There has always been an argument in the Scientific world - Whether an Intelligence created this World or, the World led to the creation of Intelligence. Sounds like a Chicken & Egg situation there! However in Hindu Cosmology, the process of creation is more purposeful than a random explosion in nothingness.
In the current post, I'm gonna share the Creation Phenomenon as per Hindu Scriptures and will take you through the Theological as well as Evolutionary details hidden in them. Swami Vivekananda, one of the most intellectual proponents of Hinduism says - Indian philosophy goes beyond both Intelligence as well as Matter and describes a Purush, or Self, of whom Intelligence is but the borrowed light - This Adi-Purush or Original Being is the Supreme Lord Vishnu.
Adi Purush, Shri Hari Vishnu
There is one important concept that we need to understand here - According to the Satvata Tantra, there exist, not One, not Two, but THREE different forms of Lord Vishnu in the Material Realm.
The Three Forms of Lord Vishnu
The first and foremost form of Lord Vishnu in the Material Realm, is that of Shri Karanodak-shayi Maha Vishnu or Narayan (One-who-lies-on-Water). The Lord reclines on Cosmic waters of the Causal Ocean (That-Causes-Everything) known as Karan-Odak that emanates from His own body and fills the lower half of the Material Realm.
Shri Maha Vishnu is the ONLY Living entity present in the Material Creation right now and this form of the Lord has been called Kaal-Swabhavah or the foundation of the Space-Time Continuum. He forms the basis of Quantum Physics that runs this Universe at Sub-Atomic as well as Super-Galactic levels.
The as yet unmanifest stage of material nature is called Pradhan or Prakriti - till this stage, there is no Words or Expression, no Mind or Elements, and the three modes of Goodness, Passion and Ignorance are in an equilibrium. There is no Life or Intelligence, no Pleasures or Pains and no Demons or Gods. There is no Ether, Water, Earth, Air, fire or Sun nor the different stages of Consciousness - sleep, wakefulness and deep sleep. Yet, this Pradhan is the original substance of Material Nature and the basis of all further Creation.
The as yet unmanifest stage of material nature is called Pradhan or Prakriti - till this stage, there is no Words or Expression, no Mind or Elements, and the three modes of Goodness, Passion and Ignorance are in an equilibrium. There is no Life or Intelligence, no Pleasures or Pains and no Demons or Gods. There is no Ether, Water, Earth, Air, fire or Sun nor the different stages of Consciousness - sleep, wakefulness and deep sleep. Yet, this Pradhan is the original substance of Material Nature and the basis of all further Creation.
Creation Begins in the Material Realm
1. The First Step in Creation is called the FIRST Sarga:
Because of the Wish of Maha Vishnu, there arises a disturbance in equilibrium of the 3 qualities of Satva, Rajas and Tamas which results in the formation of subtle imperceptible matter called the Mahat Tattva. This subtle matter can not be perceived by our material senses yet it forms the basis of all that follows - It is from this that Intelligence or ‘Buddhi’ arises further giving rise to ‘Aham’ or Ego that further gives rise to ‘Manas’ or Mind.
Because of the Wish of Maha Vishnu, there arises a disturbance in equilibrium of the 3 qualities of Satva, Rajas and Tamas which results in the formation of subtle imperceptible matter called the Mahat Tattva. This subtle matter can not be perceived by our material senses yet it forms the basis of all that follows - It is from this that Intelligence or ‘Buddhi’ arises further giving rise to ‘Aham’ or Ego that further gives rise to ‘Manas’ or Mind.
2. In the SECOND Sarga, the Mind gives rise to the Dash-Indriyan which include 5 Sensory Perceptions - Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue and Nose as well as 5 Organs of Action - Mouth, Arms, Legs, Excretory and Reproductory.
3. The THIRD Sarga shows the formation of the FIVE Tanmatras or subtle elements of Sound, Touch, Taste, Form & Smell followed by the Basic Elements, the Panch-Mahabhoot which, like the three Primary colors, give rise to Matter in its various forms through their permutations and combinations. These Famous Five are - Space, Air, Water, Fire & Earth.
The Panch Mahabhoot manifest
These THREE Phases of Creation are collectively are known as PRAKRITIK Sarga as they are NOT a creation of Brahma and come into being from the Natural Energy of the Lord, known as Prakriti. After these basic building blocks, the stage was now set for the creation of our Universe (and indeed other Universes too!). Before we move ahead just a quick tabular shot of what we have learnt above:
All this detail may be too much to handle in the first instance but if you have managed to grasp the above, feel relieved for the difficult conceptual portion is out of the way :o)
All this detail may be too much to handle in the first instance but if you have managed to grasp the above, feel relieved for the difficult conceptual portion is out of the way :o)
Creation of OUR Universe
As we learnt in the previous post, Multiple Universes emerge from the Infinite pores of Shri Maha Vishnu's cosmic body each time He exhales. The Lord again enters EACH of these egg-shaped Universes in His SECOND form of Shri Garbhodak-shayi Vishnu.
This second form of the Lord reclines on the Great Serpent Anant (Without-an-End) and is the Maintainer for His respective Universe. To use an analogy, consider Him sort of a Governor for His Province while Maha-Vishnu is like the Head of the Nation!
Each Universe emerging from Maha-Vishnu contains a Garbhodak-shayi Vishnu
This second form of the Lord reclines on the Great Serpent Anant (Without-an-End) and is the Maintainer for His respective Universe. To use an analogy, consider Him sort of a Governor for His Province while Maha-Vishnu is like the Head of the Nation!
Shri Garbhodakshayi Vishnu, First LIVING Being in EACH Universe

Imagine the plight of the Creator-god when he would have opened his eyes for the first time.. He must have been as lost and clueless as a new born baby coming into this world! Lord Brahma did not know the purpose of his being. Trying to look all around him simultaneously, he sprouted 5 heads to enable him to spot even a hint of an activity in any direction yet could not see anything except darkness all around him.
To clear his confusion, he then decided to explore the stem of the Lotus from which he had emerged but came to a dead-end. Thereafter, he went into meditation for a 100 Maha-Yugas and to clear his confusion and provide him guidance, Lord Garbhodak-shayi Vishnu made Himself VISIBLE to Brahma.
Shri Garbhodakshayi Vishnu becomes visible to Lord Brahma 

Lord Brahma was transfixed with the divine spectacle of the Supreme Lord resplendent in Blue and Gold, lying on the Great serpent with a thousand hoods on the mighty waters of the Garbh-Ocean! Shri Hari Vishnu, then told Brahma his purpose of existence and realizing the magnitude of work that lay ahead of him, Brahma was (quite understandably) left speechless! It's sort of like being asked by the Boss to create a new Business Model when you dont even know which industry you are working in :o)
Fortunately, the BIG-BOSS here was Lord Vishnu, the Adi-Purush who in the noblest of sacrifices asked Brahma to use portions of Lord's own body for beginning the process! It is from here that actual Creation by Lord Brahma begins.
Fortunately, the BIG-BOSS here was Lord Vishnu, the Adi-Purush who in the noblest of sacrifices asked Brahma to use portions of Lord's own body for beginning the process! It is from here that actual Creation by Lord Brahma begins.
Creation within EACH Universe
We FINALLY begin with the Creation of our Universe. To give it some perspective, I should inform you that my calculations give the staggering number of 155.524752 Trillion Solar Years ago as the time of occurrence of this event!
Another point to be noted here, is that EACH Universe has a personal form of Lord Vishnu AND an Individual Brahma as well. Ergo, there are billions and billions of Brahmas in the Material Realm each taking care of Creation in his OWN Universe!!
Another point to be noted here, is that EACH Universe has a personal form of Lord Vishnu AND an Individual Brahma as well. Ergo, there are billions and billions of Brahmas in the Material Realm each taking care of Creation in his OWN Universe!!
Lord Brahma begins Creation
4. Brahma first creates the Immovable objects such as Planets, Land, Mountains, etc. which do not have any inherent power of Motion (Remember that Planets also move due to Gravity and do not have an intrinsic motion of their own). This is the FOURTH phase of Creation known as the Mukhya Sarga.
5. In the next phase called the Tiryak Sarga, Brahma creates 6 different types of Vegetation covering trees/herbs/creepers etc., 12 different varieties of Birds and 28 different broad classifications of Animals which I'm not detailing here to prevent a system overload and subsequent crash ;o)
6. The SIXTH Phase saw Creation of Demigods and other Advanced Species of life and is therefore known as the Deva Sarga. Most important Divinities were created in this Phase of Brahma's Creation.
- First come the 4 Eternal Kumars, the First Incarnations of Lord Vishnu. These cherubic kids remain the same in appearance throughout their lifetime which is as long as that of Brahma himself! But all of them chose to follow the path of Spirituality instead of following Brahma's command for beginning procreation.
- This frustrated Brahma so much that from his forehead, (the region of the third eye) emerged a dark red and blue child bawling at the top of his voice! This crying baby was named Rudra (The Howler)!
Rudra born from Brahma's Forehead
- However, Rudra too decided to follow the path of Tapas or Penance and Brahma was sorely disappointed. After a lot of cajoling by Brahma, Rudra agreed to help and manifested 10 more beings with the same appearance as him (Binary Fission?!?). These are known as the 11 Rudras, ONE of whom is Lord Shiva.
- On Brahma's request again, Rudra appeared as Ardhanarishwar and generated a female principle (Asexual Reproduction??) which was the Rudrani.
- Each of the 11 Rudras similarly obtained a consort thus providing Brahma some satisfaction of seeing his creations multiply. However, the Rudras were all fierce since they represented the Supreme Lord's power of Destruction!
- Realizing that the progeny of Rudra was not what he really wanted to populate the world with, Brahma then created 10 Manas Putras by just visualizing them in his mind! Neat, eh? I wish I could finish all my work by just thinking about it!! These Mind-born sons of Brahma are - Atri, Angiras, Atharva, Bhrigu, Daksh, Marichi, Pulah, Pulatsya, Vasishtha and the youngest one Narad.
- When all these sons preferred to follow footsteps of the Kumars, by refusing to get entangled in the process of procreation, Brahma again filled up with Negative energy - this resulted in the creation of Asurs, who in common parlance are known as Demons. When Brahma let go of this Tamsik Dark aspect of his being, it resulted in the creation of Night-time.
- Focusing his positive energy again, Brahma took a Satvik form and created the Deities or Devas. These are the illumined effulgent demi-gods who became the care-takers of different aspects of the Material Creation. This Bright aspect of Brahma's personality also led to the creation of Day-time.
Devas or Demigods

- The next creation of Brahma was the Pitras or Manes. It may be worthwhile to mention that the planet of the Pitras has one day and night equal to a fortnight each of the humans. (In a later post I'll discuss how this relates to Einstein's Theory of Relativity)
- Prasuti became the consort of the eldest Mana-putra Daksh, and this is where Copulative creation began! It is interesting to note that the Sanskrit word for parturient labour is also Prasuti, probably a recognition of her being the FIRST woman to give birth to a child by normal delivery!!
Thus, Daksha became the Second Prajapati after Brahma; the Guardian and Custodian of All Creation. With this, the Deva Sarga came to a close and Lord Brahma, who must have been completely exhausted by now, decided to take a break. The point to be remembered here is that like the Greek Titans, the Asuras are older than the Devas who correspond quite well to the Olympians.
7. At the end of all this, Lord Brahma sat ruminating about the direction his work had taken till now, and took a body which was Rajsik or in the Mode-of-Passion. Thus from his right hand emerged a creature a lot like him - this was the First Man, Swayambhu Manu (Born-on-his-Own) who was born with the Kaya of his father Brahma (Ka-Brahma, ya-form). Interestingly, the same incident is noted in Bible as well - 'Man was created in the Image of His Maker'.
Along with Manu, emerged the female Shatrupa and Brahma assigned for them the planet Earth. Thus, Human-beings, the progeny of Manu and Shatrupa were given the sanction for populating the globe and till date we show ABSOLUTELY no sign of stopping! ;o)
7. At the end of all this, Lord Brahma sat ruminating about the direction his work had taken till now, and took a body which was Rajsik or in the Mode-of-Passion. Thus from his right hand emerged a creature a lot like him - this was the First Man, Swayambhu Manu (Born-on-his-Own) who was born with the Kaya of his father Brahma (Ka-Brahma, ya-form). Interestingly, the same incident is noted in Bible as well - 'Man was created in the Image of His Maker'.
Swayambhu Manu, the First Man
Along with Manu, emerged the female Shatrupa and Brahma assigned for them the planet Earth. Thus, Human-beings, the progeny of Manu and Shatrupa were given the sanction for populating the globe and till date we show ABSOLUTELY no sign of stopping! ;o)
Manu and Shatrupa - Hindu Adam and Eve
In this context, I wanna mention the beautiful similarity drawn by the character called Agent Smith in the super-hit movie Matrix, where he tells Neo - Humans are like viruses.. multiplying till they exhaust all resources of a particular place and then moving on to greener pastures.. Guess we and viruses have the same level of Evolution then!
It is also interesting to note that the Germanic tribes call their ancestor Mannus which is also the root of the English word - Man just as Manu is the root of the Hindi word Manushya. Since the SEVENTH Phase saw the creation of Human-beings, it is known as the Manushya Sarga.
It is also interesting to note that the Germanic tribes call their ancestor Mannus which is also the root of the English word - Man just as Manu is the root of the Hindi word Manushya. Since the SEVENTH Phase saw the creation of Human-beings, it is known as the Manushya Sarga.
8. In the EIGHTH Phase called the Anugrah Sarga, other species with magical powers were created such as the Yakshas, Gandharvs, Sarpas, Apsaras etc. Some of these species are in the mode of goodness while others in the mode of darkness.
9. The NINTH and FINAL Phase of Brahma's Creation is called the Kaumar Sarga wherein the four Eternal Kumars considered re-appeared in this day of Brahma. With this ends the exhausting process of Creation. If you as a reader and me as a chronicler are both boggled by the details and technicalities of this, imagine the condition of Lord Brahma!
Brahma looks at His creation with relief
Yet, in my personal opinion, it would be a golden opportunity for any artist to get the freedom to express his creativity without any restraints, utilizing no less than the sublime form of Adi-Purush Himself!! How noble the Sacrifice and how Liberating the experience!
It would be worthwhile to note that the 4 Kumars as well as the 10 Manas Putras are older than the Devas and Asurs both, therefore, they are held in deep respect by both the clans. Also, I can't help but notice that Brahma's Creation closely follows actual appearance of elements in our Universe -
First to appear are the intangible elements like the protons, neutrons etc. followed by matter in gaseous form; followed by the immovable planets and landmasses; then the vegetation; birds, aquatics and animals; and finally the Higher species.
Also, the Mode of reproduction is clearly ASEXUAL in the beginning (as seen with the generation of Rudras and Rudranis) and becomes COPULATIVE only after the germination of Daksha and his consort Prasuti!
Before winding up, let me just mention the Third and the Final form of Lord Vishnu in the Material Realm. This is Shri Kshirodak-shayi Vishnu present in each atom of the creation as 'Parmatma' or the Super-soul. His vehicle is the Golden-eagle Garuda and it is from Him that all the Avatars take origin! The Lord resides on planet Shvet-dvip in the Dhruv-Loka, reclining on the Sheshnaag (One-that-remains) with His consort Lakshmi and supervises this ENTIRE Creation that we discussed above!
A Thousand heads has Purush,
A thousand eyes, A thousand feet,
Manifesting Earth and the World,
He extends beyond countability.
Purusha is all that Exists,
What Was and What shall Be,
He Consumes and is Consumed,
The Hidden Lord of Immortality.
What's visible is but One-quarter;
Beyond destruction lies a Quarter and Three!
From Purusha was born the Universe;
Even the Creater was born of Thee!
In this Srishti-Yagnya performed,
Purusha Himself became the Havis,
Summer lent the fire-wood, And
Spring became the pouring Ghee.
Birds that travel in the air,
Beasts of forest were thus born,
Village dwellers, Humans came forth;
Hymns of Vedas came from Thee.
From His face the Brahmins rose,
Men-of-arms from His arms,
His thighs became the Trader creed,
Shudras rose from His Holy feet,
Shudras rose from His Holy feet,
From His Navel spread the Sky;
From the Head, Heavens sprung,
From His feet Earth was born;
From the Ears, directions decree.
From the Waters and the Earth,
He forged Creation, the Divine smith,
Lord of Universe; Unborn; Omnipresent;
Lives within; Yet only the Wise can see.
Request we Lord, Greenery for Earth,
Request we the good of Community,
Request we the good of ALL living beings,
May Peace Envelop our Destiny.
Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:
my god..what a detailed information..seems as if u researched for ages before writing...very nicely written winnie...thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteHahaha thanx a lot Prats :) Well i try to do as much research as possible for my posts so tht i can share authentic data wid people!! gud to c d appreciation :)
ReplyDeleteBut what about the Demigods being the progeny of Rishi kashyap and Aditi. And Sheshanag being the son of kadru...... Garuda the son of Vinata... Were they always present with Vishnu.
DeleteWell there are many demigods and Adityas form only one group of them! The SHeshnaag and Garud also came later and joined the services of lord Vishnu.. The Naga that Shri Garbhodakshayi Vishnu lies on is Anant meaning Eternal and always exists with this form of Shri Hari Vishnu. Sheshnaag is the bed for Shri Kshirodakshayi Vishnu and assumed this role after he was fed up with the wickedness of his brothers while Garud also came to be Lord Kshirodakshayi Vishnu's vehicle because of the same sons of Kadru.
DeleteThis is Awesome.
DeleteIt is my understanding that Ananta and Garuda are eternally in servitude of the Lord, both in the Spiritual and material realms. On this particular day of Lord Brahma they reappeared themselves as Kashyapa's progeny through Kadhru and Vinatha.
Deletenice work man... Thanks for sharing such knowledge...
ReplyDeleteo wow as usual u gv us another piece of information...thnk u bhai...
ReplyDeleteGreat!as usual very impressed. Only request is don't name it as mythology. .its fact!i never read dis before,very nice vineet.i was nt knwing ur dis talent in nair,thx:)4enlightment
ReplyDelete@Manish my pleasure buddy :)
ReplyDelete@Shikha di n Satya thanx a lot.. just trying to share whtever i know wid others :)
I read your articles.......What I think that all the rishi munis of ancient times have said is very true to the science. that is why Hinduism works according to science or I should say science emerged from hinduism...there are many more things which can be decoded as per the time.
ReplyDeleteTotally buddy.. and I'll keep working towards getting more such stuff to light in the future as well :)
ReplyDeletecome on bro y thanx for dat.......we ve to thanx u becaz u spreading knowledge.........plzzzz nxt tmy no thanx......:)
ReplyDeleteHmmm :) k bro wont thank ya but yeah i appreciate ur support :)
ReplyDelete"There are billions and billions of Brahmas in the Material Realm each taking care of Creation in his own Universe"
Manu Where the Word men came from :) Thanks
Swayambhu Manu and Shatrupa.... Interesting.....
There are billions of Universe originating from Vishnu and each universe has one Brahma incharge of it
DeleteYou mentioning the Greek Gods and Titans had me bring this up
ReplyDeleteI was listening to a Swami Vivekananda on Youtube. He Said Hinduism is the mother of all religions. Do You think the Egyptian, And Greek Mythology both have their roots in Hinduism?
Someday You should make a post on the relation of Hinduism and later religions. What they have in common, similarities, and how Hinduism influence them All. I would love to read about that
ReplyDeleteAgain another interesting post, Well Done
Yeah the concept of Bilions of Brahmas blew my mind as well and of course Manu n Shatrupa have always fascinated me especially coz they appeared much much bfr the Biblical date of Adam n Eve..
ReplyDeleteAs regards the influence of Hinduism on other civilizations, I blv it is extremely likely coz the ancient civilizations were all sea-faring and had a lot of contact with each other! There has to b a continuous influx of ideas btw diff nations when they trade wid each other and especially if thr 'tourists' visit the other countries..
And such influence is visible not only in d common myths but also scientific advances.. case in point the decimal system, zero, trigonometry etc. which the Arabs learnt from Hindus n were kind enuf to pass on to the West and consequently both of us can communicate thru these computers sitting in diff geographical locations :)will keep posting more similarities in d coming days :)
ReplyDeleteThank You Vineet. I Will start reading the website after i reply
ReplyDelete" The Greeks, before the time of Pythagoras, traveled into India for instruction." (The Philosophy of History, p. 527).Voltaire
I didnt actually read philosophy of history m...yself, Just found it online and seen it was on topic. Yes, Jesus Christ Probably learn Hinduism or buddhism from the Silk Road, He doesnt need to travel to far away lands. I Also think Mohammeds tribe men were Hindus. I hear the rituals have much in common. Mohammed was also into trading with other people
And Hinduism had the concept of God being so unlike us before Islam or Judaism. Hinduism had a trinity before Christianity
Dear Mohammed there are some evidences that Jesus travelled to India through silk route.I think you can find it when Jesus took birth 3 sages/saints from East traveled to see the holy child.No-one is sure where he was from his age of 12-30 I.e for 18 yrs as far as I am informed(may be wrong) 8 yrs he spent in Puri Jagannath and rest of years he travelled through out India and learned different spiritual aspects . That's why his teachings and Buddhism teachings are similar and both are derived from sanatan dharma and one interesting thing is if you observe Jesus is also called as yesu masih/rishi . I really appreciate Vineet for bringing such wonderful facts to our focus. There lots of knowledge in our scripture and we have become detached ,unaware overtime due to our own negligence. Thank you
DeleteHinduism is Monotheist with Billions of Gods..... Shows how God is great and so unlike us. I hear of Manu Before, Not as Adam but as Noah haha. I hear he was also in a flood but I dont know.
ReplyDeleteHaha, Hindus had Zero Before Arabs. I was taught otherwise, So I look it up and found Brahmagupta.... Hindus also inventend Chess A great game :).... Somtimes mistaken as a Persian invention
Shri Mohammed Ahmed Ji,
DeleteYou are first Muslim i have seen to accept truth as a truth. Really appreciates your broadness. It is very true that before Islam, Christian, Buddhism etc Sanantan Dharma or Vedic Religion was present. As per Historian and archaeologist, Rig Veda is the oldest book of the world.
Mohammed Ahmed totally right on all counts bro :) Btw Manu's story is similar to both Adam as well as Noah.. wid d same story of the Ark n stuff
ReplyDeletem so glad to have ur comments.. stimulates me to work more in this direction :)
bro u r doing awesome work...bro can u just tell me little bit about DEVI BHAGWAT PURAN navratri is just one the way after one day later....bcz i have some confusion here....that in DEVI BHAGWAT PURAN MAA AMBE said that i m like BRAHM...AN SWAROOPA and if u wanna find him THE PARAM BRAHMA then worship PARAM BRAHAMAN with the name AUM(OM) and as we knw about BHAGWAD GEETA GOD KRISHANA told to ARJUNA that I dn't have any end or start point every thing is inside me .....that i m the AUM(OM) and GOD shown him his real form to ARJUNA as we all knw...... bro can u plz tell me the relationship here between DEVI BAHGWAT PURAN and BHAGWAD GEETA...thnk u bro
ReplyDeleteRaj Yadav thanx a lot for ur appreciation buddy :) well its like this... In Vaishnavism Lord Vishnu is Supreme and as i explained in my post thr's an entire hierarchy of the Vishnu forms as well.. Krishna is the PUREST form of the VIshnu-Tattva hence Lord Vishnu and Krishna are non-different..
ReplyDeleteKrishna/Vishnu's energy is the Goddess Mahamaya who presents as Durga, Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati n numerous other forms.. She is non-different from the Supreme Brahman just as Krishna and Vishnu are non-different from It.. They are just different manifestations of the Same Supreme God..
While Vishnu is the Adi-Purush, Mahamaya is the Prakriti and her creative energy is manifested in the work of Brahma, Vishnu as well as Shiva..
ReplyDeleteBTW I'm writing a post on the Mother Goddess right now shud b ready by today which can help u learn more abt the Goddess.. just waiting for Navratri to post it as it is such an auspicious time for new beginnings :)
Namaste na mitakuyasin. I've read several of your posts. They're inspiring and thought provoking. I like them. And I'd like to read more.
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot @Charlie.. will keep working on posting more of such interesting stuff :)
ReplyDeleteIt is really informative.could you please tell me how can I read your other posts
DeleteThey are all accessible under he title LABELS on the right side of this page if you are using a web browser.
Deletegreat work dude keep it up...
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot buddy :)
ReplyDeleteGreat work!!
ReplyDeleteI always believed Supreme lord and the science.
Some people tries to separate GOD and Science.
I believe Science is already there in the universe
just we need to understand the concepts.
And If you have any information about DARKMATTER and CONCEPT OF MAYA. Please share
@Srikanth I have always had that belief as well that is why I try and explore such mythological/religious topics from a scientific perspective and try to find out the logical link between the two :) thanks for the appreciation..
ReplyDeleteOutstanding! Gorgeous images, inspiring, informative. Why can't we all just enjoy and luxuriate in each others' beliefs and cultures, and learn from each other? Thanks for this great page, I'll be tweeting it!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot :) I really appreciate ur kindness!
ReplyDeleteWonderful job.. You will be blessed by all those who are going to be benefited by your efforts. Appreciated, your genuine, honest efforts, and pure intention behind this. Words are not sufficient to express the truth.
ReplyDeleteWords can speak about the truth, cannot speak truth.Creation: There is no creation. It is only manifestation, an appearance of creation.
If you go for advanced meditation, try to look into this -
(1) Not every entity is Vishnu-type.
Some entities (be it bird, dog, human etc) are also the "Becoming of Rudra",
Just upon its remembrance, they are set to freedom.
(2) Though there are systems of many planets, gross or virtual, having different types of living systems, what we call Hell, Heaven and other subtle wordls/ existences are present every where, here too.
Only mind-state represent these all.
Sitting at one place a person may, however, move, without actually leaving the place and using certain faculty, into different worlds present every where and any where.
(3) Will get back later.
Thanx a lot for ur interesting inputs JSK :) The ability to travel to different relms without taking ur physical body is indeed one of the 9 siddhis and the ancient yogis did use them to travel btw different Lokas..
ReplyDeleteRealy interesting its ur own research
ReplyDeleteTotally bro.. all the posts on this blog are my own research of the available scriptures and scientific data. Thanx for the appreciation :)
ReplyDeleteA lot thanks to the author,who has taken so much pain in the research and writting. Pl keep on the task you have undertaken, this will reveal the eteranal truth written by our ancestors.
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot buddy :) i will keep trying my best!
ReplyDeleteCan u pl explain about the planet ? and which planet is very near to prithvi and moon and which is too far?
ReplyDeleteHi there.. plz check the post titled 'Lokas - the Abode of Aliens' for these details..
ReplyDeleteInteresting and Enlightening! Appreciate your effort.
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot for d appreciation Deepal :)
Deleteits beautiful :)! awesome :)! i dont feel like moving away from this site :)!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot Anusha :)
DeleteDear vineet. Reading this, I am overtaken by the Moh of Shri Narayana, and this is as I also remember his message of Stithapragya. you have played the role of Saarthi. I thank Him.
ReplyDeleteDear Vineet, you have played the role of a saarthi. I thank Him. That people like you exist.
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure and honor is all mine Santosh.. thanx for reading the blog and commenting.. Om Narayanaye Namah!
DeleteRead the myothology, creation myth parts. Never new it was so vast and complex.
ReplyDeleteGood job.
Thanx Gourav.. Jai Shri Raam!
DeleteGreat post!!!
ReplyDeleteonly one statement ("instead of It is from this Mahat Tattva, that Intelligence or ‘Buddhi’ manifests alongwith the sense of ‘Aham’ or Ego" )which created a little confusion to me. I am not saying it is wrong , because in many PURANAS creation stories have some differences. what I have studied in GEETA and BHAGWATAM.. that AHAM is responsible for creation of intelligence or Buddhi. like:
Brahm (mahat tatva)--> Aham--> buddhi--> mana-->akash--> and so on.
‘भूमिरापोनलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च, अहंकार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा’ (गीता ७/४)|
you may like to read my post, i have just started a blog.
anyways.. your articles are awesome... really a very good source of knowledge for me.
Thanx Shashank.. I had put them together for the sake of simplification.. the order u mention is correct :)
Deleteexcellent piece of research.I recommend you to meet any production house which could translate it into a television series.Believe me you will find many takers and it will be an instant hit.Thanks for resolving my doubts about creation.Where can i read your remaining posts?
ReplyDeleteHmm thanx for the suggestion :) would be more fun to watch it on the big screen though! Dont really know anyone in the telly world to approach them but thanx for ur suggestion :)
DeleteThe other posts can be accessed from the right side panel of this blog under the title LABELS.. many thanx for visiting n commenting :)
what a boring creation by brahma can u please tell me who created the timezones "satya,dvapar,treta" and the most cruel "kali yug".If only i was brahma man i will remove kali yug from cycle of time.only 3 yugas.if i may i will eve remove the bhulokas only 2 lokas svarga lok and patal lok no need for bhu lok the most boring place..we on earth have to work so hard even daitya asuras with their magical powers can live longer fly in air have natural magical powers plus they have milk need to work at all.If only i was brahma man i will correct the mistakes sorry for being "naive" its just life on earth compared to svarg and even patal lok is way to boring and miserable.that to in kali yuga.
ReplyDeleteWell u may have a different opinion but the scriptures actually say that Bhu Lok is the best of ALL Lokas if someone is seriously desirous of attaining Nirvana! Thats coz in the Svarga and Bila Svarga the denizens have so much pleasure and leisure that it is easy for them to get trapped in the Maya of it all and forget SPIRITUAL advancement.
DeleteThe age of Kali is a means of settling scores of all the bad Karma generated in the previous more pious Yugas. It is like a dark cloud with a silver lining coz while in Satyug one had to do penance for thousands of years to attain liberation; in Treta organize elaborate Yagnyas and in Dvapar do temple worship in Kaliyug one can get deliverance just by chanting the NAME of the Lord :)
DeleteFurther to add, if one can truly cry for God three day and nights (72 hours non stop) in Kali, he will have vision of God. -Rishi Vakya.
Deletethanks for the reply.(why when you reply to my post i dont receive an email alert in my gmail? kindly suggest how i can enable it)plus its good to accept things as they are when bad times come to a person only then he realizes that there we can change things in the universe..Even the great Brahmarishi Vishwamitra created Trisaku swarga for raghu king changing the order of universe.So why not only two lokas swarg and patal lok.Imagine the freedom we will get from suffering.Vishnu bhakti can even be done in swarg lok.All the denziens of brahmalok go to vaikunth during the pralay.
ReplyDeleteThe freedom from suffering can not be obtained till one has purified his/her heart completely. Brahmalok is inhabited by spiritualists of the highest order and we cant even dream f comparing ourselves with them. No one can change anything unless it is the Will of God.. even Trishanku was left dangling inbetween the sky and the Earth! And if you believe that swarg lok can be a good place for Vishnu bhakti, remember how bothered Indra is most of the times to retain his throne.. In fact, the entire episode of Vishwamitra and Menaka is a prime example of how insecure even the Devas are as they have so much to lose.. A human being may leave everything he has and still not be majorly inconvenienced.. we can follow the path of spirituality much more easily than a Deva or a Danav hence being born as a HUMAN, on the BHU-LOKA in the KALIYUG is actually the greatest blessing in disguise :)
DeleteOne question, after attaining human birth, will one has to go back again 84 lakhs animal birth or he can continue with human birth may be in different strata of families.
DeleteNo Das, the human birth if used properly will lead us to progressively higher platforms however, if we misuse and abuse the opportunity that this birth provides, we may very well have to follow the 84 lakh cycle once again!! That is why we should make sure NOT to waste this human form..
Deletethanks again.when you reply to my post i dont receive an email alert in my gmail?
ReplyDeleteWell there must be some settings that are preventing you from getting the e-mails.. everything seems to be in order at my end though
DeleteNice blog Vineet!!!
ReplyDeleteI just have one doubt - Why did Brahma create evil? I read it above, but still didn't understand why.
It's because of these Transcendental Asuras, there is evil on Earth in form of murder, rape and terrorism.
Believe me, I was almost an atheist before I came to this blog!
There's no such thing as evil in Hinduism such as the Satan/Lucifer in Christian belief or the Shaitan in Islam.. The Asurs were created from the negative energy of Lord Brahma.. all his frustration and anger and anxiety came out in the form of the Asurs hence they have a predominance of these traits.. As far as I understand, its just the lack of God-consciousness that manifests as what we refer to as evil..
ReplyDeleteCAn you please tell what happened to other rudras except shiv
and why he only got preference????????????
Hey there.. Lord Shiva is the Original Rudra and from him have manifested the other 11 that's why he gets preference. The 11 are a part of Hindu pantheon and are included in the Devas list.. check this link to know who the 33 Devas are:
Impressive buddy!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot :)
Deletelouv the explanation on creation. It is such a complex concept. It has been presented simply, clearly and precisely.
ReplyDeleteVery Nice. Thanks!
Thanx Nomita! I have tried my best to simplify the concept and m glad to know u found it easy to understand :)
DeleteThis is not only a study of the scriptutural texts, but also a wonderful journey of an artists quest to creativity of a complex concept.... CREATION. Kudos Vineet Aggarwal. thoroughly enjoyed going through the journey with you. Indeed Brahma deserves a pat on his back ;)
Delete:) you also deserve a pat for recreating creation.
DeleteI pray that your creations, which are inside your head, also manifest as smoothly :)
Haha thanx I really appreciate the encouragement!
DeleteToo gud bosss :))
ReplyDeleteThanx buddy :)
DeleteThanks for this educative article .Makes a lot of sense to this Sarasvat Brahmin.!!Vineet I can only say "WOW" Fantastic work. Thank YOU
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot for ur kind words :)
DeleteJust to mention few thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSeshnag could be a representation of our coiled Kundalini power. Shri Vishnu i.e. consciousness lying dormant in these kundalini.
Shiva and Kali figure represents consciousness and its action though both are same like milk and its whiteness or snake and its serpentine motion.
As you mentioned 'Shri Maha Vishnu wished', but for making wish, mind is required. Then mind staff came first?
Whether Karanadak shayi, Garvodak and Maha Visnu same or different?
I agree with the Sheshnag metaphor.. the rest of the creation bits are only for the material universes.. Shri Maha Vishnu is a spiritual entity beyond the limitations that bind our Universe.
DeleteShri Maha Vishnu and Karanodakshayi Vishnu are the same and represent the 1st expansions of Krishna in the Material Creation.. Shri Garbhodakshayi Vishnu is the second expansion that is present in EACH Universe in the Material Creation and Shri Kshirodakshayi Vishnu is the 3rd expansion.
i landed up in this blog while i was searching about lokas.first i would like to appreciate ur woork...the research u are doing and the way you present it is really good. i started to study through your blog stayed awake until 3 am ....BTW even i am doctor by profession...these topics about our universe are really interesting.
ReplyDeletethank u for ur posts.
The pleasure is all mine :) Thanks for visiting and commenting..
DeleteReally mind blowing blog.....keep it up bro vineet
ReplyDeleteThanx Harshil :)
DeleteReally great article :) I was just wondering. I read a lot and believed for myself that Hinduism is a monotheistic religion which may state that all of the different gods in Hinduism are actually just different forms/manifestations of the same God (Who, based on what I read, is called Brahman in Hinduism). So is that how Hinduism really works, because based on what I read in you're article it seems that the Hindu gods really are multiple separate gods making Hinduism seem like it really is a polytheistic religion similar to greek mythology (where there are separate gods but they're all said to be related to eachother in some way). So is Hinduism really a monotheistic religion or is it actually a polytheistic religion?
ReplyDeleteHinduism is not similar to any religion in the world my friend.. such definitions do not apply to it. But to answer your question, you are right on both counts - the different gods ARE expansions of the same Supreme Entity but they are ALSO independent to a large extent in the same way as we humans are!
DeleteBrahman is the name for the spiritual effulgence of the Lord and represents the impersonal aspects of God for those who can not look beyond this veil. The Supreme Lord manifests first in the form of Shri Hari Vishnu, then Brahma and through Brahma as the demigods so they are all a part of the same Complete Whole..
Ok, thanks!!! That helps makes things more clearer now and again great article!!
DeletePleasure.. thanx for visiting and commenting :)
DeleteHi There,
ReplyDeleteDo you happen to know where I can find detail information about Sesha?
Thank You!
Hi Michelle.. there is a lot of information available and even wikipedia gives credible sources, Just to set the ball rolling am sharing this link..scroll down for Adi-shesh in this:
DeleteGood research done bro...but i hv opinion that this all took place before adam n eve were thrown to earth.also the missing links are very important as they confuse us..devil is created from fire n it effect our artificial quran it is said that devil will always divert u from right path.missing links are very important as they will help to give the exact detail of our creation...
ReplyDeleteI agree.. thanx for commenting and visiting Faizan :)
DeleteI love this man. Where do you get all this info from?
ReplyDeleteHahah well I READ brother.. There is a wealth of information in our scriptures and all one needs to find it is to open his/her eyes and start the journey of exploration
DeleteHi Bro.... Good Job !!!!!
ReplyDeleteNew to Blogger as well as this Blog...
With respect to Query of Gyan Vardhan. The preference of Shivas over all rudras is
After the Birth of Brahma from Vishnu The argument begins as to who came first & is superior, they encountered a pillar of Fire (A Linga).
They decided to examine the same by finding either its bottom or top & who ever does that first will win & will be considered supreme
Both started the quest & Brahma went upwards whereas Vishnu went downward but Vishnu understood it as supreme hence endless & came back however brahma also came back understanding it does not have start but he lied of finding the start
That Time Shiva-the Supreme Being (Formless one) appeared in Shiva form for once & punished brahma with curse of not being worshipped for telling lie of finding the start of the Fire Linga (a startless & endless Pillar of Fire)
On the Other hand He was happy with Vishnu and said since U are true Deva and a perfect god Since U will be worshipped with same status of mine as supreme being
& will have even more devotees than me.
Upon Seeking Forgiveness by Brahma, Shiva asks him the way to repent & granted him equal Status as his and Vishnu, Also Brahma express his wish to have a son like him to which Shiva agrees . Lord said Since U are also equal as I and Vishnu, U Meditate devote on Supreme reality & undergo penance for eternal Truth Once that is done, U will seek Knowledge & will start creation process.
Hence as a Holy Trinity We will be
Brahma - Creator
Vishnu - Preserver
Shiva / Rudra - Destroyer
Since You and Vishnu are already possess form for performing your respective task. I Shall be taking form as Rudra as your creation / Son during your creation process. & resume my status in Holy Trinity
Hence the 1st Rudra (Shiva in Form ) is part of Trinity & is preferred over other rudras
Hence it is said that Param Purush is Shiva as well as Vishnu as both are manifested form of the same Supreme &
to show it to mankind they also displayed their HariHara Roop (Hari-Vishnu & Hara-Mahadev)
Hence all there are supreme.
Hope that answers it
Thanx a lot for visiting and commenting as well as sharing this :)
DeleteKudos to your hard effort put into this blog....i have constantly reading out stories from mythology for my kids so that they know the core values of the religion...we people are so ignorant of our own rich scriptures and heritage and ur effort is truly commendable in deciphering and presenting it in an easy format....
ReplyDeletewould just like to clear a few doubts. Daksha's daughters were married to sage kashyap from whom came the adithyas, daithyas, Yakshas, Gandharvs, Sarpas, Apsaras. Are devas and asuras the creations of Brahma are different from adithyas or daithyas or same? would be coming back again and again with questions...Madura
Thanx a lot Madura.. m glad u liked the posts and if it helps pass on the knowledge to the next generation all the more better :) As for ur doubt, lemme tell u that Daityas and Adityas are not the only gods and demons! They are just the predominant Devas and Asurs for our present Manvantar and the ones created by Brahma were the ORIGINAL Devas and Asurs for the 1st Manvantar of the 1st Kalpa..
ReplyDeletethanks Vineet for clearing the off topic question again..Years back i had read in a kannada weekly abt a businessman tracing the aeriel path in a charter plane described in Kalidasa's famous 'Meghadhoota'....he found most of the path exactly the same as described like Narmada river looked liked the spectacle mark on cobra hood..Could u throw some light on this subject?
ReplyDeleteThank you.. Sir..for your great explanation..but the question in my mind is still like a question..What is the purpose of creation...? God is all powerful and no no desires.. and why HE wished to create ?
ReplyDeleteWell my dear Creation did not happen because God was lacking in something that he needed to be fulfilled through this material world. It was done to give the individual souls who wanted independent existence a chance to live in a world that they could control and modify to some extent and fulfill their dreams in.
ReplyDelete@Madura well Kalidas was in near history so I guess he did not have the means to fly above the terrain himself but may have recieved inspiration in the form of a vision as a lot of artists do. Like the discovery of the Benzene ring structure came toi the scientist Kekule in a dream of a serpent licking its own tail!
I didn't understand the meaning of individual souls here? can you please explain? And yes thanks a lot , i really appreatiate your article, hats off to you man
DeleteThanx a lot.. individuals like you and me, people around us, animals, insects, plants, all living beings are the individual souls that I'm talking about and according to the scriptures each of us is here coz we wanted an independent life away from the shadow of God like a teenager may want to live away from the parent's shadow.. however the true home for all souls is the place where He lives and the human birth is the only one in which we can realize this and work to go back there through good karma
DeleteReally detailed article. Thumps up for all the research !!!
ReplyDeleteJust one question. Where can we place dinosaurs in this timeline? Were they among the animals created by Brahma? Is principle of evolution and existence of dinosaurs in accordance with religion?
Well Dinosaurs could be anywhere in this timeline.. that the ancients knew abt them is almost certain since you get their carvings on Angkor Vat Temple walls which is the biggest Hindu temple complex in the world! Mythology refers to them as Sharab which is known as the 'Kaal of all jeevs' which implies they fed on all sorts of living species like the T.rex
DeleteIts mentioned in scriptures that kadru, the wife of sage Kashyapa & Daughter of prajapati is the mother of Serpents called 'Nagas', However other sister of Kadru known as Surasa & Krodha who were also kashyapa's wife are mother of serpents other than Nagas may be Makars (aquatics specially Croc like & other sarpas (Reptiles).
ReplyDeleteDinosaurs also have characteristics of that of Makaras & reptiles... even scriptures mentions about many serpents who were huge & can eat a tree in a bite. & were so huge that it felt like earthquake when they walked.
Possibly dinosaurs were the offspring of either of them.
I personally feel them as childrens of Krodha as she was the one who represent anger & voilence and it is also mentioned that many of her children possessed many demonic attribute, anger & voilence.
That could indeed be the case.. what i find most exciting though is the temple carvings that clearly indicate that at least someone may have even seem them and recorded them as drawings that got passed down to the temple carvers.. alternatively some of them may have actually seen them surviving coz it seems difficult to believe that the entire population of Dinosaurs was rendered out of extinction all over the world simultaneously.
DeleteVery nice page..Its seems to be accurate too as it matches with what's there in Srimad Bhagvatam and Gita..thanks for giving this information at one place...I have two questions -
ReplyDelete1) In your post you have said that there were no gunn's - goodness,passion and ignorance in Pradhan or Prakarti or material matter but as per my knowledge these gunn's were present in equilibrium state in prakariti and when Purusha looked at Prakriti then these gunn's created 24 elments due to interaction with Purusha?
2) Also, I want to know what happened to the 24 elements afterwards as I didnt see mention of these 24 elements later in your post. It was Brahma who created mountains,planets,birds,animals and humnas..Didnt he used these 24 elements to create mountians,planets,humnas etc.?
First of all let me thank you for your appreciation..
DeleteAs for your query, it could be that my interpretation differs from yours regarding the three Gunns.. to answer your second question, all that was created in the beginning is what led to the creation of what came later :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanx Joshua.. all calculations definitely give a figure of more than 155.5 trillion years :)
Deletevery nice and useful information u have given, really liked it...i have one doubt, who is actually supreme god, is it lord shiva as written in shiva purana or lord vishnu as in bhagwata purana?
ReplyDeleteWell thats a million dollar question bro :) Whatever I have studied from the scriptures of not only Hinduism but Budhism, jainism and Sikhism, I believe it to be Shri Hari Vishnu. Also, on a lighter note, since the Bhagwat puraan is the only one which is named after BHAGWAN or GOD that should be a safe bet!
DeleteIts vishnu because only 4 puran define different 2 god as supreme like devipuran says devi is supreme who created shiva then tridev bt shiv puran days its sadashiva who created aadishakti then tridev surya puran said different story ms gaytri appeared as cosmic pillar to solve issue of tridev .then whats true creation story ? Actully there r different sampraday like shaiv ,shakt,and saur so few puran were written according to their intrest to worship thier isht as supreme bt rest of all other 14 puran like bhagvat,vishnu, padam,narad,brahm,vaivart,varah ,garud ,agni,bhavishya puran,ramayan ,bhagwatgeeta clearly says that vishnu is parbrahm himself he is free form maya so only vishnu is called mayapati the ultimate goal of all nar or jeev is vishnu so only vishnu is called narayan and narayan is name of viraat purush parbrahm. Whole world know the authenticity of bhagvadgeeta in which Krishna shows all form of god in his virrat universal cosmic form so we should know all form r equal because all r vishnu's energies so few puran r written against vishnu because for some special purupose .some scholars says for deluding demons or asur vishnu himself suggest to spread those puran which define vishnu as minor power and some says there was 3 class of society for lower type of people tamas puran were given in which bali ,madirapan,tantra is prominant for middle class rajsik puran were given in which all god r treated as equal to complete different desire of human because rajsik gun is more in human bt for top level of society satvik puran were given to know the ultimate truth of universe the mul tatva of vishnu as parbrahm.. So there r many reason behind creation of those antivishnu we should beleive bon bhagwatgeeta because it is sar of all upnishad and purans ..
DeleteGOOD insight, pal!!! I love the way you link things with modern science and it is wonderful, logical and believable....good work. I wonder from where you gather so much infos, should be your karma to enlighten others with this knowledge.. keep going best of luck
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot mate for your encouragement :)
DeleteAmazingly beautiful work by you. I am studying physics and I have a lots of interest in this field. I also want to research in this field...
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot Dipta :)
DeleteI suggest you read the Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra if ur interested in such research..
Good article - but do you believe in the Theory of Evolution? If so why and if not why not?
Thanx Vivek.. u shud check my post titled 'Evolution in Dashavtar' to find out my thoughts about this topic :)
DeleteInteresting! The Chaturyugas are supposed to last about 4.4 million years - starting around the time of the first "man" australopithicus.
DeleteThis is all stated by Lord Krishna in very simple and straightforward words in Udhava Geeta from Bhagwat Purana
ReplyDeleteIn many of the Puranas written by Odia saint Achyuttananda 500 yrs ago, who is one among the 5 enlightened saints of Odisha; says that Kali Yuga and other yugas didn't achieve the full age because of the evil or adharma prevailing in those yugas. He also states which kind of adharmas leads to how many years of shortening the lifespan of yuga.
ReplyDeleteHe clears states that Kali yuga is 5000 yrs and the partial destruction for next satya yuga will come after 100 yrs known as Sangam yuga. And in some of his writings he states that the year 2020 will be the starting of the next satya yug. This has been agreed even by Brahmakumaris.
His writings are cryptic and only 256 number of persons will be able to understand the true meaning of his writings. Those writing have many predictions of the Odisha, India and also some of the western countries. E.g. the prediction of the 1999 Supercyclone and predictions of the currently occurring 2013's sudden flood and 2014 sudden high tax rate, etc.
You can contact any spiritual odia person who can tell you about Achyuttananda's samadhi place. There is the ashram where you can contact to get further info about his works.
Thanx Abhisek for this info :)
DeleteReally enlightening ... Can't stop reading ... Great work ...
ReplyDeleteHowever, I ca find answers to "How" but not "Why" ?? Do Puranas or other books say anything about "why" ?? I mean questions like why God-head decided to create all these different universes? Why are all these souls (pure or impure) there in first place ?? Why would one soul want to go to a 'spiritual universe' from 'material universe' ? Do we have answers for such questions as well ??
Indeed the answers are all there! God doesnt want us to live away from him but then He is the center of everything in the Spiritual Universe. The souls that develop a sense of independence and want to explore the world on their own are provided a separate material creation to do so. Its like an indulgent father providing a rebellious son a separate house to live in! But in the end, the son needs to realize that he can be truly happy only in the security of the Father.. that realization can take thousands of births though hence it is said that one should not waste the human form and try to get back Home in this birth itself :)
DeleteI appreciate you for the research undertaken to write this article. However, let me point out that Creation concept in Sanatan Dharma is not in conformity with Darwin's Theory of Evolution . Time involved in Yuga, Kalpa and life of Brahmaji are running into trillions of years as compared to the few billion years period of origin of material universe as expounded by Atheist scientists including Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin's concept of evolution of human beings from Apes during the last few million years has already been destroyed by the scientific evidence presented by Mr. Michael Cremo in his excellent book " The Forbidden Archeology" which clearly establish that human beings are in existence on earth for billions of years.Presently, the strong edifice of Evolutionary Theory is also crumbling by the onslaught of eminent scientists of the famous INTELLIGENT THEORY CONCEPT. Darwin's theory is just an atheist concept and not a scientific theory.
ReplyDeleteWell there are a lot of skeptics to the theory but I personally would go with what has been accepted till now.. plus I don't see any other reason why ten out of the twenty-four avatars of Lord Vishnu should be picked up in the particular order that they have been as I have mentioned in the article on Evolution on this blog :)
DeleteNamaskar vineet a ,
ReplyDeleteExpecting such more from you now... grit job..
Superb work. Can u write more about Maha Vishnu ?
ReplyDeleteSure man.. check out my facebook page (the link is on top right side of the blog) am gonna write more about him in a post soon :)
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and detailed information. Very nice.
I wondered whether your doctorate degree is in the same field. But really very nice.
I have one doubt. Please check Lord Shiva is after Lord Brahma? or other way round and 11 Rudras are separate? coz the former is Mata Shakti and Lord Shiva and Shri Hari Vishnu are from the Jyoti from Mata Shakti. Thus Hari-Har(Shiva-Vishnu) are same and cannot be differentiated and Lord Bramha is after them. refer to Shivalila if you know Marathi or see the translation.
Well Pratibha different scriptures give different accpunts but this particular order is mentioned even in the shiv puraan :)
DeleteThanks Vinit. I will read it.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing. Can you write more something about Lord Shiva and his Loka? As you said it is not Kailash. I am interested in knowing more about Shivaloka and Vainkutha or Vishnuloka.
I have already done that :)
DeleteCheck out the post titled the Dance of Shiva for more details on the Lord of Destruction and his abode
I was watching cosmos, and I knew very little of how we in sanatan dharma relate to the origin of the universe. A lot of things, talked and explained in Cosmos, is very relatable to what you have mentioned, I read somewhere, about the third eye of shiva as the blackhole, and destruction of universe or a worm hole to a parallel world. It's awesome to read such a nicely defined article. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure is all mine Somesh.. thank you :)
DeleteVery good work. I have read purana.Please clarify that as per bhagwat purana dhurva loka is provided above satyaloka but you have mention it below mahar loka......................
ReplyDeleteNo my friend Dhruv Loka is below Maharloka and above Saptarishi Loka.. check out this verse from Shrimad Bhagvatam -
DeleteHmmm... I just found this blog by coincidence and have spent an hour or so reading a few "chapters". This is not only interesting, but brilliantly researched and very intelligently presented. These subjects have always intrigued me, but I have never taken the time to research it from a hindu perspective. I have the hindu books of creation/mythology etc. but have never actually read more than what is mentioned in other western writer`s works. Thank you, Dr. Aggarwal, for this significant contribution to help expand knowledge and understanding on a planetary scale! Looking forward to familiarize myself with more of your work!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure completely.. am glad u liked it and plz do share your comments as you read more as well :)
DeleteCould there be levels above the Adipurush or original being. Could there be others like him. Could there be creators of original being. Could it all be a simulation.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed.. the originator of the Adi-Purush is Krishna who resides in the Spiritual Universe.. there ain't any others like him though since this is the only material creation in existence.. your question on simulation reminds me of the movie matrix and yes some say that this entire world is but a dream that Lord Narayan dreams :)
DeleteThe Manu that resembles Adam is Svayambhavu or Sradhadeva son of Bramha while Manu that resembles Noah is Vaivasvat son of Vivasvan (1 of 12 adityas coming from Kashyap and Aditi)
ReplyDeleteYes Amitesh I have mentioned both of them in my post on Manu :) You can check it out from the right hand side list of articles on this blog
DeleteWell well well... i m totalky impressed by the work of urs.. really! U r good at it :-D i have a questiom.. umm.. it is said that Lord Shiva is known as the Lord of Darkness. He was already present at the time when universe was being made. This is why Narayan and Mahadev are said to be equal and they both are bhagts of each other.. Mahadev was not born from the anger of Brahma i suppose :-\ I really doubt in this 11 rudras thing :-\ u studied that never ending linga in which Narayan goes down and Brahman goes upwards to find its end?? Well no doubt many theories and stories have been told, dont know which one is really true... But i really appreciate ur work on this and gives u the best of luck! Hahaha mujhey aesa lagta hai aap Narayan bhagt hai :-D no doubt i am also a bhagt of both :-) cuz it is said that ke Narayan and Mahadev ek dusre ke bhagt hain... Again, my best wishes are with u :-)
ReplyDeleteWell different Puraans give different versions but the one I have posted above is sort of the common ground that is covered in most of them.. you may be surprised to know that even Shiv Puraan mentions Shiva emerging from Brahma's forehead though it also contains the pillar of Fire story :)
DeleteNo doubt i am shocked :-D thanks for this information :) like MahaVishnu, Mahadev would also be having different forms? :-\ its just a question right now in my mind... i will read in detail too.. I m from Pakistan and I m 18.. from the age of 14 my interest goes on this field.. I read bhagavad geeta, upanishad, but it was little bit beyond my understanding :-D and Vedas are so difficult to understand, seriously! But still, here people are not fimiliar with their own culture.. I am pleased to tell u that i tried to clear as much quarries i could have of the people, regarding what are written in scriptures :-) but after reading ur blog, my interest gained its peak and i wanted to discover more and more about ancient science.. i have recommended this blog to many of my friends and they are pleased to read that :-D u r my guru in someway :-) thanks for that.. dr. vineet i want u to research about Yoga, specially Ashtanga Yoga and tell about it to people.. thank you vineet bro :-)
Yes he does indeed :)
DeleteAm glad u r liking the posts and its helping u clear ur as well as ur friend's doubts! Hope it helps people reignite their faith in our ancient scriptures! Will write about Yoga too soon :)
Thank you :-) best of luck :-)
DeleteHI this is good pls decode Nasadya suktam which is the origin of universe according to Hinduism... also its scientifically the big bang theory written 5500 years ago....
ReplyDeletegood stuff keep it up
Thanx a lot :)
DeleteNasadiya Sukta doesnt answer any questions rather shows the inquisitiveness of the rishis to find out how creation happened. The sukta that does answer this question somewhat is the Purush Sukta.
Q(1) What sort of activities do take place during the various rest periods related to (1) death-rebirth of a Brahma, (2) Night of Brahma and (3) Sandhikaals? Can you comment on the idea of redesign (improved design) in relation to all the above three. Why is there no such rest period between two consecutive Mahayugas or yugas.
ReplyDeleteQ(2) Your data of 72 mahayug in one Manavavtara does not corresponds to the lifespan of Universe/Brahama.
100x360x2x14x72 Mahayuga Year > 100x360x2x1000xMahayuga Year
Number of Mahayuga in a Kalpa = 14x71+(15x4/10) = 1000 Mahayuga
Well scriptures say that everything dissolves into its constituent elements and is in a temporary limbo during Brahma's nights.. During a Sandhi the higher worlds keep functioning while only the Earth is inundated with water.. when a Brahma dies each Universal bubble is absorbed back into Shri Maha Vishnu's body pore and nothing exists outside of him..
DeleteTo answer your second question the calculation I have mentioned is correct.. the gap that you find is actually from not counting the duration of Sandhis
Hello, I find it hard to understand the pictures you have shown of Sri Maha Vishnu. I don't know if they are symbolic or the clothes (Dhoti) / ornaments he is wearing are made of cotton or some other spiritual substance. Who would stitch according to his size....
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, I don't understand how the account of 'karma' of beings is kept? Is it encoded in our DNA? Who defines Karma / Akarma? I wish I could create a mobile App for a 'Karmo-meter' where we could calculate whether we are doing good karma or bad karma.
It puzzles me how Bill Gates's account of Karma at his end would like like. One one hand he eats non veg food drinks alcohol, but on other hand he donates Millions & Millions of dollars to the needy....
Please help clarify, who created the two realms - Material & Spiritual and why?
Hey Amit.. well actually Shri Maha Vishnu is not the first being in Creation but according to Shrimad Bhagvat Purana he is Krishna's expansion.. You can find more details about the concept of Spiritual and Material realms in the post titled 'A for Astronomy' of this blog
DeleteThe balance sheet of our Karma is maintained by Chitragupta, the scribe in service of Yamraj, the Lord of Death and every minute folly or good deed is recorded there diligently :)
this article is beyond words...... amazing job
ReplyDeleteThanx so much :)
DeleteHi.. Read your blog. It's quite good. Just wants to ask that this is how we ,our universe is created. But I have seen Ancient aliens tv program, in it showed that we were visited before by these Ancient aliens whom we consider God as they were far more technologically advanced then us. Although creation of universe and these Ancients aliens our Gods are two different things. Can you quote anything about it. Cause I seriously believe that Our Gods were far more advanced - for example 1. In Mahabharata Kauravas were born via Artificial reproductive technique. 2. The tales mentioning VIMANS like modern aircrafts. 3. Ramsetu bridge - technical masterpiece. I am confused that whether our Gods created universe or They help us taught civilization , technology. Please quote on this.
ReplyDeleteHey buddy thanks for your comment.. please check the post titled 'Lokas' on this log for my take on this particular issue :)
DeleteKudos to you Vineet for undertaking such an extensive research and a painstaking effort to share it with everyone.. May Sri Hari bless you.
ReplyDeleteAll possible through the blessings of the Supreme Lord :)
DeleteThanks for visiting and commenting
Hello Dr. Vineet,
ReplyDeleteWith discussions about creation with friends, a question came up:
"Who created The Adi Purush, a.k.a., Sri Hari Vishnu". In other words:
"How did The Adi Purush came into being, or how did he originate?"
Please let me know, or point to the Scripture that talks about it.
Hi Amit, all this is given in the Shrimad Bhagvatam and I have also mentioned it in the post titled 'A for Astronomy'. The Adi Purush Shri Hari Vishnu is an expansion of Shri Krishna and is the first creature to populate the Material Realm. Please check the post for more details.
DeleteHi Dr Vineet,
DeleteThanks for your reply.
In that case, I will have to re-phrase my question:
"How did Lord Krishna come into existence?"
It is pretty clear from Srimad Bhagvad Gita that Lord Sri Krishna is the origin of everything and that he is sustaining this entire Universe with just a fragment of his energy (Chapter 8, verse 42), however, I'm yet to find a verse that talks about his own origin.
I wish Arjun asked that question when this knowledge was being shared to him.....
Please point me to any scripture that talks about the origin/creation of The first God (assuming it was Lord Sri Krishna); not the description (as in Pusrush Sukta), or origin of the Bramjyoti (assuming if that was origin of everything) or the origin of that "Super Consciousness" that Swamy Vivekananda talks about.
And, if origin of Lord Sri Krishna ( The Primeval God) is a matter of belief system, then rest everything as well, is.
Note: by above statements , please don't assume that I'm a non-believer. I have complete faith in Lord Sri Krishna's words. The questions are more from clarification perspective about the Origin of The First God, or Bramhajyoti, or The Super Consciousness.
Hi again... yes I understand where your query comes from. The Brahmajyoti that is worshiped by Vedantists is according to Bhagwat Puran the effulgence of Lord Krishna. As for His origins, as mentioned in the Bhagvad Geeta itself, Krishna is unborn, undying and eternal. So if we want a further clarity I guess only He can answer the question :)
DeleteDear Amit, you may refer Brahm Samhita. It clearly explains what you are searching for.
DeleteWho borne first shatrupa or some Ancient books indicate prasuti to be daughter of shatrupa and Manu..
ReplyDeleteThere are two different versions - in one Prasuti is the daughter of Shatarupa while in the other she is born from Brahma's thumb. Even if we consider her to be born from Brahma, it may not be possible to say that she came earlier to Shatarupa so to say that Prasuti was born later would be a safe guess.
DeleteWonderfully explained
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteGreat work...!
ReplyDeleteMissing the appearance of Shivlinga (Pole of energy)when both Brahma and shri Vishnu met and their was an argument between two for being superior. Being shavite myself :) I read the other literature, depicting the Shiva as supreme soul or supreme energy that is formless.
Nevertheless by what ever name we call that is Brahman the supreme form less god.
I heartily appreciate all your efforts and research. Keep up the good work. Thanks..!
Thank you! Yes different texts give different versions but I have picked up the things that are common in a majority of scriptures for compiling this :)
DeleteIts according to shiv puran ,ling puran only most of the vedic scriptures clearly define narayan as parbrahm only 4 puran like shiv puran ,ling puran ,devi bhagwat puran ,skand puran depicts different creation story to show its title god as main in shiv puran sadashiv created aadishakti then tridev bt in devipuran aadishakti created sadashiva then tridev ,in surya puran devi gayatri appeared as cosmic pillar to solve issue of tridev then who is true ? Its all just sectearian stories just to show vishnu as lower status and thier title god as main bt there r more 14 other puran which clearly said that vishnu is cause of all causes the ultimate parbrahm he is narayan in form of parmatma parbrahm bt these puran not try to show any other form is low bt treated all equal form which reside in viraat purush which is also mentioned in vedas not only that ramayan and bhagvadgeeta also declared vishnu as parbrahm not bounded by maya so he is mayapati not only hinduism bt whole world relegions worship vishnu as thier almighty god just like holy scriptures of sikkh guru granth saheb clearly define vishnu name hari more than 8000 times ram nam 5000 times and also vaheguru came from different name of vishnu, christain called vishnu as father brahma is his son and lord shiva as pavitra bhut because he is bhootnath ,in quran it is also mentioned allah is supreme god and his divine throne exist in divine sea surrounded by angels or farishtes may be indicate garud, sheshnag,kurm,varah ,narsingh ,hanuman etc in chinese mythology chao is cosmic man like vedic viraat purush vishnu .. So all relegions worships same god who is equal in all forms .
DeleteAwesome work bro u have true understanding of vedic knowlege its is true there is only one god in all relegions in hinduism he is vishnu because vishnu means who is everywhere he is present in biggest form like viraat purush karanvasi mahavishnu also present in medium form of garbhodak vishnu and also present in smaller form as khseerkhasyi vishnu so he is ultimate limitless power which became everything bt i have one doubt why 4 puran like shiv puran ,devi bhagvat puran ,skand puran and ling puran shows other god like shiv ,shakti and agni is supreme when rest of other 14 puran ,many samhita upnishad ramayan geeta clearly indicate that vishnu is parabrahm himself no one truth beyond him he is only ultimate goal of all souls or nar so only vishnu is called narayan we have seen all forms of god r equal and reside in viraat purush mahavishnu then why few puran were written against vishnu.? Not only hinduism bt most of other relegion worships vishnu as almighty supreme god .in guru granth saheb hari nam appeared 8000 times ,ram nam 2500 times. In christanity father is vishnu his son is brahma and pavitra bhut is lord shiva because shiv is also called bhutnath in islam it is clearly mentioned allah 's throne in divine sea surrounded by many angels or farishte in chinese mythology chaos was cosmic god same as vishnu viraat purush.. When all relegions indicate vishnu as paratpar parbrahm almighty god then why there r few scriptures which define other god as supreme ? Please clear this doubt i know u must have good idea about this..
ReplyDeleteHi brother.. well it depends on the mode that a person s born in.. ones in Satvik mode naturally gravitate towards Vishnu while those in Rajsik gunn identify with other demigods. Shiva and Kali are especially important for those in the Tamsik mode and hence there are different scriptures to bring different people into the fold of god-consciousness.
DeleteAs per eternal inflation law of physics universe is getting multiple. As per quantum physics there are similar universe where similar human beings. Travel to those universe is as of now not possible since the speed of light can not match that. The sixth dimension is unseen where we can find permanand, where lord Vishnu is residing. I reqst Dr Agrawal plz enlight the 10th dimension concept of universe.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing in Ansh. Well the Superstring Theory suggests that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. Everyone knows the 3 dimensons and Time as the 4th. Its after that that the things become interesting - 5th dimension can give us a glimpse of another possible world that could have resulted from Big Bang & 6th of a plane of such worlds - if we master these we can possibly also do time travel. In 7th & 8th we get to see worlds that may have formed by conditions other than Big Bang and in the 9th we get to see all such possible worlds together. 10th dimension, the ruler of which is Vishnu, is where everything that could ever have been possible is covered :)
Deleteblog by coincidence.. wonderfully explained. thanx a lot
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteHi Vineet.....nice explanation. I just wanted to know that which sampradya you belong to.
DeleteAnd one more thing- when Bible says God (creator) made man in his own image, here creator is the supreme Lord Krishna, who made human in an image like him. Brahma has five heads (four heads now).
Thank you
Hello.. well I dont belong to any Sampradaye my friend I belong to Sanatan thought process :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteHello doctor, I have heard that each of the ten sons was born from a specific part of Brahmadev's body. Could you please elaborate on that?
ReplyDeleteYes there is a mention of the Manas Putras coming from different parts of his body but thats a minority view. Most puranas mention them emerging from his mind or thoughts hence the name - 'Manas' Putra or mind born son.
DeleteFair enough. I asked as I read somewhere the either Atri or Angiras was born from the tongue and Daksha from the arm... Hence wondered if there would be any more details.
DeleteWow I came here searching if Sheshnag is actually a physical manifestation of gravity but got to know so much more.Thanks for the excellent write up. I would like to understand our spiritual past, would be great if you could give some pointers to start my own research.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Swapneel for your kind words.. you could start with the book titled 'Outlines of Hindu Philosophy' by Hiriyanna
ReplyDeleteamazing article. Hare Krishna
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI came here after watching all your videos on the ranveer show..
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to know what is the purpose of all this creation (don't take it wrong it's just curiousity) ..
Why Lord Vishnu Created Brahma?? Is it just to become an observer of Brahma's creation? (Like watching a movie?) What is the purpose of this all?
Maine jitne logo se pucha...unhone kha ki unhone Creation isliye kiya ki Jeevan aa ske...agar ve ye sb Creation na Krte to aaj tum ye sb puch nhi should be thankful to Him....
Pr I think this isn't a satisfactory answer....agar Vishu ji Creation krte hi nhi(Brahma ka bhi) to bhi usme koi galt bat nhi thi...kisi ko kya haani ho skti thi...Koi tha bhi to nhi!!! Na hi koi Dev na hi koi asur!!
To main doubt yhi h ki Vishnu ji ne esa kyu socha ki unhe Creation karni chahiye??? Kya purpose hoga iska???
I know there has to be some purpose of all this creation but i couldn't find it.
I hope you will clear this doubt...