Ghor Kaliyug hai - you may have heard this expression when someone is exasperated by the way things are happening.. ever pondered what it implies?
The Age of Kali - Kaliyug is the last of the four stages that the world goes through as part of the cycle of Mahayugas. According to Hindu cosmology, time is cyclical and you can consider the four Yugas to be similar to the four seasons that keep recurring in perpetual eternity.
In each successive yuga (Satya to Treta to Dvapar to Kali), all human virtues keep getting diminished including mankind's intellect, age, honesty, values etc. In this post I'll talk not just about the moral devaluation of humanity which is self-evident, but also try to highlight something that's generally missed in the narrative.
In each successive yuga (Satya to Treta to Dvapar to Kali), all human virtues keep getting diminished including mankind's intellect, age, honesty, values etc. In this post I'll talk not just about the moral devaluation of humanity which is self-evident, but also try to highlight something that's generally missed in the narrative.
Beginning of Kaliyuga
By the calculations of Aryabhatta, the most celebrated mathematician of ancient India, Kaliyug began between the 18th to 20th of February 3102 BCE which tells us that we are currently in the 5118th year of this Era. in India we recently celebrated Ugadi/Gudi-Padwa/Navreh/Cheti-Chand and the reason why it is called Yug-aadi is because this is the day Kaliyug began (BTW its also the day when Brahma began creation).
Brahma began Creation on the day of Ugadi
Srimad Bhagavatam [12.2.31] records Kali-yuga as having begun when the constellation of the seven sages or Big Dipper passed through the Nakshatra of Magh. This took place roughly 36 years after the battle of Mahabharat that wiped out millions off the face of the Earth. You may ask why it didn't start immediately after the war but according to Vaishnav tradition, the demon Kali could not step on the planet till the time Krishna, the Supreme Lord was present on it. It was only after Krishna's departure that Kaliyuga could descend.
Kali could not appear till Krishna remained on Earth
As I always do in each post, I am going to share with you inputs not just from Hindu mythology but also beliefs from other parts of the world that may match ours. You would be surprised to know that the last cycle of the Mayan calendar started in 3113-14 BCE, very close to the Hindu dates of beginning of Kaliyuga! Without any connection between the two civilizations, their calendars begin with only a difference of 11 years. What is also interesting is that in both these calendars, this is the last stage of the cycle.
Two civilizations at opposite ends come up with similar calendars
Scientific Basis of Yugas?
The length of Kali Yuga, the smallest of the four Yugas is believed to be 432,000 years which is the basic unit of Yuga calculation. The Dvapar-Yuga is twice this time, Treta is thrice and Satyuga is four times this period with the total adding up to 4.32 Million years. That is a staggering period and none of us would be alive to see the end but we can certainly see if such a huge number holds any significance in science.
We know that Earth's orbit is not a perfect circle but is elliptical in shape. Here I need to introduce you to the concept of ORBITAL ECCENTRICITY which states that the shape of Earth's orbit changes over time and can vary between nearly circular (low eccentricity) to more elliptical (high eccentricity). While the change is a part of nature's process, what is important from our point of view is that these variations occur over a period of 413,000 years - quite close to the basic unit of a Yuga!
Earth's orbit changes from circular to elliptical over one Yuga Unit of Time

This change in orbital eccentricity has a profound effect on the conditions prevailing on Earth including massive temperature changes but this is not all. Each Yuga is supposed to have a period of dawn and dusk that takes about 10% of its time ~ 43,000 years. Is there a scientific phenomenon that repeats during this duration? The answer is YES and that is the change in the angle of Earth's axis known as the AXIAL TILT - Earth does not rotate in space like a perfect sphere but tilts just like a spinning top giving rise to seasons.
What is interesting is that the angle of the tilt does not stay constant rather takes approximately 41,000 years to shift between a tilt of 22.1° and 24.5° and back which again leads to massive climate change on the planet. These two phenomenon combined with PRECESSION of Equinoxes mentioned in the article {Black Holes & Bhagavatam} together form the basis of something known as Milankovitch Cycles that give rise to rapid changes in Earth's temperature heralding amongst other catastrophes, the Ice-Ages.
What is interesting is that the angle of the tilt does not stay constant rather takes approximately 41,000 years to shift between a tilt of 22.1° and 24.5° and back which again leads to massive climate change on the planet. These two phenomenon combined with PRECESSION of Equinoxes mentioned in the article {Black Holes & Bhagavatam} together form the basis of something known as Milankovitch Cycles that give rise to rapid changes in Earth's temperature heralding amongst other catastrophes, the Ice-Ages.
Milankovitch Cycles
We saw in the post titled {Pralaya - the End of Days} the Great Deluge mentioned in various world mythologies may actually be the memory of the meltdown after the Ice-Age ends. You would remember that pralaya marks the transitions between Yugas and I believe the Milankovitch Cycles fit in quite nicely with the timelines of Yuga cycles as described in our Puranas.
On a side note, let me just mention something related to Astrology (which BTW I don't really understand too well myself). Scientists say that if Earth had been the only planet around Sun, the eccentricity of its orbit wouldn't be too much. The real reason for the huge difference is due to the effect of the gravitational fields of Jupiter and Saturn! Similarly, precession is seen due to the tidal forces exerted by the Sun and the Moon on Earth's equator. No wonder then that so much importance is given to the effect of planets especially Surya and Shani in Indian Astrology!
Descriptions of Kaliyug
Hindu scriptures mention that during the 432,000 years of Kali, humanity shall deteriorate and fall into barbarism. The world teems with fanatics and extremists and religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, physical strength and memory diminish with each passing day.
Shrimad Bhagavatam says that the demon of Kali descended as soon as Krishna had left the planet. Arjun's grandson Parikshit who was the ruler of the known world then encountered him in the form of a richly attired goon who was beating an ox mercilessly. The emperor stopped his chariot and immediately headed towards the spot to stop him but the man continued till three of the four legs of the animal were broken.
As Parikshit lifted his sword to kill the brute, he fell on his knees and begged to spare his life. He told the emperor that he was none other than Kali, the embodiment of Kaliyuga and his time on Earth had begun. In order to spread his rule he had to break the pillars of Dharma that the ox represented!
The emperor knew he could not halt the progress of Kali but he stopped him from completely maiming Dharma. The demon was allowed to reside in FOUR places - gambling houses and taverns, people with unbridled sexual desires, slaughter-houses where innocent animals are killed and in riches and gold.
No wonder then that most of the crimes we see today happen either in a state of intoxication or involve the misuse of natural resources due to excessive greed for money or take place due to uncontrolled lust and desire!!
To make it easier to understand the effect of Kali, let me share with you some bang-on descriptions about this age from Shrimad Bhagavatam, Ling Puraan, Vishnu Puraan and Mahabharat:
Shrimad Bhagavatam says that the demon of Kali descended as soon as Krishna had left the planet. Arjun's grandson Parikshit who was the ruler of the known world then encountered him in the form of a richly attired goon who was beating an ox mercilessly. The emperor stopped his chariot and immediately headed towards the spot to stop him but the man continued till three of the four legs of the animal were broken.
As Parikshit lifted his sword to kill the brute, he fell on his knees and begged to spare his life. He told the emperor that he was none other than Kali, the embodiment of Kaliyuga and his time on Earth had begun. In order to spread his rule he had to break the pillars of Dharma that the ox represented!
The emperor knew he could not halt the progress of Kali but he stopped him from completely maiming Dharma. The demon was allowed to reside in FOUR places - gambling houses and taverns, people with unbridled sexual desires, slaughter-houses where innocent animals are killed and in riches and gold.
No wonder then that most of the crimes we see today happen either in a state of intoxication or involve the misuse of natural resources due to excessive greed for money or take place due to uncontrolled lust and desire!!
To make it easier to understand the effect of Kali, let me share with you some bang-on descriptions about this age from Shrimad Bhagavatam, Ling Puraan, Vishnu Puraan and Mahabharat:
Kings take to seizing property, rather than protecting the citizenry. Rogues and criminals become leaders to exploit and enslave their people. In this age, merely possessing wealth is considered a sign of good birth, proper behavior, and fine qualities. Law and justice are determined by one's prestige and power.
Marriage ceases to exist as a holy union - men and women simply live together on the basis of bodily attraction and sexual pleasure. Women wander from one man to another. One's beauty is thought to depend on one's hairstyle. Monks break their vows of celibacy. Women, children, and cows - always protected in an enlightened society - are abused and killed during this age.
Men no longer look after their parents in their old age, and fail to provide for their own children. Filling the belly is said to be the only purpose in life. Cows are killed once their milk production drops. Humans give in to intoxication, fornication and killing of animals without any restraint; family structure breaks up and children are abused and abandoned. Thieves are numerous and rapes are frequent. Everyone uses vulgar language.
Kings take to seizing property, rather than protecting the citizenry. Rogues and criminals become leaders to exploit and enslave their people. In this age, merely possessing wealth is considered a sign of good birth, proper behavior, and fine qualities. Law and justice are determined by one's prestige and power.
Marriage ceases to exist as a holy union - men and women simply live together on the basis of bodily attraction and sexual pleasure. Women wander from one man to another. One's beauty is thought to depend on one's hairstyle. Monks break their vows of celibacy. Women, children, and cows - always protected in an enlightened society - are abused and killed during this age.
Men no longer look after their parents in their old age, and fail to provide for their own children. Filling the belly is said to be the only purpose in life. Cows are killed once their milk production drops. Humans give in to intoxication, fornication and killing of animals without any restraint; family structure breaks up and children are abused and abandoned. Thieves are numerous and rapes are frequent. Everyone uses vulgar language.

Farmers abandon living close to nature. They become unskilled laborers in congested cities. Many dress in rags, or are unemployed, and sleep on the streets.
Atheism flourishes. Religious observances are performed solely for the sake of reputation. False doctrines and misleading religions spread across the globe. People prefer false ideas and do not hesitate to persecute religious preachers. Interestingly, not just Hindu but Buddhist texts also predict a decline in religion. Buddhism is prophesized to completely disappear during the Kali Yuga, and it will be virtually impossible for a person to find any opportunity for spiritual realization.
These descriptions are so apt for our society that they leave you wondering whether the authors had undertaken time-travel to visit the current age! Not only is this the exact current scenario but the accuracy of these predictions also fills one with a sense of hopelessness. However, one ray of sunshine exists in this gloom.
The Silver Lining
The Brahma-Vaivarta Puraan [4.129] records a coversation between Lord Krishna as He is preparing to leave Earth at the end of Dvapar Yuga and Goddess Ganga. Krishna tells the goddess who is distraught by the knowledge of Kaliyug's imminent arrival that she would be instrumental in delivering the souls of humans for the first five thousand years of this era and also mentions -
Kaler dasa-sahsrani
madbhaktah samti bhu-tale
ekavarna bhavishyamti
madbhakteshu gateshu cha
In Kaliyuga, for ten thousand years
My devotees shall remain on this planet
Only one varna shall remain
After their departure
This thus, is the 10,000 year Golden Period of Kaliyuga. Is there any scientific relevance of this 10,000 year period?
The answer again is in the affirmative. Currently the Earth is tilted at 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane, roughly halfway between its extreme values. The tilt is in the decreasing phase of its cycle, and will reach its minimum value around the year 10,000 CE. Besides, Earth's Precession shall make the Pole Star change from Polaris or Dhruv to Vega in the next 12000 years and I am not sure what kind of changes that would bring.
The answer again is in the affirmative. Currently the Earth is tilted at 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane, roughly halfway between its extreme values. The tilt is in the decreasing phase of its cycle, and will reach its minimum value around the year 10,000 CE. Besides, Earth's Precession shall make the Pole Star change from Polaris or Dhruv to Vega in the next 12000 years and I am not sure what kind of changes that would bring.
Some spiritual Gurus like Yukteshwar use the 24,000 period of Precession to describe Yugas as ascending or descending but based on the scriptures I don't believe this is mentioned in any of the religious scriptures! The Yugas follow a cyclical pattern of Satya-Treta-Dvapar-Kali and at the end of Kali, the golden age of Satyuga returns again in a continuous cycle. There is no swinging back through Dvapar and Treta as believed by certain western followers of the Yogi.
The proof in support of this assessment is that ancient Hindu astronomical text Surya-Siddhanta mentions precession as Ayanamsa with its current value while simultaneously mentioning the correct duration of the Yugas with the basic unit of 432000 years.
The proof in support of this assessment is that ancient Hindu astronomical text Surya-Siddhanta mentions precession as Ayanamsa with its current value while simultaneously mentioning the correct duration of the Yugas with the basic unit of 432000 years.
Incorrect interpretation of Yugas based on Precession

Even though we are born in this Age of Darkness, we are fortunate to have been born in a time when devotion to Krishna still exists on Earth! The scriptures also mention that it has never been simpler to achieve God than it is in Kaliyug for unlike Satyug where thousands of years penance was required to even get a glimpse of God, in Kaliyug, ALL you need to do is remember His NAME!
Even in the Judaeo-Christian tradition lot of importance is given to the name of God, ever heard this statement - Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name? The sentiment is echoed by the Sikh Guru Arjan Dev Ji in the following verse:
In Treta one had to do elaborate rituals like the Ashwamedh Yagnya and in Dvapar the mode of worship was through huge temples but in Kaliyug, just by remembering the name of the Lord one can get deliverance from the cycle of birth and death. 5000 years have passed and five thousand more remain of this period so let us make the most of it by following good Dharma and ensuring that THIS life is the last of an infinite cycle of births and deaths.
I end this post with an invocation from the Brihan-Naradiya Puraan -
Even in the Judaeo-Christian tradition lot of importance is given to the name of God, ever heard this statement - Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name? The sentiment is echoed by the Sikh Guru Arjan Dev Ji in the following verse:
In Treta one had to do elaborate rituals like the Ashwamedh Yagnya and in Dvapar the mode of worship was through huge temples but in Kaliyug, just by remembering the name of the Lord one can get deliverance from the cycle of birth and death. 5000 years have passed and five thousand more remain of this period so let us make the most of it by following good Dharma and ensuring that THIS life is the last of an infinite cycle of births and deaths.
I end this post with an invocation from the Brihan-Naradiya Puraan -
Harer naam Harer naam Harer naamaiva kevalam
Kalau na asti eva na asti eva na asti eva gatir anyatha
In this Age of Kali,
There is no other Deliverance, No other Deliverance, No other Deliverance,
Than the name of Hari!
May the Lord have mercy on all :)
Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:
Enlightening article on our history. Loved reading it!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteIt was wonderful experience in going through the article. Thank you sir
DeleteMy pleasure completely :)
DeleteThanks Vineet, but help me understand - doesn't remembering Vishnu's name seem too simple? I feel like it means more..
DeleteIt just SOUNDS simple.. in reality its not that easy with our confounded mind that is always occupied with hundreds of thoughts! And just taking the Lord's name once wont do the trick we have to be immersed in it throughout our day to day activities
Deletevery good article sir
ReplyDeleteEnlightening article as always...
ReplyDeleteThanks Lavanya :)
Deletea good article by you sir. good knowledge of geodesy you have reg the tilt of earth axis etc. yes god is easy to come by during this yuga by having faith in the Almighty, miracles do happen. Poor shaktiman's death is a good examle of kaliyuga beating the cow on the legs--yes the evil people are ruling, eg of hitler, gaddafi and others are common--they have outbeaten even Ravana and even Syuodhan in giving justice.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed.. The accurate description of Kaliyuga in ancient scriptures is actually uncanny!
DeleteHats off to this write up infinite starts and a big really touched .
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Janki :)
DeleteSuch a nice article....the mankind must look back to his past histories to learn a true way of these values are really important...for each individual live a true life...thanks a lot for this wonderful article.
ReplyDeleteVery true.. Thanks for the kind words :)
Deletethe article is good and it sends out a positive message in the dark age we are living. Your blog is very good.
ReplyDeleteThanks a ton.. am glad I could spread some positivity in this gloomy scenario :)
DeleteAccording to Chaitanya Caritamrita of Gaudia Vaishnavas the small Golden Age (of 10.000 years) in Kaliya started some 500 years ago with the appearance of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur Bengal.
DeleteHe predicted that "in every town and village (worldwide) my Holy Name will be sung (chanted, worshipped)........"
Thank you Dr.Vineet for the in detail article which open up all eyes who read it. Hope to get more from you Dr.Vineet.
ReplyDeleteInformation Is Wealth, Knowledge Is Power.
M pleasure completely :)
DeleteYes,Dr ji!in kaliyuga, you don't need to do tapasya for years together ,hurting or making our body suffer with fasting,heavy rituals,etc!
ReplyDeleteAs a musician, my easy way to see God is through nadopasana (singing hymns,devotional songs in praise of God)!
In Kannada language, shri.purandaradasaru, a great music composer mentioned that*kaliyugadhalli harinama*-means in kaliyuga, just singing or praying of hari naama is enough!🎵🎻your article is a true one&very good one!👍
Thanks so much :)
DeleteAs usual Doctor, a very enlightening article. By the way, Patal is America and it is said that after the battle of Ramayana, after some time Lav and Kush had gone to Patal. Believe this is the reason why Hindu and Mayan Calendars are nearly same . In one of your article you have written that once the globe , mass of land was one.
ReplyDeleteCould be :)
DeleteYeah in Bible to its said that the two kings of North and South I.e king of North Russia and king of South, Babylon I.e a part of America a war would start, and north king will use a weapon of indignation which will destroy Babylon I.e America.
DeleteYes. This is true. I am reading Srimada Bhagavat Puran, it has same description about Kaliyuga. Only reciting he name of Krishna give you salvation. Shasra is always right. I believe.
ReplyDeleteHari Bol :)
DeleteLot of new agers don't take time dilation into consideration and they also want to believe that Kali Yuga is all and done ha ha.
ReplyDeleteThe way you put all the known facts together and make a new picture out of it is amazing talent that you have got. Thanks to god that we have few people like you who can prove the religious and mythological facts scientifically and make people believe in it. May god give you new heights of knowledge and fame.
ReplyDeleteThats really sweet of u :)
DeleteThank you so much for the kind words and am glad I can be of help to at least some people with an open mind.
excellent article thanks i think most of the people dont know this
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure completely :)
DeleteWonderful article. ...worth reading. ..but a doubt coming thru my mind. How was the world's map according to the previous yugas. I mean the way the land is now is not necessary has to be same as now. Plus the connections who mentioned between the civilisations (mayans-indo)....has to be connected in some ways. Was reading about a city in Argentina called Hastinapur....where people still do pujas of Pancha pandavas and ganesha and lots of other Hindu gods. How come Argentina is connected to us? Your thoughts please or a blog related to this. Waiting for your reply
ReplyDeleteThanks Krishna for your kind words.. Yes the geography in ancient times was completely different and you may check the articles on Jambudweep and Heaven shared by me on this blog (you can find them from the right side panel). The only way south american civilizations could have been connected to ours would be through subterranean tunnels since that would also fulfill their criteria of being located underground (Pataal). As of now nothing seems to conclusively support their connection.
DeleteHi krishna world has continuously changed in its topography,so initially only one land mass was there which was called as super continent(pangea) or jambu dweepa(large island) in sanskrit, so in a way every country is one ruled by ancinet hindus in ancient times, thats why they used to do ashvamedha yaga and rajasuya yaga which means to conquer or sudube other kingdoms and if it was successful he was called as chakravarthi(king of earth), i think i cleared your doubt
DeleteAmazing as always👍😃 ...I wonder why did the Mayan calendar ended in 2012.. I read about it but I can't recall. It was related to the concept of yugas only I wonder what does that mean..a new kind of age commencing from 2012 of something?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :)
DeleteYes apparently their fifth age was supposed to end in 2012 but that is just conjecture. No one knows for sure why their calendar ended when it did and it could have been as mundane as the person putting it on a stone tablet got tired of his job ;)
I love your articles, i always catch myself re-reading them all. I'd like to see an article about Sun gazing or ways to pray to the Gods and Goddesses. Nevertheless thank you for the time you put into these!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work :)
Thank you so much :)
DeleteShall try to do a post on different methods of worship sometime.
Hi vineet sir, i m a fan of u. Your posts are amazing and well structured. I hv enjoyed them always. Would you please tell me what are the resources u follow to gain information? Bcoz i also want to enhance my knowledge about these stuffs but i dont know what resources i should follow.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ayush.. am glad you like my posts and find them useful. I would advise you to read the Bhagvad Geeta for the philosophical aspects of Hinduism and the Bhaagvat Puraan for the stories to begin with.. these are my two all time favorite scriptures :)
DeleteYou, Sir, are a magician. Every article you post is enchanting and above all, thoroughly researched and enriching. Kudos to you Sir. You're the of Hindu mythology. Looking rockstarforward to the next post :)
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks Akash for your kind words! Glad to know the efforts required to bring out each article are paying off.. shall be posting another one soon :)
DeleteHi Vineeth.. why dont you try to write about Time travel and time machine...
DeleteHi Ashhu well the day I find enough material on the topic from the scriptures I shall do so :)
DeleteThanks Krishna
ReplyDelete Just go through that site n tell me clearly which is correct...
ReplyDeleteIt is already mentioned in the article above please check the section on ascending and descending Yugas which is an artificial construct that is not founded in our scriptures.
DeleteHow about representing the cycles using all the vedic units of time from pramanu to kalpa using a cogwheel mechanism like Antikythera mechanism or perhaps built a time machine itself ha ha.
ReplyDeleteSure give it a try :)
DeleteHare Krsna ! My friend Vineet you have interpreted the Bhagavatam so nicely. Now I wanted to request you to please ponder over a question that has arisen in my mind. On the one hand, we see the natural evolutionary process ( as also described by you in an earlier post) and thus we understand that the life forms are getting more advanced. Of course to my mind this also means that civilisation is moving forward. However, we note that the natural state of the universe is entropy, as evidenced by the gradual decline of dharma with each passing Yuga. On one hand , we hear of Rishis of yore being much taller and having life spans of hundreds of years and on the other , we hear that human life expectancy was not more than 30 a few centuries ago and only due to medical advancements it has increased. The only conclusion I have reached so far, is that just as the universe first expands and then contracts, similarly evolution takes place to a certain point and then entropy begins to set in... Hence after Krsna who romped through life as the pinnacle of Godhood , next we Lord Budha who was more concerned with the human condition. And finally we await the annihilation by Kalki Maharaj. I would like to know your thoughts and if possible please explain the apparent dichotomy in the nature of the universe, ie, entropy / chaos theory in the context of evolution.
ReplyDeleteYes it does seem contradictory but that's because we are seeing it in the narrow terms of life evolving on Earth. We are just one of the billions of different planets in the galaxy and while it may seem that we have reached the evolutionary highpoint on earth that may not be the case elsewhere! The Universe seems to be expanding even now so I think we are yet to hit the declining phase though we should keep in mind that the state of entropy is a dynamic one in each closed system so would be independent of where we or the Universe are in its life-cycle :)
DeleteNice article sir, as always. I have a question though. Is there any scientific explanation on why moral values keep declining with every passing yuga.
ReplyDeleteHi Sachin, no the only reason is that Dharma follows a cyclical path and so do physical, mental as well as spiritual virtues. As it declines moral devaluation happens as a corollary and reaches a nadir in the Kaliyug.
DeleteStumbled upon the blog and this is the first article I read....really amazing. Thank you
ReplyDeleteJust was wondering will earth survive the atrocities of human for another approx 426,000 years
Thanks Vishal.. haha yes a good question and I hope the answer to that is yes :)
DeleteGOOD one never expected from a doctor though :) one question do you beleive in sathya yuga humans lived 100000 years ??? and dwapara yuga ( 12 million years ago is the peroid RAMA lived :) and 12 millions years ago there was flying saucers :) Hanuman was powerful to fly from India to Srilanka :) God save patients :)
ReplyDeleteWell what we do not know we cant comment on :)
DeleteAnd yes only God can save patients doctors are just the means to do his good work for the society.
I think Kalyug has come up with many good things and is the best yug I suppose; KAL+YUG ie Yug of Machines basically and no doubt human is evolving towards being, we have freedom of speech, no yuga had ever given the power which Females have today,,, can you imagine any Ram of today dare leaving Sita jst like that,,, all are equal anybody can be as learnet as Arjun could; no Eklavya wud suffer; No karna can get Shrap from any Parshurama for not being Brahmana,,, today we are free to choose the way we want to pray our lord,,, Today we have forums like this to discuss; nobody asks you about your Caste to judge your knowledge,,, As Aurobindo rightly said we are evolving to be a super human being probably it's the last phase of Journey to prove Brahmasmi,,,
ReplyDeleteYes everyone has equal opportunities today but its wrong to assume that wasnt the case earlier! The court of Janak, the father of Sita ji had learned female scholars like Gargi and when Shri Raam was asked to go to exile by Kaikeyi Brahma-rishi Vasishth had asked Sita ji to take his place and rule the kingdom. Shri Raam did NOT leave Sita just like that he was the ideal king who would have himself gone on exile if his citizens demanded! Eklavya did NOT suffer becuase he was a tribal it was because of Drona's favoritism. Karna did NOT get a shraap for not being a Brahmin he got one for lying to his guru. Its complete misreading of the scriptures that gives rise to these false notions and shows how our understanding is so flawed in this Yuga. Its definitely not the best of times but yes getting salvation is easiest today.
DeleteVery well explained Doctor u have become my favourite
Deletelike Dr.devdutt pattnaik says "ur gita n my gita is different"
it's the way we percieve the same situation.
Thanks so much Sanjay ji
DeleteDear sir, few words are enough to praise your article. I am also fan of your article and follower of our holy spirituals. But on one part I am always confused. Yugas are in circular form and in a day of Barhma 1000 such circles passes. While detailing about kali yuga many texts describe about present Kali yuga. Does every kali yuga has same situation. Like for 10,000 years of Kaliyuga Krishna devotees will be on earth, it clearly indicating about present kaliyuga. But what about other Kaliyuga. It is 28th cycle of yugas in present Manvantar and Lord Krishna will not appear again in any yuga in rest of Kalpa. How people of other Kali Yuga get salvation. Please clarify my doubts.
Thank you Rahul for your encouraging words.. Well yes in the scriptures it is mentioned that God finds a way to awaken the spiritual quotient of humanity in various form in all Yugas. So it is not difficult to imagine that in other Kali Yugas also one of His incarnations (if not Krishna Himself) would be helping people attain salvation.
DeleteThanks sir, It is very beautifully explained. I am also agreed that Lord appears in every yuga to establish Dharma on earth. We are fortunate that Lord Krishna appeared in same 28th cycle of yugas in which we are living. But not sure, the most awaited Kalki avatar will happen in same cycle. I believe that darkness and arrogance will be more in coming Kali yugas and that time Supreme Lord will appear to destroy evil forces as Kalki and that could be end of Manvantar too. (Just a thought).
DeleteVineet ,
ReplyDeleteIts a very good article . Again , actually its becoming boring, in a way that, you always produce such brilliant piece of works! ( kidding of course ;D).
BTW I would love to have your opinion on this topic here -
Thanks to some friends , I became aware of the topic . It will mean a lot to me , if you leave an opinion there!.
Haha thanks buddy. I did check out your article :)
DeleteAwesome posts!!keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteDear Vineet have you written something on Kalki Avatar, Dr Zakir naik is trying to prove that Mohammed only was kalki avatar, with some ill fitted ill logics and this guy wants to prove that islam is the oldest religion all other religions being inferior, in the name of peace he is trying to create a belief among the muslims that they are a great religion and they only are true, all other ways to god are false (like hitler did), this is something indirectly creating a belief in the Muslim Community that they way Mohammed killed people in the name of allah and converted them, they should also convert or kill the mis believers or the people of their community who are not strict followers of The Book, (Salafi).
ReplyDeleteI went through some videos of this man and I was zapped to see how madly he has mugged up the books to impress people that what he says only is right... its horrible if can't stopped now their ll be no more peace... you may reply on
Yes I am going to do a post on Kalki soon. Zakir Naik's theories are hogwash intended to only delude those who have never picked up the scriptures. The best way to counter his harebrained theories is to spread the real knowledge of our scriptures as well as that of the Koran
DeleteThank You Dr. Vineet. First time I came across your blog, and I am amazed. Heavy articles written such in a way to get the message across easily to everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure completely buddy.. Thanks for reading :)
DeleteEveryone must have knowledge about spirituality. It can give you inner strength to lead a happy life. Thanks for this post. Question Signal. your article really excellent.
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteLast night I was not able to sleep, so after many tries I left my bed around 4:00 a.m. and started my computer. I planned to complete my coursework but somehow google for Multiverse and Hindu mythology..
ReplyDeleteYour blog is really eye-opening as it connects the "what our elders told" to "what we can prove".
Could you guide me in getting more information on the time cycles and the lokas of universe.
Yash Verma
Thanks a lot Yash :)
DeleteThe puranas talk more about all these things but one has o read through a lot of other material also to get to this thats the reason I created a separate post on Lokas. I have mentioned the time cycles also on the page titled Kalchakra that you can access from the top panel.
Very nice read. Hope you clarify what is being authentically(as far as 26000 year cycle is concerned)explained here:
ReplyDeleteAlready mentioned about this in the post. The 26000 year cycle is a purely theoretical construct as far as the Yugas are concerned. There is absolutely no mention of the ascending/descending cycles in any Hindu scripture.
DeleteDear Valuable Vineet,
ReplyDeleteThe Kali yuga is the yuga of cycles; yuga of repetitions; Yuga of reflexions; yuga of multiplicity; yuga of confusions; yuga of disorder; yuga of flexibility; yuga of atheism; yuga of external world; Yuga of third law; Yuga of fourth force; yuga of fourth varna; yuga of fourth dharma; Yuga of fourth Yoga and the yuga of karma.
In this Yuga we are going to get Karmic (fourth)knowledge from Lord Narayana just like we have previously got the Knowledge of wisdom thru Shri Rama (Yoga Vasishtam) and Knowledge of yoga (Bhagavat Gita) from Shri Krishna and the Knowledge of Bakthi from Shri Ramakrishna (Gospel of Ramakrishna).
Just like the demons challenged the lord by means of Strength (Asuras); Spiritualism (Prophet-hood) in previous era(s) now they are challenging the lord by means of (Materiel) Knowledge. They all will be defeated by means of more advanced (True) knowledge against the shadow knowledge the so called modern science.
From the Periyarist (Southern Indian EVR group) to Jihadhist (international group) will be conquered by our Righteous Lord without any weapon in this century (which will guide to cross the remaining Kali Yuga in next coming many more centuries) by restoring the very ancient (hidden/forgotten) knowledge of forces and the real view of Universe. After that everyone one of us turns philosopher, real discriminator and the real spiritualist.
Let us wait for that great moment which would remind us the period of Mohammad of Arabia but in opposite way in India. Then the whole world will understand that WHAT IS KARMA and HOW IT REFLECTS.
Yes waiting to get a glimpse of the Lord :)
DeleteNice!... I am expecting for an article about Astrology and Planets from you if possible, based on our ancient vedic knowledge. Because Planets are not just the combinations of dust and particles as modern science believes; they are more than that. Scientist can see these heavenly bodies in material plane (Shadow mode) only but not in heavenly dimension (Reality mode). That is the problem. And even uneducated people also blindly criticize the astrology without knowing the value and science behind it. And even (all) the astrologers are using the astrology blindly without knowing how it really works.
DeleteMoreover astrology is not a trade, it is the eye to view the universe and happenings as it is.
So it would be great helpful if you share something special about our ancient Astro science.
Hi buddy.. well i myself don't understand it completely but if and when i have enough material to write on it i shall do it :)
DeleteDear Dr.Aggarwal,
ReplyDeleteAnother good thought-provoking article from you! Please see "Tracing the Rise in Kali" at
Am no scientist but i feel analysis may benefit readers to connect the dots together in their lives and adjust lifestyles accordingly. Any date errors kindly excuse. Thank you.
Bharath Kumar K.
i often think ... y can't krishna wipe off all miseries at once n forgive people n their karmas. he is all powerful. he is god. people are suffering badly.... where is he😔?
ReplyDeleteIf there is day then there will be night. both are part of a whole day. Just like that good and bad karma are part of life. Both are to be accepted and has to be conquered. That's why Krishna come back in every age to play with us by showing how to face such this duality as he played with kindly devotees and terrific demons as well. That is his divine Leela. In reality we are playing with him forever, like children. That's the ultimate truth. Realizing this truth is called spiritualism. Good or bad, all are already written in lord's spiritual drama. We can play our role happily. Surely he will come in different role and in different way for some other interesting play.
DeletePerhaps God was cancelling all bad Karmas in past yugas as you asked. But in this fourth yuga, fates are inter-linked complexly and earth itself is under threat as an average human has so much power to corrupt the earth and has least conscience also! Thats why God is not able to grant sweeping pardons of bad karmas as before, I feel.
ReplyDeleteBut God is still answering individual prayers. That's good to know!
ReplyDeleteAgain an amazing post. It gone clean out of my mind that I have this blog bookmarked because you don't post new content too often; may be in a year or two? However, as always, I learned something new today. Thanks you describing everything in a scintillating way.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure completely Akhil :)
Deletevery well written and described about the yugas and especially Kalyuga.
ReplyDeleterecently read Vishnu Puran, even there a good desription of Kalyuga was given. visit my website
Thank you :)
DeleteHi Himaniji,
DeleteI did went to ur site n really liked ur innovative ideas of selling.
Please stop.
this is a place where we try to enrich our mind and souls
Himaniji ye jagah tele shopping network ki nahi hai... hum log yahan vineetjee se seekhne a ate hai
Aap apni Dukan hat kar lagaye
Indra is Lord of Akasha/Ether. Indrajala means magic. Jala means web. Indra is famous for his web of magic, Indra's net. Ehter net. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Amazing in-depth analysis... made so much easier to understand. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure completely :)
DeleteEvery technology we see is based on the occult, developed first for occult purposes. Everything the west tells is a lie. Unfortunately, they have the power now and we just have to comply ha ha and pretend like it is all dandy. They are the real Asuras.
ReplyDeleteIs there any mention of the use of technology like ai taking mankind etc in kaljyug? Or is it just a Western propaganda through hollywood?
ReplyDeleteHow is all this connected! Please explain sir.
Well my friend there's no such mention of machines taking over the society but then brain-washed terrorists who have no mercy for normal human beings are no better than programmed machines isn't it?
DeleteSir, then what should be our duty towards society, should we close our eyes and let the things happen or should we try to bring the change. I want to know what the holy scriptures say about this question.
ReplyDeleteHi Maninder
DeleteOf course we can't just watch things happen and have to intervene. Remember Arjun was ready to drop his weapons but Krishna asked him to stop being a coward and fulfill his duties to the society! We all have to strive to make it a better place there's no doubt about it.
Dear dr.vinit ji your post is outstanding as usual .it is really hard working effort you made.your information connect to present with past in scientific manners, that I never seen before anywhere. So many thanks and keep do it. My prary to Our Lovely Krishna ji give you more power.
ReplyDeleteThank you DK Jangir ji.. May God give us all the wisdom to understand our scriptures better! Hare Krishna :)
DeleteJai sri krsna doctor vineet I had a query regarding the linkage of evolution and the dashavatara which you had elaborated on in an earlier post. Now a question arose in my mind, when visnu appeared as a fish, reptile and mammal, then why not an insect?
ReplyDeleteHaha Lord Vishnu doesn't appear in these forms to show us evolution but to fulfill a specific purpose! It is just the order of these ten that points towards evolution otherwise Lord Vishnu's incarnations are numerous.
DeleteI further had a query regarding location of vaikunth as per the srimad bhagvatam which says that it is the heavenly body closest to dhruvatara (which factually was thuban, in the Draco galaxy, at the time this text was written). We also know visnu is the sisumara that coils upon itself, the spiral milky way. Now the centre of the galaxy is a super massive black hole Sagittarius A in the Sagittarius constellation, is this to be understood as visnu's abode, or is it somewhere near thuban?
ReplyDeleteYes it is near the center of the Galaxy.. please check the posts titled Lokas and A for Astronomy
DeleteCame across a few stories in Puranas that happens in pervious Kali Yugas.
ReplyDeleteYes i have seen few.. where did you find these
DeleteMay god mercy us. I have just read the story of marraige b/w balaram and rebati kakushmi. It seemed like the theory of twin paradox in relativity coincide with it. The story tells that for bridal of rebati her father and she goes to bramhaloka to find the suitable bride groom for rebati. Many times passed in there b/c actually bramha was listening song from haha & huhu , most prominent singer of the gandharva loka. When the singing was ended rebati's father told bramha to tell suitable bridegroom of rebati kindly in the satyayuga. But as bramhaloke has the highest time realm also have no side effect of age both father and daughter was same as before satyayuga wheather as dwapar was at the end in the earth realm. So bramha told them the problem that their realm has gone and he would have to find the groom at dwapor. Bramha told the he would find that balaram is best for rebati. Then they come to earth but see balaram ,as the man of dwapor is shorter than rebati who is of satyayuga. Balaram then make rabati short like him with plough or hal.
ReplyDeleteAs per twin paradox we have now known that if there is two brother and one has gone to space by some fractoinal velocity of light speed say 0.8c and be in space for a large time and then come to earth he will see his brother had had passed very before. Also see that his own length has contracted due to time delation and length contraction. However I believe that our puranic sage knew about relativity. You are a researcher in that articles you have written . If you fell much light on that basis of our puranic mythology of relativity it would make proud to us the hindus.
Yes I know this story and have mentioned Time Travel & Theory of relativity in one of the posts :)
DeletePlease check the post titled Black Holes & Bhagavatam
What was the name of the kulguru/rajguru in Hastinapur before Kripa?
ReplyDeleteWell it isn't really clear but at the time of Maharaj Bharat, Vishwamitra was the Kulguru
DeleteThanks for your reply. Vishwamitra was maternal grandfather of Bharat. If I may state my question differently then it will be "Shantanu brought two infants (Kripa and Kripi) and handed over to his Kulguru for care/adoption. What was the name of this Kulguru?"
DeleteYes he was and Vedas also mention him as the Kulguru of the Bharat Tribe. It was Kripa's father Sharadwat who after he came to know of Shantanu's having taken his children to Hastinapur came there to give them diksha.
DeleteCheck this:
ReplyDeleteवेद गिता या पूरानात वर्णांचा उल्लेख आलेला आहे पण आज त्यांचा चुकिचा अर्थ लावला जातोय ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय वैष्य शुद्र हे चार वर्ण त्रिकालाबाधित सत्य आहे श्रीकृष्ण म्हणतात हे वर्ण कर्माने पडतात जन्माने नाहि। मानवाने हे वर्न आपल्या वैयक्तिक सोइ साठि जन्मानुसार केलेत तर शास्त्राने समाजाच्या कल्यानासाठि।ब्राम्हण क्षत्रिय वैश्य शुद्र हे शब्द जरि नष्ट झाले तरि समाजाच्या कार्य करण्या च्या पद्धतित बदल होणार नाहि।कारण हि नैसर्गिक रचना आहे।आज जे विद्या अर्जन करुन ज्ञान देतात ते ब्राह्मण म्हणजे शिक्षक संत गुरु जे आपल्या शौर्याने पैसा कमवितात ते क्षत्रिय
म्हणजे देश्याचि सेवा करणारे सैनिक होय आणि जे व्यापार करुन पैसा कमवितात ते वैश्य आणि जे सेवा करतात ते शुद्र म्हणजे अस्वच्छ काम करणारे या चार वर्णा शावाय संसार चालुच शकत नाहि ज्ञान देणारेच नसतिल तर पिढ्याच घडनार नाहि सैनिक नसल्यास आपण सुरक्षित राहुच शकत नही व्यापारा शिवाय जिवन नाहि सेवक कच नसतिल तर वरिल तिन्हि वर्णांना काहि महत्वच राहनार नाहि हे चारहि वर्ण मानवि जिवनाचे आधारस्तंभ आहेत याचा आपण वेगळा अर्थ लाऊ शकतो पन यांचे काम नाहि
हे चार वर्ण म्हणजे जिवन तत्व आहेत
ब्राह्मण म्हणजे आपले डोकं ज्यात ज्ञानाचा अनुभवाचा भांडार असतो ज्याने आपले जिवनाला दिशा मिळते आपला छातिचा आणि भुजांचा भाग म्हणजे क्षत्रिय ज्याच्या मुळे आपण दुसर्यांशि लढु शकतो आपले पोटाचा भाग म्हणजे वैश्य होय कि ज्याची भुक भागविण्यासाठि अनेक व्यवहार करावे लागतात व्यापार करावा लागतो आणि आपला कमरे खालचा भाग म्हणजे शुद्र होय अपवित्र होय तसेच पायांना पुर्ण शरिराचि आयुश्यभर सेवा करावि लागते हे त्रिकालाबाधित सत्य आहे
ब्राह्मण म्हणजे सतयुग यात ब्राह्मणांचे राज्य होतं क्षत्रिय म्हणजे त्रेतायुग यात क्षत्रियांचे राज्य होतं वैश्य म्हणजे द्वापरयुग यात वैश्यांचे तर कलियुगात शुद्रांचे राज्य असेल शुद्रांना महत्व असेल पहिले त्यांचा विचार होइल मग इतरांचा सर्व जगाचि दिशा ते ठरवतिल जशि जशि कलियुग वाढेल तशि शुद्रांचि ताकद वाढेल ते शक्तिशाली बनतिल ज्या प्रमाणे सतयुगात ब्राह्मणांनि एैशवर्य भोगले त्याच प्रमाने शुद्र(सेवादेनारे) कलियुगात भोगतिल
व्यक्तिचा बालपण कालावधि म्हणजे ब्राह्मण वर्ण होय त्यात ज्ञानार्जन करायचे असते तरुन पण म्हणजे क्षत्रिय वर्ण होय त्यात लढण्याचि शौर्याचि भावना व्यक्तिच्या मनात येतात व्यक्तिचे प्रौढ़ावस्ता म्हणजे वैश्य वर्ण होय त्यात व्यक्ति अनेक व्यापार करतो व्यवहार करतो आणि वैश्या सारखा व्यवहार करतो आ शेवटचे म्हणजे व्यक्तिचे म्हातारपण जे शुद्राचे प्रतिनिधित्व करते या वयात व्यक्ति इतरांच्या तुलनेने जरजर झालेला असतो नकोसा वाटतो कुरुप झालेला असतो अशक्त झालेला आढळतो दर्बल वाटतो त्याला विविध व्याधिंनि घेरलेले असते त्याच प्रमाणे कलियुगात व्यक्ति च्या म्हातार पनाचे लक्षण दिसतिल या युगात लोक अनेक व्याधिंनि ग्रस्त असतिल समाजात आजारा प्रमाणे अनेक प्रवाह असतिल कोणत्याहि गोष्टिवर ऊपचार नसतिल......
सत्य हे कधिच शुद्ध नसते त्यात काहि प्रमाणित असत्यच असते।
The smaller cycle of Yugas also mentioned by Ganapati Muni - disciple of Raman Maharshi .There is always smaller cycles of Yugas in between the greater cycles,as in the all yugas all the modes of Nature -Prakrati -Sattva -Rajas _Tamas are active and like YIN and Yang keep influencing each other ,even in Satya Yugas ,there have lived Rakshsas ,Daityas ,Danvaas ,Asuras and Pisachas ,as they were progeny of Rishi Kashyap .
ReplyDeleteSantos Bonacci. The Sun and Sirius. Returning of the Golden Age This particular video discusses about the 26000 yuga cycle
ReplyDeleteDr vineet Aggarwal Ki Jay U did a great seva 4 z whole humanity
ReplyDeleteHaha not at all.. its my duty to share whatever I know with others :)
DeleteDear Vineet are we privileged to be born in India? And people of of other parts of the world still don't have a true concept of God? Why do we think we only have the real Knowledge? Were others not created by God? Is Allah different from Krishna or God? Why Buddha was an Athiest if he was Avatar of Vishnu? Mahaveer had a different Philosophy why? Why our Vedas, Purans, Mahabharat, Bhagwatam, confuse us? Which and what should we believe?
ReplyDeleteThe confusion is in our minds not in the scriptures and it is quite evident from your questions!! Hinduism is the ONLY major world religion that accepts different paths to attain the same goal (mentioned by Krishna Himself in Bhagvad Geeta) so the question about only WE having real knowledge doesn't arise and rather is an Abrahamic concept that divides the world into believers of their own religion and non-believers. Yes we are blessed to have been born in India because it is only our tradition that accepts even athiestic views such as those of Buddha and Mahavir or tantrik practices of crematorium dwelling Aghoris into its fold! Also please remember that different scriptures are meant for different intellectual levels and you are NOT supposed to follow each and every one of them. Whatever suits ur intellect/inclination you should pick that up and follow it. May you find what you are looking for.
DeleteWonderful post on Kali Yug. And I especially loved the pictures you have shared. You have drawn superb co-relations between Science & Religion & I believe that is how both should be studied so we arent misled by religion & don't allow science to turn us into machines.
ReplyDeleteThe part about Krishna saying that his followers will continue to dwell on Earth for 10,000 years is quite depressing. Does it mean the Hindu religion will end by the end of this 10,000 year period? Seeing the way we are going it certainly doesn't seem impossible!
Thank you so much... Yes seems like that the way entire world is succumbing to extremist forces slowly but surely!
DeleteVery nicely put down together..
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the effort you put into researching and letting the knowledge spread..
As they say, an Atom and the Entire Cosmos is the same, only the complexity and size increases.. So in order to know anything in the cosmos, just look into oneself.. Can there be such similarities in a "life" and "Yuga".. The various phases of life compared to various Yugas..
May be will try and understand something of it someday..
My pleasure completely.. yes there are many ways to interpret each belief and we should take the explanation that best fits our understanding :)
DeleteVishwakarma is visualized as Ultimate Reality (later developed as Brahman) in the Rig Veda, from whose navel all visible things Hiranyagarbha emanate. So clearly Vaishnava cult changed Vishwakarma's navel to Vishnu's navel, isn't it.
ReplyDeleteActually that's incorrect. Vishwakarman is one of the epithets used for the Supreme Reality rather than the name of a particular god. Most such terms in the Vedas are actually adjectives and people make the mistake of taking them as nouns. In fact the Vaishnav texts tally beautifully with Vedic verses if one only cares to read them properly. The concept of 3/4th heavens of the Purush Sukta is prominent in Vaishnavism which also worships the Adi Purush.
DeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeletei have one question, though totally unrelated to this post.
i read somewhere that Radha didn't existed.
what are your thoughts on this? internet is an open board, anyone can write anything..hence thought of asking you.
could this be true? as we know that our ancient texts were fragmented by the invaders with false stories and improper understanding.
Thank you.
Hi Himanshu.. No that's incorrect. RADHA ji is not mentioned in the Mahabharat or Shrimad Bhagavat Puraan but she is the eternal consort of Shri Krishna according to the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan
DeleteHello Sir,
DeleteBrahma Vaivarta Puraan is composed majorly in 15th/16th century (though may have existed earlier) and is re-written many times. It also mentions that Shree Ganesh is re-incarnation of Shree Krishna (which is not true, atleast according to what we have seen/read till date, what do you think?) Source:Wiki.
Also, as mentioned by you, Radha ji is not mentioned in Shrimad Bhagvat Puraan, then how shall one believe in her existance (sorry, if i have been rude).
Thank you.
Yes it is a relatively recent Puran compared to the other ones. The belief in Radha ji as Krishna's eternal consort is a part of Gaudiya Vaishnavism & it is completely up to you to believe in her existence or not. Hinduism doesn't force any belief on anyone :)
DeleteYes, agree. That's the beauty of Hinduism :)
DeleteThank you.
Very good.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Thank you so much! Well I am not really into rituals too much so I generally prefer to spend time with nature to calm my mind!
DeleteHi Vineet...
ReplyDeleteI would like to add to your query about what it will happen after the axis shift? As per my understanding all seven tectonic plates of earth will merge again. In the last axis shift they got separated. As Tropic of cancer is 23.5 degrees to the equator, I think it will be the next equator with a new alignment of plates. What do you think about this idea?
Hard to say whether the movement of tectonic plates shall merge with the axial tilt. Most common reason given for the split is that Magma from below the Earth's crust began pushing upward, creating fissures in the earlier supercontinent.
DeleteVery well journelled!!!Loved it 👏👏
ReplyDeleteAlso the age of Aquarius has begun which causes rise and fall of human civilization.
Dr. Vineet some sites like and other scholars are saying we are in ascending dwapara yuga and are pointing to the advancement in technology. They are saying kali yuga has ended sometime in 18th century and the worst of kali was during the medieval ages and roman empire etc. However i also see some like ssrf disputing this claim and asserting in the traditional theory. How can we get rid of this confusion ? Vedas are the final authority right? any thing you can share that conclusively proves we are in kali. I believe that we are in kali yuga but i think there are sub ages within a larger kali yuga. I think this is the correct understanding.
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned in the article that's a wrong belief simply because not a single Hindu scripture that talks about such swinging Yugas. The movement is always one directional and even if we don't take them as divine years Kaliyug would lead to a Satyug not a Dwapar
DeleteAlso did lord krishna promise a 10000 year golden age to ganga devi after 5000 years of kali? again some site is saying that is false and puranas can't be trusted?
ReplyDeleteThat's all people's own interpretations. Krishna does mention that to Ganga in the Brahma Vaivarta purana.
ReplyDeleteThank you sir for giving me such a precious piece of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteits awesome dude how you design your blog and give the handsome amount of knowledge
ReplyDeletei want to tell u that i also work on a blog related to hindu mythology pls help me to build the blog effectively
Thanks Akshat. I checked out your blog its good. Be patient as you add more articles it will start getting more traffic as well.
ReplyDeleteVery nice article
ReplyDeleteBut I would like to know how many years ago Rama exist.if it is 7000years ago than calculation of kaliyuKa also should not more than 5000 years.
Do check out my blogpost on Shri Rama. I have analyzed this question in it.
DeleteWanderful blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteThank you for enlightening the mind
ReplyDeleteAmazing article, thanks for collating all the complicated details and delivering it to us.
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful article..Thank you doctor