Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Heaven at the North Pole?

May Indra, whose hands Thunder wield,
Be in the East thy guard and shield;

May Yama's care the South befriend,
And Varun's arm the West defend;

And let Kuvera, the Lord of gold,
The North with firm protection hold!

The above prayer is for the Four Guardians of Mount Meru - the Holiest mountain in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain cosmologies and Indian equivalent of the Greek Mount Olympus. Meru is believed to be the abode of Gods and with Christmas in the air, I'm gonna try and find out its location as well as connection with the legend of Santa Claus.

Mount Meru/Olympus

The Kurma Puraan states that-

Jambudvipa lies in the middle of all Mortal Realms and in its center is the lofty Mt. Meru, bright as gold. Its height is 84,000 yojanas, and it extends 16,000 yojanas below the earth; its width at the top is 32,000 and at the base is 16,000 yojanas.

Most other ancient scriptures also describe Meru as a colossal mountain with staggering dimensions; situated bang in the middle of the planet; inversely coned; expanding upwards; stretching beyond the skies at one end; and penetrating deep into the bowels of Earth at the other.

Mount Meru jutting out of Earth's surface

The ancient Hindu astronomical text known as the Suryasiddhant, locates Meru at the 'Navel of the Earth' and describes it as 'Passing through middle of the earth-globe, and protruding on either side'. Further ahead, it mentions a Meru in the middle of Earth, a Sumeru at the North Pole and a Kumeru at the South pole (which may lead us to believe that this structure stretches from pole-to-pole)!

Tibetan Buddhism regards Meru as the Center of the Universe and believes it to be beyond the physical plane, in a realm of perfection and transcendence. Symbolic representations of Meru are frequently found in Tibetan and Bhutanese mandalas designed to aid in meditation.

Meru from a Buddhist Thanka with Brahma seated on top

Another ancient Sanskrit text, the Narpatijayacharya mentions Sumeru as being present in the middle of the Earth, but not seen there.

Interestingly, on my not-so-distant trip to AFRICA, I happened to come across a Mount Meru in Tanzania, which roughly corresponds to the geographic Center of the Earth. The Mountain is even worshipped by the local tribes as an abode of Gods!!

In the neighbouring country Kenya, we also find a town with the same name. Relation of these places in East Africa to the Meru from our Hindu texts is not clear, however it may very well be a remnant of the common legends of Humanity from early times when entire globe was a single continent Jambudveep (Details in a subsequent post).

Ancient scriptures describe Meru as the Central Pivot of the Universe, sort of like an Axis mundi, and claim that the ENTIRE COSMOS revolves around it, with the Sun, Moon and Stars paying obeisance while circum-ambulating the Holy Mountain.

Mount Meru as per the Jain Agams

So what exactly is Meru then?

Many scholars, presuming Meru to be a mountain, argue for the mountains of Kashmir or Pamirs as its location. But no mountain on the face of Earth can grow to such monstrous proportions as well as fit the vivid descriptions of the scriptures.

Is Meru really a mountain or a reference to one of the legendary Pillars of Heaven? Is it located at the Pole or at the Center of the Earth?? For that matter, is it even a physical structure or just a POETIC allegory for something else???

I had my mind twisted around this question for a long time and had to comb through a lot of material to get some sense out of the descriptions.. After a thoroughly challenging (though invigorating) analysis of various scriptural sources, I am now inclined to believe, that Meru does NOT refer to a mountain at all but instead is an allegory for the Earth's Axis of Rotation!!

Meru as Earth's Axis

Just as described in the 'Legend of Meru', Earth's Axis extends THROUGH both ends of the Globe (Sumeru-Meru-Kumeru); is NOT visible to the naked eye (beyond the Physical plain), protrudes at the POLAR regions (covers North Pole and South Pole), and from the perspective of a man standing at the Pole, the entire cosmos quite literally revolves around it as well!!

Thinking logically, either of the TWO poles could then be the right location.. However, Vārāh Mihir, the most famous Indian astronomer from ancient times, identified North Pole as the location of Meru in his celebrated work Panch-siddhāntikā.

I will give you more references clinching the Northern location, but for now, if we accept the Polar location and combine it with the description as the 'Abode of Gods', it would imply, that - North Pole is also the location of HEAVEN!!

God's City at the North Pole

Surprised??? Don't be.. at least half a dozen World Mythologies locate their sacred lands at the North Pole!

  • Japanese and Chinese Mythologies describe the Palaces of their Gods directly below the Pole Star and at the same time in the middle of the Earth (just like Meru). They talk of Meru as SHUMISEN and believe it connects the three realms of Heaven, Earth and Hell.
  • Norse myths place their 'Land of Immortality' at the North Pole and their legends talk about a World Tree called YGGDRASIL that connects Heaven, Earth and Hell just like Meru.
  • Greeks believed in a fabled perfect land which they called HYPERBOREA (above the North-wind), where the sun shines twenty-four hours a day, indicating a location within the Arctic Circle.
  • Lettish tales describe many dawns in their Heaven, a phenomenon observed only at the Poles.
  • Celtic Mythology talks of a Heaven with more than 6 months of continuous winter again suggesting a polar location.

Closer home, the Zoroastrian Avesta revered by the Persians (Parsis), mentions the Aryanam Vaijah the ancient land of Aryans as the Best-of-all-places and situated up in the North, above the other six world zones. At the beginning of the current age, the god Ahura Mazda warned of an impending fierce winter (Ice Age?!?) and advised its denizens to migrate to other locations.

Is it just me or is someone else thinking of the North Pole as well ;o)

The Denizens of Meru

The belief in the divinity of Meru was so much ingrained in the ancient minds that it was given architectural form as well. Today, this is evident in the construction of all Hindu, Buddhist and Jain temples that mirror the towering spikes of Meru.

Hindu Temples at Cambodia reflecting the Towers of Meru

Sumeru and its surroundings are home not just of deities, but also other beings of popular mythology who rarely intrude on the human world.

  • Above Meru is Brahmalok or the 'Abode of Brahma' and on its various levels are present various other demi-gods.
  • The Highest Physical Heaven, Trāyastriṃśa or the 'Abode of 33 Devas', lies on its peak and is the dwelling place of Indra, the Lord of Demi-gods.
  • The Chaturmahārājikāyika or the 'Four-Guardians-of-Directions' (mentioned in the prayer in the beginning), live on its slopes. 
  • Below them, is the dwelling space of other magical species such as the Apsaras, Gandharvs, Nagas, Yakshas, Siddhas, Vidyadhars and the Kumbhandas.
  • Below all these, in and around the ocean, at the base of Meru, dwell the Asuras.

Since Tavatimsa Heaven is physically connected to the world through Sumeru, the demi-gods are unable to avoid getting entangled in worldly affairs. They frequently find themselves in quarrels with the Asuras, who were expelled by the present Indra and hence, keep plotting for ways to recover their lost kingdom.

This conflict is very similar to that observed in Greek Mythology between the Titans and the Olympians.

Indra and other divinities on top of Meru

However, for me, it was difficult to envision the Arctic frigidness of North Pole supporting the 'Heaven' of our ancients..

The Arctic region today, comprises of kilometers thick sheets of Ice spread for miles together, with hardly any land or vegetation on it.. But, what if the North Pole, at some time in its history, did support land as well as vegetation??? 

My research, turned up evidence that North Pole INDEED boasted of a continent right until the Miocene Period which however, got submerged during the subsequent Ice-Ages (!!). According to latest geological evidence, the last Glacial period closed about 10,000 years ago and the geographical distribution of land then, was radically DIFFERENT from what it is at present..

Pre-glacial coastline of the West coast of USA

This land supported a temperate climate, extremely conducive for the sustenance of various species of plants and animals and of course Humans and semi-divine beings. In fact, in the early geological ages, the high mountains of Alps were low, the Himalayas had not yet heaved, and an equable climate had prevailed over the ENTIRE globe!

The onset of Ice-Age destroyed this genial climate and rendered polar regions unsuitable for habitation of tropical plants and animals.

Temperate climate of North Pole before the Ice-Age


The same conclusion was arrived at by the late Indian Historian and Freedom-fighter, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

In his phenomenal work titled, 'The Arctic Home of the Vedas', written in late 1800s, Lokmanya Tilak gives an extremely detailed as well as convincing account based on the literary evidence of various Shlokas from Rig Veda and the Zoroastrian Avesta that point to an Arctic Home of the ancient Aryans!!!

Lokmanya Tilak's Masterpiece

The book places the original home of Aryans at the North Pole, from which they had to emigrate due to the Ice deluge 10,000 years ago!!

Around 8000 BCE, the age of migration from the original home began when the survivors roamed over the northern parts of Europe and Asia in search of lands suitable for new settlements. If we accept this scenario, we can easily understand the legends of Noah and Manu, the progenitors of mankind in this current age. {For more on Manu, the First Man, check out the post - Creation by Brahma}.

Ancient Map of the North Pole

In my quest for knowing everything possible about Mount Meru and the North Pole, I stumbled upon yet ANOTHER startling find..

Gerardus Mercator, a Belgian Geographer and Cartographer, had prepared a 'Map of the Arctic' in 1569 which actually shows a continent at the North Pole with a mountain in its center!!

Mercator's Map of the North Pole

Compare the map with this interesting detail from Vishnu Puraan -

"The Akash Ganga, flowing from the feet of Vishnu, falls around the city of Brahma, on top of Meru. O twice-born ones, she then subdivides into FOUR rivers, dividing the land into FOUR continents.."

Is it another one of those incredible co-incidences that keep cropping up in my research or was the Map of Mercator actually based on the descriptions of Meru???

Mercator couldn't have had direct access to the descriptions as the Puranas weren't even translated from Sanskrit till that time. Probably the Legend of Meru was prevalent in some of the Pagan religions of Europe before the Church became more rigid in its approach.

Mercator, in a letter to a friend, mentions a gentleman responsible for passing him the information for this map, but stops short of naming him. I'm sharing the magnified version for all to appreciate the similarities again..

North Pole according to Mercator

For me, the most interesting part is the CENTRAL mountain which may very well represent our own Meru and the FOUR rivers running outwards from it which fit the description from Vishnu Puraan. I find the similarity quite intriguing and would like to believe that Early Europeans were more accepting of other religions' beliefs than those from the 'Witch-hunting' eras.

The Christmas Conundrum

With Christmas fast approaching, another CRAZZZZY thought has come to my INSAAANE mind!

Could it be, that Mount Meru, with its mystical significance, North Pole location, and Inexhaustible riches, was also the ORIGINAL inspiration for the legend of SANTA CLAUS!!??!!

Since around early 1800s, the tradition of Santa Claus has been prevalent in the Western World and North Pole is considered to be his fabled home where he dwells with his magical Elves. Santa is typically depicted as a pot-bellied, bearded, jovial benefactor accompanied by polar animals like Rudolph the reindeer.

Santa with his Polar companions

However, both the location and the description, bring to my mind, the legend of KUBER, the Hindu Lord-of-Riches and the Guardian-of-the-North-Pole!!

Just like Santa, Kuber is traditionally shown as a fair-complexioned, bearded, pot-bellied man with abundant wealth that he shares only with the deserving.. Like Santa again, he is accompanied by magical beings called Yakshas and is considered the Lord of mythical animals and semi-divine beings!

The reference to anthropomorphic forms could easily cover the POLAR fauna as animals like reindeer, Polar bears, Seals etc. are not found in other parts of the world and may actually seem mythical to a person seeing them for the first time!!

Kuber, the Lord of North Pole

In the Vishnudharmottara Purana, Kuber is described as Dhanadhipati or the Lord-of-Wealth and Dhanada or the Giver-of-Wealth. Buddhist and Jain mythologies also know him as Vaishravan and Panchanubhuti.

Ramayan states that Lord Brahma, pleased with Kuber's penance, conferred upon him the riches of the world; inclusion into the Deva Pantheon; and the famous flying chariot known as Pushpak Viman. Kuber then ruled in the golden isle of Lanka (which BTW is the cut top of Mount Meru!) till his step-brother Ravan usurped his throne and took away all his riches.

The mention of the flying chariot Pushpak Viman is again interesting as Santa also travels on a flying sleigh!

Santa's sleigh or Pushpak Viman??

Whatever the relationship between these ancient legends, I believe the similarities deserve MORE than a passing thought. The mysteries of Meru are not easy to unfold, yet, I have tried my best to clear some cobwebs from this topic, and I hope I was able to present to my readers something new and thought-provoking..

For now, let us enjoy the CHRISTMAS revelry and stuff ourselves silly with puddings and cakes, awaiting the beginning of a New Year.. May the Heavenly Glow of Meru and the Northern Lights, keep us all warm in the coming winters :o)

I wish you all a very Happy upcoming New Year and conclude this post with a Christmas poem remembering the magical city at the North Pole which somehow seems quite fitting here-

Follow the North, as far as it will go,
To a city built on the Earth’s pole,
A chilly city with frost that bites,
It glitters in snow, day and night.

Gingerbread houses, peppermint trees,
Cotton candy clouds and symphonies,
Rat-a-tat-tat with lollipop sticks,
Rooty-toot-toot horns and puckered lips.

Into a garden of Love and Peace,
Where Time began and will never cease,
God’s heavenly kingdom of endless Joy,
Better than even the City of Troy.

This night is blessed for children of Peace,
For Love, Family, Angels and Trees,
For Hope for Nations; For You and for Me,
For North is further, than our eyes can see!

Aum Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:


  1. Vineet thanx...... for telling abt Mount Meru........ :)

  2. really really fantastic read !! wow..isn't it so good and feels lucky to know all that.. :-) good on you.. Post some more stuff..

  3. @AVinash the pleasure is all mine :)

    THanx a lot @Asha Malhotra :) well it takes me a long time to research n verify stuff for all topics.. u shud help me a lil if u want me to write MORE ;)

  4. really nice article dude...feels gud to have my mythology refreshed and looking forward to having a gud talk regarding @above with my chacha (ASI- Archeological survey of India)who is finishing his work in the Hindu temples of Cambodia and returning home dis December.....!!

  5. @Sonu thanx mate :)wow i wish i cud visit those awesome temples at Angkor Vat and explore those ruins myself someday soon!!

  6. Lawrence Vincent PhillipsDecember 18, 2011 at 10:24 AM

    Svarloka: (aka “Svar Loka”) Svarloka (Sanskrit) [from “svar” heaven + “loka” world, place]. Heaven-world; the fifth counting downwards of the seven lokas. Svarloka is also exoterically said to be a paradise situated on Mount Meru, the abode... of Brahma and Vishnu, and the Hindu Olympus, “described geographically as ‘passing through the middle of the earth-globe, and protruding on either side.’ On its upper station are the gods, on the nether (or South pole) is the abode of the demons (hells)” (SD 2:404). The sphere of influence of svarloka is said to reach to the pole star.

  7. Exactly Lawrence :) fascinating isnt it??

  8. Hats off... Best work till date. Btw, if you r interested, HOD of Sanskrit in Mumbai university happens to be a dear family friend. Mrs. Gauri Mahulikar. She would love to discuss with you on Hindu mythology. And you may also get loads of literature regarding the same. Let me know if u r interested.

  9. Woah.. thanx a lot Pritee Mehta!!! it wud b really great to get in touch wid such a senior person.. lemme know how to go about it :D

  10. Mythology is alwz intriguin..

  11. U can contact her.will give u her number. If u can msg me ur number, I will send it over. Aunty too will love to get in touch with u.

  12. really nice and appreciable work thanks

  13. Lawrence Vincent PhillipsDecember 18, 2011 at 11:59 PM

    Home of Brahma (Creative Power), Vishnu (Mind Power) and Indra (the Senses) which extends the entire globe containing the hell or lower base instincts in the lower realm and the heaven of pure qualities in the upper pole just as described in the human body in Kundalini.

  14. @Shradha indeed.. especially when u end up discovering such fascinatin details!!

    @Ramesh Ch thanx a lot buddy

  15. @Lawrence thats a nice perspective to look at it :)

    1. Personally I dont think mount Meru can be the Axis of the Earth to me it refers to the center of the universe and the 9 concentric circles refers to the parallel universes, The Bharatvarsa is more of the Universe that sustains Life in The form of Matter and the others like DevLok ... I suppose they are energy based Life forms...

  16. I had to bookmark this to read later...fascinating.

  17. Wow you make it hard to contact you. I would love to talk to you about your post about The North Pole. I have ideas for transforming the story about St. Nicholas (Santa) and The North Pole!

    1. Hahah yeah Kristi sorry abt that :) Thanx a lot for the mails u sent!

  18. Amazing thought process, with well supported facts.

  19. Blog on Mt.Meru is mind boggling! I could not believe my eyes and ears when I read the blog on Mt.Meru. You have made a thorough research on Hindu mythology as also Jain & Christian scriptures. Thanks for sharing the information with the world of bloggers!!!!
    - Rajappa, India

  20. Thanx a ton @Swami :)

    @Rajappa Sir its really nice of you to say that.. m just trying to explore the hidden truths from our scriptures.. hope m gng in the right direction :)

  21. In a nutshell The North Pole will be the place all the great saints, avatars, wise people of old went to. It will be the place for all to learn of goodness and similarities of the different cultures. Santa Claus (Saint Nick) is just one of the people who travelled to The North Pole. I look forward to reading more about The North Pole. I am in the midst of a move so my mind will be on other things for the next few weeks. But know I do want to stay in touch to further our conversations.
    Create a wonder filled day,

  22. @Kristi I would love to know more abt this theory of urs.. could u send me a link or refer some books on the same?

  23. Awsome!...that was really insightful..

  24. @Puneet thanx a ton :) its really nice to get a feedback from u!!

  25. Sirjee, Kahan kahan se dhund ke le aate ho ye sab! Aaj ke zamane me to non hindus to Hindu religion ko maan ne se bhi inkar kar rahe hai. Aur aap to deep me jake kuch naya le aate ho. Thank you so much

  26. Hahaha well Kaliyug hai bhai ye to hona hi hai.. the demoniac and ungodly form d majority in this age.. we shud take care to be firm in our own faith in God and believe in His mercy :)

  27. Very nice...your first article I read finally!!
    Now u owe me a treat..

  28. @Rajiv hahha YOU shud gimme a treat for sharin this wid dodos like u :P

  29. Nice article brother!!! Thanks for such knowledge!!!
    Keep going!!!

  30. @Manish d pleasure is all mine :D
    Thanx for d encouragement!!

  31. Dear VINEET,
    Thanks for your painstaking research.It looks nearer to reality.
    In my ASTROLOGY classes I came across the terms like CELESTIAL NORTH POLE & CELESTIAL SOUTH POLE.

    These celestial poles are the extensions of geographical poles upto infinity.

    I guess the celestial poles are the MERU PARVAT!!
    When we try to visualise the universe with our observation point from earth,the earth just becomes a point in the space.

  32. @Lakhan Menaria.. yeah probably wht ur sayin abt the Celestial Poles may b true.. we indeed r very tiny and infinitesimal part of Creation and our ancients knew this fact.. thts y we have so many different astronomical references in our texts!!

    Thanks a lot for your appreciation :)

  33. As your post concludes, I get reminded of the movie "The Polar Express" . Its a train which carries kids to the North Pole(Santa's Home) :) ! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338348/

  34. Wonderful article bro :) simply loved it :)

  35. @Avimanyu.. totally dig that movie :)

    @Paras.. thanx a lot bro :)

  36. Seriously bro i didnt like mythology before reading ur article.. Strted likin it now.. :) do keep me updated abt ur forthcmin articles ... Good work bhai.. Keep goin :)

  37. wow...amazing...!Thanks for sharing the information of Mt Meru...:)

  38. @Paras thanx a ton bhai :)thats a huge compliment! I hope u kp reading from now on :D

  39. @Zi Fei the pleasure's all mine :)hope u enjoyed reading it!1

  40. Hi Vineet, your knowledge on these diverse religious topics gives me lot of pleasure . Very informative ideas about Sumeru Parvat. And Oh My GOd , my great learning that Kuber was Ravan's half brother! That is why Lanks was considered so Rich!! Also , i loved the comp of Santa's sleigh and Kuber's Pushpak Viman.

    I enjoyed each word in the article :) thanks for sharing .

  41. Once again wonderful stuff and very well researched...the comparisons with other cultures n mythologies is awesome!!..Amongst many things I got to know that Ravana was Kuber's stepbrother.

  42. @Indu auntie n Harsh.. yeah Ravan n Kuber were both sons of Rishi Vishrav from different mothers.. comparisons wid other cultures makes it more interesting so i try and use as much relevant styff as possible :) thanx a lot for ur appreciation...

  43. Everytime I read your posts, they set me on a 'fantastic' journey..And I absolutely luv it ! Suddenly it seems there's no 'myth' to mythology :-)
    Keep Writing !

  44. @Abhi thanx a lot buddy! i love setting foot on this journey myself ;) indeed my efforts have always been to 'demystify' the myths which are generally allegories for higher truths and bring them closer to science so that any logical mind can understand their purpose.. its because of readers like you that i get encouraged to research more topics so the gratitude should be from my side :)

  45. Mahn.. Loved this post.. I was totally unaware of these things. Our Mythology surely deserves to be paid attention at. Thanks a lot for this valuable stuff and *eagerly* waiting for more...

  46. Hahaha thanx buddy... the pleasure is all mine though.. the only reason for creating this as a free blog is to share whatever i know or come across with as many people as possible.. gud to see people appreciating the efforts :)

  47. I really liked your website .......................... mostly that part which states about the Arctic home in VEdas............... I have studied this book.... there was really a very pleasent cilmate before the ice ages of 10000 BC to 8000 BC..... you know during paleolithic global warming much before ice ages, some aryans from INdia migrated towards north pole which had that time very much pleasent climate.... they stayed there... when Earth was hit by ice age.... these aryans known as arctic aryans went towards south forming mongoloid races................. these arctic aryans also migrated towards America forming great civilisations whereas some migrated towards Africa in Egypt... some also mixed up with Druid Vedic aryans.... in Persia... that's why there is mention about arctic home in VEdas and Zend Avesta

  48. Thanks a lot mate... i love that book by Lokmanya Tilak.. it gives such logical interpretations of so many verses which i used to find confounding.. hats off to the Great Tilak!

  49. Have you applied your information to an Expanding Earth Theory? Neal Adams has a computer model of it on Youtube


    The Current NOAA Crustal Age Map contradicts continental drift.

  50. @Kevin replied to u on the other post :)

  51. I can just see one picture... lol!

  52. U must b using ur mobile buddy.. click on the forward arrow to read the full post

  53. you know.. I have been thinking.. about this topic.. As we all know, Ine year of us humans equals one day of the devas, which means- Exactly. Each hour of theirs is two months for us. So that makes, SIX MONTHS OF DAYLIGHT AND SIX MONTHS OF DARKNESS! The timing of the North Pole! Great and precise research! Wonderful! Hats off to you!
    Although... Lanka is in the Indian OCean, how can Kubera's Lanka be in the North POle while Ravana's is in the Indian Ocean?

    1. Thanx a lot :)
      interestingly, Mount Meru is flat at the tp and u know the reason why? coz Vayu blew off the the top of it which fell into the ocean and formed the island of Lanka :D

    2. very interesting. things of the past are reality now, science will discover these facts. great effort.thanks.

    3. Hopefully yes :) Thanks for d appreciation!

  54. dear Vineet
    good stuff I want to correct you mount meru is imaginary and its takes from our earth equinoxes cone. the shape prepared by our pole line in aprox. 26000 year north cone represent.
    upperlok like divine lokas are in the north equinox cone and lower lokas like patal etc in south equinox cone.
    so north pole equinox cone know as mount meru.
    Sanjay Gaur

    1. How could be Mt, Meru, an Imaginary, When it was clearly mansion about churning of Ocean with Mt. Meru by Deva and Asura?

    2. Sir Mt. Meru shape was Like Sand Clock or Shiva Damaru ?

    3. @Vipul yeah it is shaped like a damru. BTW churning of the ocean was done using Mount Mandar and not Meru.

  55. Thanx a lot, very interesting reserch. I am a woman on a mission, diving into the origins of religion, and dekoding the patriarcal religions. Recomend James Arthur Ethnomycology, he also talks of father christmas and his origin i Shamanism. I could not insert a link, but easy to google. Tjek his videoes.
    I have a blog Bitch it up - but so far it's in danish.
    :-) Hanne

    1. @Hanne thanx a lot for dropping in n giving ur feeback :) will definitely check out the recommendation!

  56. Amazing and mind boggling to say the least. Does that mean the asuras
    made antarctica their abode? Any evidence of that?

    1. Thanx a ton :) at some point of time the waters of both the poles were inhabited by Asuras.. whether it was Arctic region or the Antartic needs to be clarified through further research but yes the possibility does exist..

  57. Earth is only a small part of the cosmos.Think of other galaxies with their own suns and solar systems.You think meru just refers to the poles?

    1. Of course not.. Please read the post Lokas or Planets of Advanced Aliens for further details..

  58. Meru could be on one of the other planets in a different galaxy altogether

    1. Naah not likely... the location from all scriptures clearly puts it on JAMBUDVIP.. but yes, in the form of the axis, m sure it cuts across different galaxies or planets and the BRAHM-LOKA forms one end of it.

  59. No wonder many Nobel laureates are from Scandinavia!

  60. If the meru mountain is existing in north and south pole why hasn't any one found it or touched it...even ISS(International space station has not found any thing)..Is mount meru made of air or some either through which ...Russian and American ships in artic just pass through it...or mount meru doesnt even come in contact with earth.

    1. Well 'Sun' as i said in this post, Meru is not a physical mountain.. it refers (in my opinion) to the axis of the Earth.. hence it would be impossible to touch or feel it ever!

  61. There are a total of 16 ancient maps showing our planet and marking up the mountain "Meru" or Sumeru. Every map was precise and gave the location of this mighty mountain. The topography of earth was changed from time to time. Pole shift (reversal), tilt in earth's axis and Plate Tectonics also play an important role in determining the exact location of Meru. Many things over time vanished out of our trace and are still yet to be revealed. Mount Meru can be considered as a "Fulcrum Point" to our Planet. There are many temples(Angkor Wat) around the world which shows the importance of Meru and Pyramid (Giza), was once surrounded with 4 other small pyramids and even considered as the center of earth mass. Hindu religion and culture is so vast and rich that, every religion want to have some thing out of our Vedic scripts and made it their own. Many Philosophers around the world visited India, learned and implemented a lot looking at us, in to their religions and cultures. Santa was one among them. Even the lost city of Atlantis, as described by Plato (vanished in a night without a trace) lies after the "Pillars Of Hercules (also known as pillars of creation), which is a gateway between Spain and Morraco. This Island was very advanced during that time. Researchers located a road named "Bimini Road" and are still on their way to find this great city."Informative posting Vineet. Wish you and everyone A very Happy New Year 2013 from Lord and my side. ....... :)LK

    1. Thanx a lot Nandivada :)
      Wish u d same!

    2. Vineet, amazing research, so interesting I could not take away my eyes and mind till completion of your article. Thanks a ton for rekindling my interest on this subject and look for more information. On and off for a few years now I am doing some small research relating our Hindu puranas with time, our planets geography, modern research theories on astronomy, UFO's etc, your article will help me a lot in this. Regret I was very late in reading this, actually stumbled upon this when I was reading about mount Meru in Srimad Bhagavatam, update on further work of yours and other author/articles as well, thanks again......Srikanth

    3. The pleasure is all mine Srikanth :)
      There's so much to know in our mythology.. its like a never-ending treasure trove :)

  62. I was studying 'the concept of heaven in all major religions' and reached here by searching 'heaven in hindu mythology' in google. The article is really interesting. Actually I am interested to study about all religions. I read some books about hindu mythology in my mother tongue. I have lot of hindu friends. I asked them about this things, but, as in every religiositic people , they don't know more about it. Now I think I can refer you and your blog for this, Thanks and have a nice day.

    1. Anytime buddy... that's the whole point of creating this blog.. :)

  63. I accidentally stumbled upon your page while searching for ancient advanced science in Hinduism. This article is well written and with detailed background information. It clearly shows your passion and hard work in researching all these amazing facts. In my opinion mythology is just unrecorded history. Most Greek mythologies closely resemble hindu mythology. I have been a blogger myself and would like to contribute to your site with some more interesting articles.

    1. Thanx a lot @Shibichakravarthy :) would sure love to know what kind of articles you have in mind

  64. Excellent article ! Glad to see that young people are interested in mythology. Please also read about Meru stambh and be surprised

  65. In our rosary or japamala there is one big bead, called meru. During japa, crossing of meru is prohibited. 108 ends just at the bead exist before the meru bead and again we have to reverse the mala.

    Is there a link to Meru Mountain?

    1. IT could very well be! Meru is the Axis of the Universe hence the symbolic stopping at that bead and resuming backwards might be an attempt to draw attention to its central location and to state that there's nothing beyond Meru.

  66. Do you agree with hollow earth theory, which states that there is opening at north and south pole, which takes you to center of earth?

    1. Well some aspects of the thory that state there are subterranean regions that are habitable are interesting as many world mythologies share that belief. Scientifically, there seems to be little evidence to prove the same.

    2. Do you mean the auroral oval? into the magnetic ring
      data of everyday

  67. Hello Vineet,

    Nice Blog & a very good interpretation of the Sumeru!! Another way of looking at it would be that there existed a space station situated millions of miles above the earth which was the heavenly abode, isn't it ? !! :) But very well researched.

    With regards,

    1. That sure would be an interesting way to look at it :)
      Thanx for the appreciation!

  68. Namste shri vineet aggarwal,
    After searching many sites about Mount Meru, I finally spent a whole day reading your articles and at last I could visualise an aerial view of jambu dweep. hats off to your research and efforts. But I still have some doubts. Is yojana a unit of length or area?
    thanks and regards

    1. Thank you Malathi for your kind words.. Yojana is a unit of length as per the ancient astronomical texts but its exact conversion into modern units is unsure.

  69. Ur articles are one very factful sir. Literally i m ur fan now....

  70. I am thinking that the mt. Meru could be the direction which would be leading to heavens. Can we say that 80000 yojanas above mt meru could be the heaven, a different loka as u described in the blog of loka??

    1. I agree.. as I mentioned in the post on Lokas, its pointing towards the Dhruv Loka which is where Lord Vishnu resides :)

  71. i want to add one more thing that scientist found the new city known as city of shamballa which is inside the earth. It has same atmosphere as earth but they use earth's core as sun. They also added that they are far more advanced in technologies than us. Plz i request u to have a research on that cuz i am having very much confusions.
    Rahul Kumar

    1. Hi Rahul

      such sub-terranean cities have been postulated by a certain section of scientists but as far as I know there hasn't been any factual discoveries on this front.

    2. Ok vineet. Thanks for your reply. I will let u know as soon as there will be any new updates about this thing. Thanks

  72. And i also want u to see the movie named as 'The Fourth Kind'. Its on aliens which is real and have the original footage included in the movie. I hope u will see.

  73. Parijaat is a Tree from Heaven (Swarga Loka) brought by Lord Krishna Himself, What are the research carried out on this tree ? are there a location on earth has many Parijaat trees still grows? any research related to Kalp Vriksha ? Do we have evidence for these Trees has extra ordinary properties? Please answer. Thank you.

  74. @Vipul yes according to mythology the tree was brought to Dwarka but I presume it went under the sea along with the city when it got drowned in the ocean after Krishna departed from Earth.

  75. awesome article...

  76. gr8 work and this really gave me knowledge abt our historical things.... i really admire ur work :) :)
    hats off...

  77. spine cord is also called meru dand

    1. Yes.. since it is the axis of the body just as the Meru is the axis of the Universe!

  78. Thanks vineet, appreciate the hard work and the sensible approach you have taken to join the dots, it was indeed a pleasure going through this post and the knowledge gained is surely priceless.

    Thanks for the article once again and now i have started to join few dots as per my understanding of things.

  79. Dear Vineetji: You write:" Interestingly, on my not-so-distant trip to AFRICA, I happened to come across a Mount Meru in Tanzania, which roughly corresponds to the geographic Center of the Earth."
    There can't be only one geographic center of a earth when we say that the earth is a sphere. The centre of a sphere is the bindu. All else out will lead to center only
    Here is magnetism what is left is right etc.
    it make me think of energy center of earth, maybe sushumna of earth
    just thinking
    what is inside is outside what outside is inside
    as above as below
    plus and minus

  80. Interesting take.. thanx for sharing :)

  81. Vineet:

    ¡Felicitaciones por el completo informe que has realizado!
    Realizo el aporte de un video donde se utiliza información sobre la historia de la India como el que tú presentas aquí:
    "La tierra hueca. Las imágenes de los satélites sin censurar"

    Gracias Vineet por tu aporte milenario, a esta investigación sobre el mismo tema.
    Todo está en los Vedas y el Gita.

    1. Gracias de nuevo por sus amables palabras. Está bien, todo está presente en los Vedas y las viejas escrituras. :) A BIG THANK YOU!

  82. Hmmm. I hope you Hindus realize that the "North Pole Heaven" concept being testified to here actually justifies what the Nazi Germans were preaching. That's right folks, the Nazi's believed their gods (Wooden, Thor etc.) came from the North Pole region. In fact, I've run into several Neo-Nazi groups that are preaching it to this very day!

    I was under the impression that most Hindus wished to divorce themselves from any connection with the "Aryan" Nazi movement. If so, then I'm afraid the "North Pole Heaven" concept isn't going to achieve that goal.

    1. Haha Kelly thanks for your consideration but you may be surprised to know associating or dissociating from any temporary movement is the least of our worries. Hinduism has an all-inclusive open-for-all philosophy elements of which were taken up by the Nazis. This does not change anything for us and these theories are and would still be a part of Hinduism in the future irrespective of how many such movements come and go. The Swastika that has come to represent Nazis is the biggest example since Hindus and Jains still consider the symbol holy irrespective of what the rest of the world sees them as. Just because Nazis misused them doesn't make our philosophies wrong.

  83. Interesting. Please try including polar shift and bring N pole at present day Himalayas/ China and S Pole in South America. Then put heavens and Deva at the Sumeru and Patal lok/ Narak/ Nazaca at the Kumeru and rest of the humanity between the two. The 4 rivers flowing from Sumeru are thus the Ganga, The Yamuna, the Brahamputra nad the Sindhu. The link from lanka via the submerged Atlantis, present day S pole to S America/ Narak/ Pat lokal which was ruled by Mahi Ravan under a Tantrik/ Mayavi system as detailed in indian mythology where human sacrifices were practiced. Can we link the visit of hanuman to patal Lok to rescue Ram and Laxman from the captivity of Mahiravan and the statues of Monkey God in Maya period buildings as exact replica of the statues of Hanuman with a Gada (Mase) in India to be representing the same place near the ancient S Pole as the Patal Lok now the S America. The large area of the N pole at the present day Himalays ruled and inhabited by the Devtas, a smaller Bharat Chettra inhabited by the humans and again a large area at the Patal Lok/ S Pole in S America inhabited by the Narakis and ruled by the Asurs produces a map similar to a sand clock as detailed in ancient Hindu texts. The vast N pole gradually narrowing down to wards Lanka and again gradually expand in the now submerged Atlantis to the S Pole in S America is well represented by the sand clock model.
    The details of the south ward journey of Hanuman to Patal Lok through tunnels, under sea (not ice of present day Antarctika) and via air route speaks of the ancient tunnels of Brazil which end in the ocean, absence of present day S pole ice and perhaps the Nazaca lines and figures as aviation markings used by Vimans possessed by the Asuras of those days. Hindu texts describe events when humans and asuras visited both Swarga (heavens) and Patal Lok which means that both the places were on this earth though very difficult to reach by ordinary humans. Thus the Sumeru Parvat represents the axis of this world around which all heavenly bodies likethe Sun, the Moon and all planets and stars seem to revolve. All astronomical calculations can be made with this model too.

    1. Food for thought... Let's write a crazy novel.;)

    2. Our own version of Percy Jackson. And Robert Langdon. With a hell lot more spices. Man u can be famous..;)

    3. Mount Kailash is called the 'axis mundi', the navel of the earth. It is a pyramid. Some say there are underground passages near there where alien activity has been seen. One of the world's largest pyramids is in Mexico. Atlantis was close by, and it is a documented fact that there are pyramids submerged under the bermuda triangle. I appreciate your views Hemant Sir and yours too Vineet Sir : ) Please keep your posts coming. They are like unravelling mysteries, putting jigsaw pieces together and trying to grasp the Big Picture : ) Amazing, God's creation. And don't we all agree! Cheers!

    4. Shambhula / Shangrila is said to be near Mount Kailash, in Tibet. Seems like am obsessed with the holiest-of-holy mountains! : )

    5. Sir, am still intrigued with the concept of Sumeru Mount Kailash being the Axis Mundi. The four rivers emanating from/near it are the Brahmaputra, Indus, Sutlej/ Saraswati and Karnali (tributary to Ganga). On the opposite end of the globe to Mt Kailash is a flat-land, the black mesa. Been searching the web, came across an interesting picture in the following link showing Kailash as Axis Mundi, like the north pole, with tunnels underground and currents aerially. Sharing.

      Another interesting read is this one, suggesting the black mesa as the root chakra and kailash as the crown chakra!
      Here is the link:

      Do let me know what you think of it. Hope you don't mind my curiousness, but i certainly would like to share my views/ good reads/ blogs etc on the topics mentioned in your blog!

    6. Hi buddy.. it seems improbable that Meru would actually refer to Kailash since the descriptions of the Varshas on Jambudweep clearly mention it as being in the Ilavrit varsha which is separated from BHARAT-Varsh by two other landmasses called the Kimpurush Varsha and Hari Varsha..

    7. Hmm, you certainly have more knowledge on the subject! So can't oppose what you say ;) Seems like the Aryans having an arctic home has its points. Admiral Byrd had (as they say) met the Master of Arianni (Aryani) at the North Pole after all! :) Must be heavenly there, with the aurora borealis and all, and there's no questioning that!

      Adding you on Facebook to keep myself better informed on the subjects discussed by you! Suggesting some topics you could post more on:
      The Saptarishi and the seven Archangels
      Pyramids and tunnels under the earth
      The fibonnachi series and sanskrit texts
      Time travel
      Please keep posting!

    8. Haha thanx a ton for the vote of confidence! Shall try to keep up to the expectations :)

  84. its awesome ..... this information must to spread to all over the world for world peace , all divine powers are the same . that upto some extent u prove, even i eager to know the connection between mount meru and door of heaven , according to vedas ...if possible ...

  85. hi kelly ,
    one fact is that hitler accept that he was from aryan race , but he never follow aryan religion . till to last of his breath he never says any thing about aryan god .and even he use reverse swastik symbol

  86. Too good Vineet... simply awsome... I was listening Bhagvad geeta in that Shree Krishna Said "In parvata he is the Sumeru" n I just google about the Sumeru. Now I feel u given all details very deep but may be a lot to search yet...

  87. Hi Vineet an Awesome post with a lot of insight into ancient Vedic Cosmology but one thought comes in my mind that presently we are all in human incarnation and are thinking of Universe from Human's point of view. Our ancients personified the cosmic powers and we today's humans influenced by geology and materiel science are forced to think of everything as containing within this planet earth. So that's why we try to restrict the teachings to the point till the human understanding goes. As you have mentioned Meru as Pole axis, but couldn't it be so that Mount Meru may be the other one which you yourself mentioned in the article above that ancient scriptures described Meru as Universe's axis Mundi around which all Cosmos and Suns revolve. It's only through your some other post I came to know that our Galaxy's stars revolve around a big BLACK HOLE and if you notice the properties of that big black hole that it swallows the stars and reflect the light upwards around which entire stars of Galaxy revolve. So can't it be that the light of the Black hole around which the entire galactic stars are revolving including our sun be mount Meru. We as Humans may require landmass and gravity to exist but the same may not apply to Gods who live on the top of mount Sumeru? It's just my another set of interpretation. What's your view about it? I will be interested to know your views about my point of view. Thanks for giving your insight on Mount Meru, it was helpful.

    1. Hi there I like that you are thinking on these lines!! I wish more and more people start thinking scientifically abt the principles mentioned in our scriptures.. coming to your point, the black hole in the center of the galaxy could act as meru but only for the stars and planets in our own galaxy whereas the doppler studies have shown that our earth is most probably the center of the ENTIRE Universe! Also, there are many instances where human Kings and Rishis have been mentioned as visiting Meru and meditating there which I believe would be possible only if it's on Earth since nothing living or non-living could survive at or near the black hole.. hope that helps :)

    2. Well may be Human Kings and Rishis which our ancients have spoken about their visits to Meru may have done it in their cosmic bodies or astral bodies, we have masterpieces written by Prabhupada (Easy Journey to other planets) and work of many theosophists who by their clairvoyance gives many insights about the same issue.
      I happened to read the works of G.De Purucker a famous theosophist who writes that the stars and Sun, Planets which we see are actually the living entities just like humans it's only that they have advanced in their spiritual progress and incarnated as Sun emitting their light of their own which we Humans see as sunlight and starlight. We have many stories of Surya Deva getting her daughter married and all. We find an astounding symmetry in the life of devas which our puranic texts tell and the physical life of stars. It's difficult to imagine but it may contain truth. We never know what actually lies beyond. Brahma may be a cosmic body of some Jiva reincarnated as Universe who has progressed by far in his journey towards absolute. Just like inside our body there are so many cells, living organisms and pores (opening to outside world) same way we may have planets, galaxies (forming a cell) and black hole (opening to formless world) who knows??
      I have enjoyed a lot all of your posts, you are doing a noble job of educating the people about their ancient texts and cultures, we all are proud of you.
      Regards, Jazz

    3. Dear Jazz, am humbled by your kind words and thankful for your insights. You are right about the spiritual advancement of the Devas but there is a difference between the guardian deity of a planet/star and the planet itself.. Surya is the reigning deity of the Star Sun but does not imply he is the star himself.. I do believe the Black Hole does open to another world and have mentioned it in the post Black Holes and Bhagvatam.. I have also mentioned in the same post that Meru points towards the galactic center where Dhruv Loka is.. the co-ordinates of Meru are on Earth itself according to my analysis.

  88. Very intriguing piece of write up..congrats. I have recently started taking interest in mythology,religion and its uncanny connection with recent theories regarding the earth and the universe,the parallel world I suppose as u mentioned in your write up.i was just wondering if dere could b any link between your write up abt the merus and
    existence of a life inside the earth and(and that the earth is hollow)

    1. Thanx Shoumi :) yes i have read about that theory but more than Meru I would say it may have a relation with the subterranean Lokas especially of the Nagas that our scriptures tell us.. what are your views on this?

    2. Vineet sorry to interrupt in your post, I am Jazz. Would love to have your views on Hollow Earth too, as it has been claimed that an advanced Civilization is dwelling inside our earth. In our Puranic texts it is also mentioned that Narada visited some pataal (don't remember the exact name of pataal) where he mentions that the place is more beautiful than heaven and it's lighted by the Gold the people inhabiting that part of earth lives a life equivalent to Devas. We also find the mention of Shambala in Tibetan culture believing in the same thing. Can that be true?

    3. Dear Jazz please check the post on Lokas to understand the concept of Patal or the Underworld..

  89. One more query vineet .in the write up you mentioned that the HIMALAYAS not even existed ..only may b the Alps..but in hindu mythology himalaya is known to be the abode of lord shiva..

    1. Thats a valid question and one I have thought abt as well.. please check the post on Lokas for a definitive answer :)

  90. This is an interesting piece of information vineet from ramayana..its all so perplexing isnt it???more we search into the past more intriguing it becomes

    1. Yeah that's the beauty of it :) did u check my post on Lokas for the doubt on Himalayas?

  91. Very interesting. Since a week, I was researching on this topic and found the article very useful! I shall share my research work once I reach some conclusions. thanks for the wonderful write-up!

    1. i think if you draw the magnetic lines of force across the globe then you can see the invisible mount meru on the poles of the earth. inverted on both the poles as mentioned in our scriptures. and the unique magnetic feilds may be the reason of the sprituality level at these places.
      please confirm the dimensions of mount meru comparing it with the range across which the earth's magnetic field streaches.

      please let me know about your findings on this issue on my email friendlko@gmail.com

  92. Well its a good hypothesis but doesn't really match with the dimensions of Meru. Also, the magnetic pole is different from the geographical pole and keeps changing position regularly over thousands of years.. it is unlikely that Meru would be based on something that temporary for it gives the locations upto Brahma-Loka and since Brahma's lifetime runs in trillions of years it seems all the more difficult to believe that he keeps changing his Loka along with the change of Earth's magnetic pole!

  93. hi Dr. vineet,
    Happy to read your blogs.Have some doubts. If north pole was land before 10k years and its indeed heaven. Then as per your and some other scholars writings Mahabharata and Krishna era happened in 3k BCE which is well after north pole became ice. So then in which heaven Yudhistir went alive(sa-deha) which is written in Mahabharata?

    1. Hi Nikhs, you got me wrong, North Pole was not heaven but a gateway to Heaven for it indicated the invisible axis of Meru and pointed towards the Heavens.. Yudhishthir on the other hand, climbed the Himalayas and was met there by Indra's charioteer who took him away in his space-ship.. He didn't come all the way to the pole possibly because it was already submerged in the waters by then.

  94. I have lived 12 years in sweden and a Holy Man from Himachal used to come on an annual pilgrimage claiming that Hindu Gods lived there on the north Pole once.( Sorry I do not recollect his name though I tried searching on google).

  95. Hi Vineet,

    Many times i have read about Samudra manthan. Do you have any scientific reason for Samudra Manthan ?

    1. Haven't really got around to figure it out but has to be some celestial event of far-reaching consequences! Shall give it a thought and update you as soon as I figure.


    being described as 84,000 Yojan high (which is around 1,082,000 km (672,000 mi), or 85 times the Earths's diameter), and having the Sun along with all its planets in the Solar System revolve around it as one unit.

    One Yojana can be taken to mean about 11.5 km (9 mi) though its magnitude seems to differ over time periods. E.g. the Earth's circumference is 3,200 Yojanas according to Vārāhamihira and slightly less so in the Āryabhatiya, but is given to be 5,026.5 Yojanas in the Suryasiddhānta. The Matsya Purana and the Bhāgvata Purāna along with some other Hindu texts consistently give the height of 84,000 Yojanas to Mount Meru which translates into 672,000 miles or 1.082 million kilometers.

    1. Well worm holes are still a theoretical concept but yeah could be possible. Thanx for sharing :)

  97. Good work...... tonnes of information.......... let God bless you with more perception........

  98. It is really fascinating and interesting blog to read with good comparison. Bot don't forget, our modern map on globe is not same as it was long years back. So exact location would be tempered.

    1. Of course the location may be off by a little but irrespective of how the map has changed, the north would still remain the north :)

  99. No need to publish the comment. This is to let you know of the similarities.

    Ares is the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera.

    According to Homer he was not in good terms with Zeus and Hera. He was shown as being in humiliating situations.

    Ares fought for Hector in Trojan war.

    His weapon is spear.
    Achiless dies shot in the ankle at the end of this war.

    (Bellerophon's grandsons fought the Trojan war. Bellerophon rides Pegasus, the winged horse.)

    Skanda/Murugan/Karthikeya is the god of war and son of Shiva/Mahadev and Parvati

    Skanda got angry at his parents and went away from home after he was humiliated in a game between him and Ganesha.

    Skanda fought for Banasura against Krishna and Balarama in the fight for Usha of Tezpur. Usha in Sanskrit means dawn. Helen means shining light.

    Weapon of Skanda is spear or Vel.
    Krishna dies shot in the ankle shortly after this war.

    (Bali's son was Banasura. Bali rides Uchchaihshravas the winged horse, which he took from Indra.)

    Brhaspati was lord of Jupiter and his wife was Tara.

    Brhaspati is the teacher of Indra (thunder bolt god) and Devas.

    Chandra (Soma) or Moon god had an affair with Tara and had a son Budha (lord of Mercury).

    Budha later founds out his mother affair and becomes an enemy of Chandra or Moon.

    There was a war between Jupiter and Moon. Shukra (lord of Venus and guru of Asuras) came to fight on Moon's side and hence the Asuras too joined Moon's side. Indra and Devas came to fight on Jupiter's side. Fearing the world is going to end, Brahma intervened and called for peace.

    Chandra gives the child Budha to Rohini and Krittika, two of his wives, to raise.

    Budha or Mercury marries Ila. Ila is a transgender who changes sex and as a man she is called Sudyumna.

    Transgender people uses planet Mercury as a symbol.

    Dionysus is called a false man. He is said to have 2 mothers. Father is Zeus. Dionysus holds a thyrsus, grapevine. He is shown riding chariot, usually by exotic beasts such as lions or tigers

    Budha holds a sceptre and lotus and rides a carpet or an eagle or a chariot drawn by lions. Blessing of Budha is said to be good for song-writers, wine-tasters, and any profession concerned to discuss matters of love, wealth, sensual pleasures, art, music and beauty.

  100. How will you determine which is really North and South Pole. There is no real reference in the sky. In the south pole there is a huge continent Antartica. There is also mention of an sunken land Kumari Kandam connecting Indian and Antartica, where most scriptures were written.

    1. It is simple really.. the North Pole is where the Dhruv Star lies and the references are from people who were on Earth not wandering in the sky :) Kumari Kandam has been mentioned in the Tamil Sangam literature but an analysis of the Vedas reveals an Arctic origin

  101. Awesome research, please keep posting. I would love to keep reading.

  102. Mount Meru is described as 84,000 Yojan high (which is around 1,082,000 km (672,000 mi), or 85 times the Earth’s diameter), and having the Sun along with all its planets in the Solar System revolve around it as one unit.
    How does sun revolve around axis of earth as a unit?

    1. I have already mentioned that in the post.. at the pole sun and the stars don't rise in the east and set in the west instead follow a circular route in the sky which is exactly what is supposed to happen in the case of Meru.

    2. Then how do you mention the seven concentric oceans that surround Mt. Meru?

    3. Those seven oceans don't surround Meru they surround Jambudweep which is the landmass on Earth. It is a hint towards the arrangement of other planets like Earth that exist in the Madhya Loka. Most probably their arrangement in the Universe is such that they lie in different directions surrounding Earth. Please read the post on Lokas for what Madhya Loka is.

  103. An exceptional work by a profoundly eloquent person, the bad part, I came across it post four years. But better late then never;). The research is amazing enough to astound not only the one's who are interested but the ignorant ones too.
    I have read this description of Gods residing on the north pole in Valmiki Ramayan and that's why Kishkindha Kaand surprises me the most. When Sugreeve sends his army personnels to all four directions, his knowledge will take anyone aback with the near perfect geographical of this globe. My second book of the Ram-Janki series elaborates the detailing with regards to it.
    Though there are quite a few differences, if going through Valmiki Ramayan only, the abode of Indra and Kuber are both based near Kailash, Amravati being around Tibet or upwards(a plausibility of another dimension can't be discarded).
    Whatever, only काल/time knows the actual, we see what we observe and that is what here is. My best regards.

    1. Thank you Rohit.. Actually I found a lot of contradictions in the texts as given in Ramayan and as mentioned in the Brahmanas.. number of scholars believe Meru is actually near Tibet as I mentioned in the beginning of the article but the elaborate descriptions do not match that possibility..
      Thanx again for writing :)

  104. Amazing...I never thought i would actually read so much at a strech with out a frowning..
    God bless you..Keep shining..��

  105. Also deva day is said to be equal to 1 human year which fits really well in this theory of Deva Loka at North pole and having 6 months of day and 6 months of night making it a complete day equivalent to Human year.

  106. What about information on hunuman g flew many yojans to Lanka .. is it Sri lanka, if it is the same, how much old is the setu bandh and it's dist as compared to that period of time from now ...
    is the nasa image between india and srilanka of bridge like something is the setu bandh that submerged in the ocean.
    according to me it's not the setu bandh (nasa image b/w india & srilanka), bacause that stones as depicted in Ramayan can't submerge.
    1. what is the dist between india and lanka given in Ramayan ? is it the same dist. as compared to actual dist now?
    2. what is the position of lanka that time on world map
    3. from above questions how much old is story of Ramayan... from scriptures and from scientific calculation based on these evidences

    1. Of course it is the same Lanka as of today! The distance can not be same since it has been thousands of years since this event happened and the sea levels have changed since then. The stones of Rama's Setu can not drown but they can get submerged for sure. Please check the post on Rama for rest of the answers.

  107. This is certainly one of my favorite blogs from your work!
    Interestingly there are a few more aspects related to this ... research by Ellis Silver that talks about an opening at North Pole to another world etc. that can further be linked as most recent.
    Do let us know if you have more information on this as well as your views

    1. Good to know that! Havent heard about this do share some link if you have :)

  108. Hi Vineet thanks for sharing.
    I been researching sumare perbet and found incredibly fascinating. Found a book where it tell exactly how many miles it is away. I would like to speak you and discuss.

  109. Thanks for sharing exceptional work

  110. Vineet sir...kiya yeh sub apni aankhon se dhek sakte hai means yeh sab gods.....i know itz a crazy question but plz throws some light on it.......

    1. Well my dear unfortunately, its next to impossible today to spend time at the North Pole because of the sub-zero temperatures. If by any chance we manage to withstand the weather it would still not be possible for an ordinary human to meet Kuber or his Yakshas since the whole purpose of their being there is to avoid contact from the mortals.

  111. Hi Dr. Vineet very thorough research and fascinating one. thanks for writing this article.

    BTW, I urge you to move to some mobile friendly template to increase your visitors :)


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