kalyuga we are transitioning from Kaliyuga to other in future

      2. This is technology time it will surely get wiped out once resources get extinguished and calamities fall

    23. Yes, the last avatar coming in few years👍🙏

    24. Hi Dr.
      I have just put down my kindle after reading vishwamitra your book on the great maharishi. I must compliment you on the exceptional storytelling skills your exhibit. It beats all the trilogies of the world hands down. You must pen more such books so as to do justice to our rich indian literature myths or otherwise.
      Sorry for posting irrelevant feedback on your blog. I didnt know how else to reach you. And now since I have come across your blog I cant wait to devour the content. I have been trying to find a good and dependable source of information on our ancient texts and I need to look no further.

      1. Thank you so much Kiran Arvind for those kind words! I have written two more books on Parshu-raam and Raja Bharat after Vishwamitra so it has nwittingly turned out into a sort of a trilogy as well :)
        You can connect through my FB page or insta or twitter too where I post more regularly once again thank you for this valuable feedback.

    25. Wow really awesome
      I too tried writing my first blog relating evolution on Earth with mythology.
      You could find it here

    26. One of the best blog i followed over the years. Thank you for the simplified explanations and awesome narratives.
      I hope you write something new in future to fulfil the cravings of the readers.
      One thing I can request you to work on is what is the relation of dreams with our consciousness and soul and if all of our souls interconnected or not.
      I am developing a theory but it will take some time, atleast a year or two. I would like to discuss it with you personally when i gather all the aspects around.
      Dropping my email just in case you are interested, we can converse via the same.

      1. Thank you so much sure you can drop me a line on my Facebook or Ista accounts would love to connect :)

    27. Yugal Kishore SharmaJanuary 9, 2022 at 2:30 AM

      Quoting the original verses from the scriptures has lent authenticity to your interpretations. Bhagwan Parashurama- as you rightly call him the Kalki of the bygone era- will be the Master and Mentor to the new Avatara.You're doing a commendable job. Keep writing. My best wishes...

    28. This is such a great article. Recently discovered your blog. I absolutely love it. Where do you research for your articles and books. Is it from the ancient texts? Kindly let me know.

      1. Yes indeed.. I like going to the original scriptures for finding any answers to the questions that arise in my mind

      2. BTW thanks a lot for your appreciation 🙏🏼

    29. Great post Sir and others in the series are great too...super informative!!
      Very recently..i stated reading about hinduism, mythology, ancient texts...and it led me to find out more. i watched the Ramayan and Mahabharat series and realised that these are parts of mythology and there is lot more to know, i find out many articles, posts, videos, podcasts...everytime i found something new i was amazed and curious to know more....i came across you through a beerbiceps podcast..and it was so amazing, informative and interesting ....and boom ...i landed on your blog...and this is one of best things i have found....thanks..🌟🙏
      I have one doubt...
      As mentioned that, Bhagwaan Kalki is the last avtar(10th of the dashavtars mentioned) of Bhagwaan Vishnu Ji..but time has not ended right...(as this is 28th mahayug and there are lot more to come)...sooo....will Bhagwaan Kalki is going to be forever there for coming yugs, mahayugs, manvantars...or will there be no further avtars of Bhagwaan Vishnu Ji, or the same avatars(dashavtars) and stories will be repeated in coming time...or there will new avtars and new stories....or something else( cause in geeta Bhagwaan Krishna says that for vanishing unrighteous and reestablishing Dharma he will take birth again and again)??
      This was floating in my mind so i asked...if you can clear?? or are there any references to this in our mytho scriptures??

      1. Thank you so much buddy for your kind words.. yes Kalki shall be the last avatar of Lord Vishnu for the current Yuga cycle after that also there will be many more incarnations in the future just as there have been many more in the past beyond the 10 more popular ones.

      2. You can read more about Lord Vishnu's incarnations in the Bhagwat Puran

    30. Sir recently ready ur book vishwamitra.many doubts are with me.1- without any master how vishwarath became a brahmrishi?
      2-Datatrey is a immortal or mortal being?

      1. Dattatreya is an Avatar but scriptures dont mention his lifetime. Vishwamitra is a prime example of how a man can achieve knowledge even by himself but of course the process was in part guided by Vasishth Brahma-rishi through his challenges.

    31. Thank you for the information.. Though I have one question in mind, now I have seen many people of my age going back to the path of spirituality , then won't it be continued?? If it will continue ,, how come the world will be full of disbelievers?

      1. Well the answer lies in the continuation of these practices.. we are currently inhe golden age of Kaliyug but presumably things will change as we move forward into it.

    32. Hi, i read your blog and i got so much information and knowledge.
      The hardwork you did to decode in real sense is greatly appreciable.

    33. Is this present cycle of chaturyuga is first cycle of 7th manvanter?
      In which number of cycle of yuga kalki avatar will enter?

      1. Please check the page on the blog detailing the Hindu timeline for more clarity. Manvantars contain Chaturyugas not the other way round.

    34. MR.Vineet agarawal ji...
      Hats oofff sir🙏
      U r the person which I want to be,who has a scientific view via santani eyes

      But sir I also have certain questions to ask about please help me

      Thank you so much for ur precious knowledge

    35. Thank you. Great article 👍🏻. I wonder, dontou knownhow the date 2424 fornthe Tibetan Buddhist prediction of the coming of Kalki avatar is calculated?

    36. So much to gain as knowledge and thoroughly enjoyable blog. This is seriously taking my interest level on another level up. Thank you sir.

    37. Please don't stop writing new blogs

    38. Hello sir. It's It's been 7 years but now you don't post anything. Why don't you start your new series with new year 2025. We are watching your podcasts but your blog was simply amazing.


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