Friday, July 15, 2011

Astronomy in Hinduism

Namaste and Welcome to the First Post of this Blog!

Have been racking my brains about the right topic to start with, and I thought it would probably be good to begin at the beginning - implying the Beginning of our Universe.

There is a wealth of Astronomical data available in ancient Hindu scriptures. I’ll first share our current knowledge about Astronomy and then we can compare it with the details provided in our ancient texts to get a clear picture about where we stand. 

Modern Astronomy talks about a Single Universe comprising of Dark Matter and brighter Heavenly bodies like the Galaxies, Stars, PlanetsAsteroids, Satellites etc. This entire matter (and anti-matter) is believed to have emerged about 14 Billion Years ago in time, from a momentous explosion called the Big Bang.  

Zoom out from Earth to the Universe

Many of us may have encountered the number 108 in various ancient cultures.. There are 108 gopis of Vrindavan, Mukhya Shivaganas are 108 in number, Zen priests wear 108 bead rosaries, Chinese and South-Indian martial arts describe 108 pressure points on the body, Stonehenge is 108 feet in Diameter..

Did you know the astronomical significance of this number???
- The distance between EARTH and SUN = 108 times sun-diameter!
- The distance between EARTH and MOON = 108 times Moon-diameter!

Coincidence?? Or scientific facts that we tend to overlook?
Turning to the scriptures one can find descriptions of  the different planets from our Solar System and beyond; our Galaxy; different Planetary systems; as well as our ENTIRE Universe! Let's see what they have to offer to an interested reader in terms of Astronomy.

Universe according to Srimad Bhagvatam

Hindu Mythology talks about TWO separate Realms in this Creation - the SPIRITUAL and the MATERIAL.

The Spiritual Realm is full of the Effulgence of Supreme Lord that spreads throughout and banishes darkness from each and every corner of this Realm. Religions that envision God as a Being of Bright Light worship the same Brahmajyoti.

The Spiritual Realm

This Supreme Heaven is believed to be the abode of Supreme Brahman in Vedas, Allah in Koran, Jehovah in Jewish texts, Param Purakh in Sikhism and the King-of-Kings in Bible. This is the Supreme Abode that all souls in the material realm strive for, and reach after attaining Nirvana. Srimad Bhagvatam, calls this the dwelling place of Lord Krishna who resides in His Spiritual abode of Golok Vrindavan.

Around this central world, there exist other Spiritual planets that revolve around it like the planets in Solar System revolve around the Sun. These are collectively known as the Vaikunth planets and each of these is the Divine residence of a Vishnu form.

The Spiritual Realm of Bhagvat Puraan

On these planets reside Lord Vishnu's different incarnations alongwith Goddess Lakshmi and the Pure souls who have been able to transcend the bonds of Material Nature.

In one corner of this huge bright realm, like a ‘Dark cloud in a clear bright sky’, lies the Material Creation, where Individual Souls like YOU and ME take birth, evolve, exist, eat, earn, reproduce and ultimately die. This realm takes up about 1/4th of the entire space of the Spiritual Realm and is depicted beneath the lotus on the lower right corner of the image below.

Material Realm in a corner of the Spiritual Realm

Even though Material Realm is created for souls who want to live independent lives, the Lord, by means of His infinite expansions, still ensures they can have a smooth sailing. He takes the form of Shri Maha Vishnu for the Creation of this Material Realm and it is from Him that everything in this world emanates.

Now there is ONE MAJOR difference in the Hindu notion of the Material world and the current scientific understanding about it - Hindu scriptures state that the Material Realm is composed of Billions and Trillions of Universes (!!) and NOT just a single one!!

Billions and Billions of Universes

Scientifically, it is still undetermined whether the universe exists by itself or is just one of the countless trillions within a larger Multiverse, itself contained within the Omniverse that is the Material World. But, according to scriptures, the Universe that we live in, is just a TINY infinitesimal part of the entire Material Creation and all these zillions of Universes are born at the Same Time from the Same Primeval Source - Shri Maha Vishnu.

EVERYTIME the Lord exhales, a Universe emerges from EACH of his body pores and with EACH of His inhalations, ALL these Universes merge BACK into His body! The multiple universes generated are floating, and they are scattered all over the Causal Ocean.

Universes emerging from Sri Maha Vishnu

I was rendered speechless by the larger-than-life imagery inherent in this concept. The mere thought of so many Universes taking Birth, Expanding and Dissolving again in Maha Vishnu’s SINGLE breath is fantastic and indeed (to use the pun) breath-taking!!

Madam Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society describes this phenomenon thus-

The Great Breath goes forth and returns again.
As it proceeds outwards, objects, worlds, and men appear.
As it recedes all things disappear into the original source.
The Great Breath is, so to speak, the universal and eternal Perpetuum Mobile.

If ever there is a Grand description of God in World literature, it has to be this one! How infinitesimal and tiny our entire existence appears to be if we humbly give thought to this notion. Our entire lifetimes are nothing, not even a fraction of a second for Lord Maha Vishnu!

Indeed our entire Universe (which by current estimates is about 13.7 Billion years old), was born with a SINGLE exhalation of the Lord and will merge back into Him with His NEXT intake of Breath!! The concept also fits the Big Bang Theory, as the moment it emerges from Lord Vishnu's body pores is THE moment of Big Bang for each Universe!

 Big  Bang - The Birth of a Universe

I wished to check if this fits with our current concept of science in any way and I found data from NASA's WMAP Program (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) which has been studying the cosmic microwave background in the Universe.

This CMB is basically the light emitted by our Universe when it was just 400,000 years old. The study of this data which is being collected since 2001 suggests that apparently, new universes could be created spontaneously from what we perceive as empty space! The support for this view also comes from the observation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of Entropy that states that each closed system (like our Universe) has a tendency to get into disorder spontaneously (hence it's expansion) - this implies that to begin with, the Universe was in an ordered state!

Caltech astronomers studying this CMB data claim that this initial order is entirely possible if the so called Big Bang happened in the cold space of a previous Universe. Imagine then, Lord Mahavishnu lying in the cold dark material realm, surrounded by this empty space, giving rise to multiple universes including our own! After exploding out of the body of Sri Maha Vishnu, each Universe continues to expand, and after reaching a critical threshold, again begins to contract until it is assimilated back in the body of Lord Maha Vishnu.

I thought this was probably one isolated example of the mention of a Multi-verse and maybe was not intended in the way I was interpreting it. But to my surprise, the concept of Multiple Universes is widely accepted and acknowledged in Hindu Cosmology!

Multiple Universes in Scriptures

Puranic literature is full of descriptions of multiple as well as parallel Universes. Hindu scriptures also declare there's Intelligent life out there in the Universe and this is gotta be the absolutely FIRST mention of ALIENS in World Literature ever!! I will share with you a few examples from different texts to illustrate the point.Srimad Bhagavatam [6.16.37] eulogizes the Supreme Lord Vishnu in following words:

There are Innumerable Universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called 'Without-limits'.

In verse 10.14.11, it again states:

Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window.

Lord Shiva in verse 9.4.56 again mentions thus:

My dear son, I, Lord Brahmā and the other devas, who move within this universe, cannot exhibit any power to compete with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for Innumerable Universes and their inhabitants come into existence and are annihilated by the simple direction of the Lord Hari.

Shri Hari Vishnu, the Cause of all Creation

Similar views are shared by Lord Brahma in the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan where a mention of Multiple, Parallel Universes is made-

And who will search through the wide infinities of space to count the universes Side by Side, EACH containing its Brahma, its Vishnu, its Shiva? Who can count the Indras in them, ALL those Indras Side by Side, who reign at once in all the innumerable worlds; those others who passed away before them; or even the Indras who succeed each other in any given line, ascending to godly kingship, one by one, and, one by one, passing away?

Hindu scriptures declare there's Intelligent life out there, and this is gotta be absolutely the FIRST mention of ALIENS in World Literature ever!!

The obvious take-away from this concept is that according to the scriptures, there exist MORE than One Universes in our Creation and this topic has long been debated by modern Scientists. Let us see what our current notions of scientific theory have to say about it.

Multiple Universes in Science

A large body of Scientific intelligentsia believes in multiple Universes existing perhaps in parallel dimensions. Here, I would like to introduce you to perhaps the most brilliant mind of our times - Stephen Hawking, whose phenomenal work - A Brief History of Time, is by far the most important book on Space Science ever.

Stephen Hawking's Masterpiece

In this monumental work, Mr. Hawking talks about something known as Chaotic Boundary Conditions and the Anthropic Theory. He states and I quote-

‘According to the Strong Anthropic Principle, there are either MANY different Universes or MANY different regions of a single universe, each with its own initial configuration and, perhaps, with its own set of laws of science.’

Simply put, it states that, the likelihood of development of our Single Universe from the big-bang is much less than the likelihood of Multiple Universes being born out of it!!

Multiple Universes emerging from the Big Bang

The notion of Parallel/Alternate Universes has been widely used in many Hollywood movies such as the recent Star-Trek film (2009), FAQ (2004), and Jet-Li movie The One (2001).

What is interesting for me is that the mention of Multiple Universes comes from the scriptures much BEFORE modern Science came to terms with accepting their existence. Short of Time-Travel, the ancient Yogis could only have grasped the basic nature of our Universe through their rigorous meditation and penance!

Till now, Science has been unable to tell us, what existed BEFORE the Big Bang. WHERE did the explosion take place if there was nothing before it happened?? WHAT caused the explosion in the first place??

But if we grasp the concepts from Srimad Bhagvatam we can understand the Science as well as Faith behind this. The Scientific Spirit of ancient Rishis makes me bow down in reverence and if you read the texts with an open mind, will amaze you with their profound philosophical insight as well.

 Ancient Yogis deciphering the Universe through meditation

Our ancient beliefs are not just Myths, but Parables for explaining profound Scientific principles to the common man.

We will cover more such interesting topics in the Posts to follow and I will try to touch upon as many diverse scientific disciplines as I can use to understand and decode the myths and legends from ancient Hindu tradition.

For now, I conclude this post with the amazingly inquisitive Nasadiya Sukta from the most ancient text of Humanity -the Rigveda [10.129] which highlights the quest of ancient Rishis to find Origins of not only this Creation but that of GOD Himself-

At first was no Being neither Non-being,
There was yet no Air nor Sky spread.

So what was covering? Where was it present?
Was Water there, in the unfathomable depth? 

There was no Death, nor Immortality;
Of Night or Day there was yet no sign.
The One breathed windless, self-sustaining,
Other than HIM was nothing divine.

Darkness was there, wrapping more Darkness,
And All was Water indistinguishable, Dark.
The Cosmic seed was wrapped in the Void,
Rising at last, by the power of Thought.

In this beginning, Desire took form,
The primal seed, born of the Mind.
Wisely sifting, Existence from Non-existence,
Sages have found all this in their Heart.

A Ray was stretched across the Void,
Know what was below, and what above.
Bearers of seed were there and Mighty forces,
Below was Strength, and Creative-will above.

Who really knows? Who can declare?
When did it happen? How Creation came on?
Even the Devas came after its emergence.
So who truly knows, Whence it was born?

He, from Whom this Creation Arose,
Did He fashion it or did He not,
He, who surveys it from the Highest Heaven,
He surely knows or maybe even He does not!

 Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:


  1. Dr.Vineet, amazing work :)SHREE MAHAVISHNU BLESS YOU :)

  2. good one vinnie.........i read half.....can u mail me the first link......i would like to read that too......

  3. @Aniket thanx a lot buddy.. wish d same for You :)
    @Tamil thanx a lot!! d first one is also there.. check on d right hand side of d blog.. its called 'A for Astronomy' :)

    1. Yes , Vinnie , it is so extraordinary experience to learn about the creation of universes just by lord’s inhalation & exhalation .

  4. Very very good. Congratulation.

  5. Such profound thoughts:) I always feel our texts have always been very liberal and flexible , and always open to different interpretations and that is the beauty of it.:)

  6. Indeed they are Anoop :) m glad u liked d post!

  7. Truly appreciable bro.

  8. Very Intresting, He(Vishnu) did not create us singly(Different Big Bangs More Likely), And It was not just Pure Chance! I like How The Hindu Writtings points towards Aliens, vimana is Also Intresting.

    Polaris and Hindu Writings Showing How Ancient ManKind is. I am Amazed and I wonder what Modern Scientist would Think About the Rishis accuracy with such limited technology. I Enjoy it very much.

    If Sanatan Dharma(Eternal Way of Life) survive Millions of Years,(Accordingly to Polaris and Hindu Writings) I am Sure it can Survive Millions more With its Scientific Fact, Accuracy, and being Errorless in our Age of Science it Will only grow.

    1. I hope the same
      If Sanatan Dharma(Eternal Way of Life) survive Millions of Years,(Accordingly to Polaris and Hindu Writings) I am Sure it can Survive Millions more With its Scientific Fact, Accuracy, and being Errorless in our Age of Science it Will only grow."

    2. I hope so too Akhil.. the responsibility is on us to keep the faith steady and not let it get destroyed by fundamentalists both within and outside..

  9. Thanx Mohammed Ahmed :) i sure hope to bring to light more such hidden facts from the ancient scriptures.. if people just leave their dogmatism and be more scientific abt religion they can learn so much more!!!

  10. Really Excellant.....good effort...

  11. Marvelous work bro...very nice...

  12. Thanx a lot @Prasenjit Saha n K Praveen :)

  13. this is awesome bro
    i am reading it
    and thankx for creating such wonderful blog
    we are with you and lord is with you

  14. bro i want to tell you something
    this is not a easy thing to do
    because you may find many secular ones who will show disinterest and you will loose hope
    so please remember the words of krishna
    karm karo,fal ki chinta mat karo

  15. Thanx so much buddy!! Just want to spread d knowledge abt our ancient texts to all without any communal agenda but i understand wht u r saying.. i hope i'll keep getting d support of people like u :)
    Hare Krishna!

  16. I am Glad there are People Like You teaching Hinduism and Sharing for all.Your Work Probably makes a Hindu thoughts on the reliability of hinduism stronger.

  17. Thanx a lot for ur appreciation bro!! I really admire ur openness in knowing abt other religions!!

  18. Keep posting your new discoveries would love to know the past mysteries

  19. hiii, really nice work Vinit

  20. Thanx Ayanna Callista n Saiprasad Thakur for d appreciation :)

  21. how are you going to explain flying mountains ? women giving birth to tress and birds etc ?

  22. Exactly - Traces in all ancient scriptures
    Yes. The origin of life on earth and all religions can finally be understood thanks to this new revelation .

    All life on earth was created scientifically by Extra-terrestrials with mastery of Genetic Engineering and DNA ' In their own image' .They are the ELOHIM of the Bible wrongly translated for God, Elohim being a plural and means 'Those who came from the sky'. The ELOHIM decided to leave us progress alone and sent prophets to help us out and leave traces of their creation..
    Today we are advanced enough scientifically to finally understand the truth about our origins, without mystification, but rational understanding.

  23. @Hari Tejam Not everything in mythology is literal buddy thts y it is called Mythology.. most stories r allegorical representations of some important incident or fact which are embellished with interesting details to mk them easier for the common man to remember..

  24. @Andre well no idea abt ur theory buddy but yeah it seems the ETs did have an important role to play in our civilizational history..

  25. awesome post.. this gives a glimpse of how Viraat would be the swarup of Param Brahm!! :)

  26. Nice Vineet. We need a project on the issue to compile the description from Vedas, Upnishads and all purans togther. Its beautifully written the same story in different ways.
    Moreover conecpt of God is properly undrstood if we read theory of creation "Srishti" before anything else.
    thanks for the article.

  27. @Alok thanx a ton mate.. true it does indeed :)

    @Jay the pleasure is all mine.. thts wht m trying to do.. collect the stories from diff literature available and present it here in a scientific way :)

  28. What Bhagwat calls Krishna, Shiv Puran names teh same entity as "Shiv", ganesh Puran calls the same entity as "ganesh" and devi Puran calls it "Devi".

    That param tattva still is "anaame" (without name), its Viroopa (formless) and Vishvaroopa also. Its Poorna entity that means a combination of positive and negative. its neutral in original form but all aspects have originated fom it.

    Nasadiya sookta of Rigveda is srishti sookta and most original description of theory of creation.

  29. Totally :) As Krishna says in Bhagvad Geeta.. All paths ultimately lead to Me!! Jai Ho :)

  30. Great work.... clear explanation... good references too...

  31. Thanx a lot @Suresh :) have tried my best to simplify this complex topic!!

  32. REally, it was very good...

  33. Neat stuff.. One could almost imagine an Ephraim brother on the steps there haha.. Many good parallels. Krishna is holy spirit no?Anyway I also understand that the spiritual world is the real world

  34. True.. A lot of parallels Jesper.. The one thing that stands out in Indian mythology is the mention of multiple and parallel universes..And yeah the spiritual world is the true original home and scriptures declare Krishna to be the Supreme Lord Himself

  35. Vineet super post...:):)
    I am eagerly looking for your NEXT mission.
    That's spreading our yogi's and hindu mythology to every one in india..because every indian can't use computer.
    Hope god vishnu will wish&help you to acheive it..Advance congrats.
    (in proud to b hindu orkut community-karthick)

  36. Thanx a lot Karthick :) m just doing whatever i can.. hope people get benefit from this effort.. May Lord Vishnu's blessings be with all of us!! Hari Bol!

  37. Nice ...I was thinking of parallel universe since childhood. I don't know how that idea came into my mind but when I read it on internet I was really excited and wanted to know the truth of the fact, after going through your work now I really believe in parallel universe and in GOD.

  38. CORRECTION!!! Hindu Mythology talks about 3 separate Realms in this Creation - the SPIRITUAL, MARGiNAL and the MATERIAL energies. just to help...

  39. Who ever you are, I just feel like expressing the gratitude for showing the light and making it simple. God Bless you. If you need assiatants , count me in.

  40. Good effort ... Thanks a lot Vineet Aggarwal.
    Hope this work goes on ...

    1. Akhil I shall definitely try to keep writing till its possible with the grace of God :)

  41. Hey This was a great post as all your posts are, very often I reread old posts in this blog. I have habit of memorizing the sanskrit shlokas. Today I was reading this first post again and I came across this sentence "If ever there is a Grand description of God in World literature, it has to be this one!", I totally agree with this but I wanted to find and memorize the related shloka also.

    I just want to suggest, if its possible, try to give some references like chapter, verse no etc wherever possible. My motive for asking this is what I mentioned above but It will also give more credibility to whatever you are writing.

    Anyways, all your posts are very informative and you are doing a great job, I wish you continue like this.

    1. Dear Gaurav.. thanx a lot for ur kind words :) I do include verses and chapters wherever relevant.. I understand your view but it becomes practically impossible to include all references as the text would become too technical for people who do not understand Sanskrit or get distracted too easily.. I should hope that my posts would inspire people to look for the 'missing' references themselves and take effort to read them in the original ;) Thanx again for visiting and commenting :)

  42. Yes, I guess you are right. Too technical would be a problem for many readers.
    I am waiting for your next post.
    Jai Mahakaal.

    1. Working on it bro :)
      Happy Gudi Padwa/Yugadi/Cheti Chand/Navreh/Chaitra Navratri :)

  43. In Conversation with God written by N.D.Walsch, author mentioned that there are advanced beings present in other universe. They are highly spiritual and live very simple life. They have wonderful society. So, existence of parallel universe can not be a whim.

    Further, our Yogavashistha Ramayan also mentioned about these. Though this book doubt about creation and it is highly Advaitic in nature.

  44. i have no words ...just amazing......!!!

  45. Hmmm my only word in all this is that man correction humans are taught simplicity it go to show that no matter how much you think you know their is always more to learn so our life's true aim is to keep on learning... Not just about one thing but many things before we learn how to change matter and time and move mountains we need to learn about simplicity modesty honesty truth and those humans who have learnt these basic lesson will always understand their life's true purpose.... Hope we all understand that without these basic nature we will all be just mad scientists like ravan etc

  46. Like someone said knowledge that dose not culminate into to bahkthi is useless stencil so all these facts and knowledge is supposed to make you follow a path that will lead you to bahkthi which practically means you should learn to be a Be scientific and philosophic and non materialistic.. So let us first learn all the primary values of life before we can move mountains with thoughts and change matter and time...

    1. Shri Krishna has said in Bhagvad Geeta that there are three modes of attaining salvation - Gyan, Karma and Bhakti so I don't believe Bhakti is the last step in attaining Moksha. Each of us shud b free to take the path that we are comfortable on :)

    2. Hi Vineet, great work and greater presentation and compilation. Really appreciate. Only chalenge is that Srimad Bhagwatam sandesh is not attaining mukti or moksha. That is never desired by the devotees of Lord Krsna. What they desire is Krsna Seva in His own planet. And ONLY Bhakti can take us there. You may like visiting Really appreciate ur efforts!

    3. Thanks Nitin.. yes for a devotee that is Moksha but I have used it as a general term to refer to the liberation from the cycle of birth and death:)

  47. Hi Vineet! first of all thanx for your efforts to understand our mythology... but i have some questions in my mind... what is there before the universe? and from where GOD came ? why he created us like this and for what purpose?? what happen after death.. can our spirit think and understand and blah blah... and then i lost i tried reading holy books but its hard to digest each fact as it is.. or might be translation is not upto the mark..or i am not able to grasp...

    1. I can imagine how confusing this journey can seem in the beginning but if you find the right Guru or scripture it becomes easier.. u just gotta be patient and have faith :) regarding your answers I shall try to answer as well as I can based on my limited knowledge.. for the questions on our existence, plz read the post titled Creation by Brahma. We can discuss any queries u have after ur done wid that.

  48. Dont forget that the Gayatri Mantra has a huge part to do with the existence and realness of the Big Bang theory/ Universe

    1. Actually no.. the Gayatri Mantra was designed by Rishi Vishwamitra and his invention led to ma Gayatri's appearance from within the Sun.. The mantra had no tangible existence before him!

    2. Great.. Just great.. I will relay your work to all people interested that I know.. Vivek

  49. Congratulations Dr.Vineeth. Doing a great job of decoding the Hindu Mythology; a treasure house of eternal wisdom , the revelations of great Rishis . Awesome explanation with relevant pictorial illustration from sri math bhaghavatham and Puranaas

  50. Your work is absolutely amazing! Please convert this entire blog of yours from A to Z into a book! Yet to read 'Vishwamitra', but "Decode Hindu Mythology" deserves a special place in print!!! Your work is benefiting- and will benefit- many! Vedic Religion gives so many answers to questions people have been asking since time immemorial. I just showed sections of your blog to my little one, and told her to read more of this when she gets older. Your effort rocks!!! God bless you abundantly.

    1. Wow thanks a ton that's a huge compliment and I hope ur little one likes it as much as u do when she reads it :)

  51. Hi Vineet! This is awesome. This is what I always wanted to explore coz somewhere I knew that our ancient scriptures and wisdom contains answers of almost all the questions about our existence and God. It is very important that the wisdom shared by our great Sages should be looked through a scientific perspective. Congratulations to you and best luck buddy..

  52. Great Work!
    Great knowledge. Which all books have u read? Have u read them completely?

    1. Hi Riva.. have read the Shrimad Bhagavatam completely as well as the Ramayan and Mahabharata.. other Puraans are work in progress with few more than the others :)

  53. Mmm date of this first post is July 15, 2011 which was Guru Purnima Full Moon Day. Good day to start, coincidence or you new it ?

  54. Great site, and interesting post. There is an alternative cosmological model called the Electric Universe (EU) model, which doesn't require the theoretically entities called black holes, Neutron stars, WIMPs, etc.
    The Electric Universe model is far more elegant, in that the plasma phenomena we observe in laboratories on Earth are directly observable on the Galactic scale. The vast flowing currents throughout our observable Universe feed the unipolar motors that are the Galaxies. www. has more information on this this model, which has been in development for over a century. Kristian Birkeland, Hannes Alfven (physics nobel prize), Ralph Juergens, Wal Thornhill and Donald Scott are some of the key names that you may also be interested to research.

  55. Dandwat pranaam truely ur explanation is very informative & valuable thank you harekrishna haribol mba

    1. My pleasure completely! Hari Bol! All glories to the Guru and Krishna

  56. Good post. What resources u use from web? For detailed info. U may b interested in other views on mythology by carl jung, joseph campbell and j nigro sansonese who actually view myths to b phenomenon in the human being itself but codified. Etc

    1. Multiple sources actually.. Swami Prabhupada's translation of the Bhagvat puraan is the main source for this one

  57. Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as is confirmed by all great iiciiryas (spiritual masters) like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya,Nimbarka Svam1, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and many other authorities of Vedic knowledge in India. The Lord Himself also establishes Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Bhagavad-gitii, and He is accepted as such in the Brahmasamhitii and all the Puriirtas, especially the Srimad-Bhiigavatam, known as the Bhiigavata Puriirta (Kr§rtas tu bhagaviin svayam).

  58. Sir really, you know what, I am a firm believer of the almighty, but after my adult ego state, when science started clashing with my experiences ( ehsaas) of Ishwar, although I am not saying that I doughted the existence, but that I was fighting with myself to try to know the truth and after going through this , I certainly am finding peace of my mind " satya chit anand". Thanks a lot

  59. Dr. Vineet Great Information about universe. Keep sharing.

  60. Hi Vineet,

    I read this article first time. I am simply Amaze on how conceptually you had clarified this. I am big fan of LORD VISHNU and this is beyond imagination. That is the reason many of the PURANA call him "Ananta" (ENDLESS). This article put me in more DIVINE power of Super power LORD VISHNU.
    You have explained and shared the information which is mind blowing.

    Sir, I am not aware if you have written any further article or written any books on this but I will feel lucky if you can share that with me on (

    I am aware that he is super power but I now exactly co-relate one of the sholka....


    I simply became your fan by reading this article and gone in spiritual divine of super power of LORD VISHU.

    Hare Krishna,


    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation Amol.. Indeed the Bhagvat Puraan makes Lord Vignu the centre of all existence.. Even the name Vishnu implies someone who's spread throughout the Universe :)

  61. Thank you Sir for sharing this with us. Please let me know the way to connect with you if it is acceptable for you on

    1. Hey Amol am reachable through my FB page the link to which is given above on the top right corner of my blog

    2. Hey Amol am reachable through my FB page the link to which is given above on the top right corner of my blog

  62. Amazing blog on astronomy connecting vedic and modern physics, have you writte more on this? do we get pdf of shri bhavatam online?

    1. Thanks a lot :) You can read the entire Bhagvat Puraan at

  63. Amazing blog Vineet. Thank you sharing and spreading the knowledge about our ancient scriptures, culture and vedic traditions and connecting it to the modern science . It was a good read. If I may ask any queries that have been lingering in me for a long time, hope you will answer them. I will connect with you on FB. Thank you..

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes please feel free to write to me on my FB Page :)

  64. Hi Vineet...I accidentally landed up here and ended up spending over an hour!!! I see comments from almost a decade your blog itself must now be quite vast... What's the best way to navigate here?

    I'm going to deliver a seminar on this,in my class
    Great work dude...

  66. Thank you, exploring the beautiful work, after seeing the NASA ANIMATIONS OF LOKAS, MISSED A GAP OF 9 yrs, never to late. Will wake up all the DEPSITES 74 batch at least

  67. Very interesting & useful article.
    Since I am into core of bhagavatham nowadays , this info & videos have cleared my doubts very well..
    Now i am able to imagine about the universe,. Thanks

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  69. Rajeev ShreenidhiMay 9, 2024 at 12:52 PM

    I'm truly surprised how come i didn't get read this all this time. Thanks a lot of the intrusive details of the supreme lord Vishnu! Hare Krishna. I'm definitely looking forward to read all of them and recommend my acquaintances to also read it.


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